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UAVCAN. VTOL Attitude Control


Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
CANNODE_BITRATE (INT32) UAVCAN CAN bus bitrate 20000 > 1000000  
CANNODE_NODE_ID (INT32) UAVCAN Node ID Comment: Read the specs at http: //uavcan. org to learn more about Node ID. 1 > 125  
ESC_BITRATE (INT32) UAVCAN CAN bus bitrate 20000 > 1000000  
ESC_NODE_ID (INT32) UAVCAN Node ID Comment: Read the specs at http: //uavcan. org to learn more about Node ID. 1 > 125  
UAVCAN_BITRATE (INT32) UAVCAN CAN bus bitrate Reboot required: true 20000 > 1000000 bit/s
UAVCAN_ENABLE (INT32) UAVCAN mode Comment: 0 - UAVCAN disabled. 1 - Enables support for UAVCAN sensors without dynamic node ID allocation and firmware update. 2 - Enables support for UAVCAN sensors with dynamic node ID allocation and firmware update. 3 - Enables support for UAVCAN sensors and actuators with dynamic node ID allocation and firmware update. Also sets the motor control outputs to UAVCAN. Values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Sensors Manual Config
  • 2: Sensors Automatic Config
  • 3: Sensors and Actuators (ESCs) Automatic Config
Reboot required: true
0 > 3  
UAVCAN_ESC_IDLT (INT32) UAVCAN ESC will spin at idle throttle when armed, even if the mixer outputs zero setpoints Reboot required: true    
UAVCAN_NODE_ID (INT32) UAVCAN Node ID Comment: Read the specs at http: //uavcan. org to learn more about Node ID. Reboot required: true 1 > 125  

VTOL Attitude Control

Name Description Min > Max (Incr. ) Default Units
VT_ARSP_BLEND (FLOAT) Transition blending airspeed Comment: Airspeed at which we can start blending both fw and mc controls. Set to 0 to disable. 0. 00 > 30. 00 (1) 8. 0 m/s
VT_ARSP_TRANS (FLOAT) Transition airspeed Comment: Airspeed at which we can switch to fw mode 0. 00 > 30. 00 (1) 10. 0 m/s
VT_B_DEC_MSS (FLOAT) Approximate deceleration during back transition Comment: The approximate deceleration during a back transition in m/s/s Used to calculate back transition distance in mission mode. A lower value will make the VTOL transition further from the destination waypoint. 0. 00 > 20. 00 (1) 2. 0 m/s/s
VT_B_REV_DEL (FLOAT) Delay in seconds before applying back transition throttle Set this to a value greater than 0 to give the motor time to spin down Comment: unit s 0 > 10 (1) 0. 0  
VT_B_REV_OUT (FLOAT) Output on airbrakes channel during back transition Used for airbrakes or with ESCs that have reverse thrust enabled on a seperate channel Airbrakes need to be enables for your selected model/mixer 0 > 1 (0. 01) 0. 0  
VT_B_TRANS_DUR (FLOAT) Duration of a back transition Comment: Time in seconds used for a back transition 0. 00 > 20. 00 (1) 4. 0 s
VT_B_TRANS_RAMP (FLOAT) Back transition MC motor ramp up time Comment: This sets the duration during which the MC motors ramp up to the commanded thrust during the back transition stage. 0. 0 > 20. 0 3. 0 s
VT_B_TRANS_THR (FLOAT) Target throttle value for the transition to hover flight. standard vtol: pusher tailsitter, tiltrotor: main throttle Comment: Note for standard vtol: For ESCs and mixers that support reverse thrust on low PWM values set this to a negative value to apply active breaking For ESCs that support thrust reversal with a control channel please set VT_B_REV_OUT and set this to a positive value to apply active breaking -1 > 1 (0. 01) 0. 0  
VT_DWN_PITCH_MAX (FLOAT) Maximum allowed down-pitch the controller is able to demand. This prevents large, negative lift values being created when facing strong winds. The vehicle will use the pusher motor to accelerate forward if necessary 0. 0 > 45. 0 5. 0  
VT_ELEV_MC_LOCK (INT32) Lock elevons in multicopter mode Comment: If set to 1 the elevons are locked in multicopter mode    
VT_FWD_THRUST_SC (FLOAT) Fixed wing thrust scale for hover forward flight Comment: Scale applied to fixed wing thrust being used as source for forward acceleration in multirotor mode. This technique can be used to avoid the plane having to pitch down a lot in order to move forward. Setting this value to 0 (default) will disable this strategy. 0. 0 > 2. 0 0. 0  
VT_FW_ALT_ERR (FLOAT) Adaptive QuadChute Comment: Maximum negative altitude error for fixed wing flight. If the altitude drops below this value below the altitude setpoint the vehicle will transition back to MC mode and enter failsafe RTL. 0. 0 > 200. 0 0. 0  
VT_FW_DIFTHR_EN (INT32) Differential thrust in forwards flight Comment: Set to 1 to enable differential thrust in fixed-wing flight. 0 > 1  
VT_FW_DIFTHR_SC (FLOAT) Differential thrust scaling factor Comment: This factor specifies how the yaw input gets mapped to differential thrust in forwards flight. 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 1) 0. 1  
VT_FW_MIN_ALT (FLOAT) QuadChute Altitude Comment: Minimum altitude for fixed wing flight, when in fixed wing the altitude drops below this altitude the vehicle will transition back to MC mode and enter failsafe RTL 0. 0 > 200. 0 0. 0  
VT_FW_MOT_OFFID (INT32) The channel number of motors that must be turned off in fixed wing mode 0 > 12345678 (1)  
VT_FW_PERM_STAB (INT32) Permanent stabilization in fw mode Comment: If set to one this parameter will cause permanent attitude stabilization in fw mode. This parameter has been introduced for pure convenience sake.    
VT_FW_QC_P (INT32) QuadChute Max Pitch Comment: Maximum pitch angle before QuadChute engages Above this the vehicle will transition back to MC mode and enter failsafe RTL 0 > 180  
VT_FW_QC_R (INT32) QuadChute Max Roll Comment: Maximum roll angle before QuadChute engages Above this the vehicle will transition back to MC mode and enter failsafe RTL 0 > 180  
VT_F_TRANS_DUR (FLOAT) Duration of a front transition Comment: Time in seconds used for a transition 0. 00 > 20. 00 (1) 5. 0 s
VT_F_TRANS_THR (FLOAT) Target throttle value for the transition to fixed wing flight. standard vtol: pusher tailsitter, tiltrotor: main throttle 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01) 1. 0  
VT_F_TR_OL_TM (FLOAT) Airspeed less front transition time (open loop) Comment: The duration of the front transition when there is no airspeed feedback available. 1. 0 > 30. 0 6. 0 seconds
VT_IDLE_PWM_MC (INT32) Idle speed of VTOL when in multicopter mode 900 > 2000 (1) us
VT_MOT_COUNT (INT32) VTOL number of engines 0 > 8 (1)  
VT_PSHER_RMP_DT (FLOAT) Defines the time window during which the pusher throttle will be ramped up linearly to VT_F_TRANS_THR during a transition to fixed wing mode. Zero or negative values will produce an instant throttle rise to VT_F_TRANS_THR ? > 20 (0. 01) 3. 0  
VT_TILT_FW (FLOAT) Position of tilt servo in fw mode 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01) 1. 0  
VT_TILT_MC (FLOAT) Position of tilt servo in mc mode 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01) 0. 0  
VT_TILT_TRANS (FLOAT) Position of tilt servo in transition mode 0. 0 > 1. 0 (0. 01) 0. 3  
VT_TRANS_MIN_TM (FLOAT) Front transition minimum time Comment: Minimum time in seconds for front transition. 0. 0 > 20. 0 2. 0 s
VT_TRANS_P2_DUR (FLOAT) Duration of front transition phase 2 Comment: Time in seconds it should take for the rotors to rotate forward completely from the point when the plane has picked up enough airspeed and is ready to go into fixed wind mode. 0. 1 > 5. 0 (0. 01) 0. 5 s
VT_TRANS_TIMEOUT (FLOAT) Front transition timeout Comment: Time in seconds after which transition will be cancelled. Disabled if set to 0. 0. 00 > 30. 00 (1) 15. 0 s
VT_TYPE (INT32) VTOL Type (Tailsitter=0, Tiltrotor=1, Standard=2) Values:
  • 0: Tailsitter
  • 1: Tiltrotor
  • 2: Standard
0 > 2  
WV_GAIN (FLOAT) Weather-vane roll angle to yawrate Comment: The desired gain to convert roll sp into yaw rate sp. 0. 0 > 3. 0 (0. 01) 1. 0 1/s

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