P623. Coding principle for a concept
P623. Coding principle for a concept The active meaning of a concept is the entire content of this concept. The meaning of a concept can be represented in the form of a rule of implication: " if the name of a concept, then the active meaning. " This is a rule for coding the meaning of a concept, which is always and necessary a unit of the speech language of the mind. This rule is a specific concept. (3. 12. 8. ) 623
A similar principle exists for the brief sense of the concept, where the short meaning of the concept is the content of the core (the core includes the processes of object attributes and the name). A brief meaning of the concept is enough for recognition, but not enough for thinking and intuition.
A similar principle exists for any representation, since it has both its active name and its active meaning.
P624. The principle of the speech reflex Active speech coding programs are: concepts, their sensitive features, the core, as well as the core of the presentation. The reaction of such a program is a speech reflex. (3. 12. 8. ) 624 The main sensitive speech element of the mind is the name of the concept. P625. The principle of broad speech correspondence of a name The name of a concept necessarily corresponds to its subject, and its meaning, and the same-name feature of any concept, and the meaning of this feature, and the same name of the representation, and the meaning of this representation, and the same name of the object in consciousness, and the term of the same name, and the objective meaning of this term. And this is the main condition for human speech activity. (3. 12. 8. ) 625 P626 The name of an object in logical operations and communications replaces the meaning of the concept or representation of the same name. (3. 12. 8. ) 626 Reasonable speech perception, thinking and intuition without the names of concepts is completely impossible. Then it is no different from the intellectual activity of chimpanzees. And if you compare the amount of data for the name of an object and its concept of the same name, you get one in a thousand, or even more. Thus, we are once again returning to the famous idea of Hegel, formulated in the form of the principle of verbal thinking (75).
What is a unit of active speech language? - It's a concept. This is also an idea, but the latter is characteristic only of a child mastering speech. P627. The principle of an individual speech language Since every concept is always and necessarily a unit of an active speech language, then all concepts of the mind of a person always and necessarily constitute his individual active speech language. (3. 12. 8. ) 627 Everything is very simple. And the language of every person is determined only by the content of his concepts. So, willingly or unwillingly, we naturally speak our individual languages.
This difference is especially noticeable in the scientific community, for example, the language of a scientist in one branch of science is very different from the language of a scientist in another branch. And the philosophers of different schools speak their own languages, which are so different that a conversation between two philosophers of different schools is more absurd than a dialogue. The main thing is that each person creates all his concepts himself. Not teachers and mentors, but himself. All educators should know this.
The topic of active speech language is very simple. Everything here should be clear even to a fifth grade student (pioneer Nikolai). And it cannot be said that little is said here that is new and true. Rather enough. However, even today this topic is very “slippery” for philosophers, psychologists, and cyberneticists alike. But after all, one must first know the true structure of the concept, before so soon to reveal the secrets of human speech. And, not knowing the true essence of the concept, we can say that the unit of the speech language is the word. Not. Active speech language is a real, concrete subject. Each person has his own specific active individual speech language, which is based only on his personal and unique concepts and ideas. With each new concept and representation, the specific language of a person also changes. And this particular object, like no other, is an essential component of the human person. After all, a person rationally perceives and thinks on the basis of his personal concepts and ideas, that is, on the basis of his personal language.
In addition to an active speech language, a person also speaks emotional and figurative languages. There are many languages. For example, the language of mathematics has its own system of rules.
There are also passive languages. For example, the Russian language exists both in the active form of concepts and representations, and in the passive form of texts.
P628. The principle of passive speech language The unit of a passive written speech language is a passive rule: " if a term, then its definition. " A dash is a sign of correspondence between the left and right parts of the passive rule. (3. 12. 8. ) 628
In general, everything is as easy as shelling pears here, but how much nonsense has been written on this topic! And by whom? Luminaries! 2010-02-11
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