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P616. The principle of the origin of the concept

P616. The principle of the origin of the concept

 All the cores of concepts arise only and necessarily from the cores of ideas. For this, the mind creates the attributes of a concept, consisting of two parts and having their own names, from the basic features of the core of representation. The mind does the same from the name of the representation. The second parts of the attributes and the name form a core rule that operates in two directions. (3. 12. 5. ) 616


Actually, here we quite accidentally described the emergence from the representation not only of the core of the concept, but also of the concept itself.


Accidental is not accidental



Lecture 17

For a meditating soul, ideas seem to replace sensations.






• Concept examples

• The content of a concept is its structure

•The power of a word

• Concept

• The mind creates concepts only in the process of thinking

• Association is the basis of thinking


Examples of the concept are separate ones of the same name with the concept of representation. They are active by nature, because they have their own sensitive names, but they are much simpler than concepts, because they do not have other sensitive signs. All representations, as a rule, are included in the content of the concepts of the same name as examples.


Why is this happening? Only for the reason that the name of the concept is the same as the name of the representation of the same name. But the name of the concept is much stronger than the name of the representation of the same name and its reflex is more significant than the reflex of the name of the representation.



All representations that have concepts of the same name, as a rule, are included in the content of concepts of the same name as examples. They are always subordinate to their concepts of the same name. Subordination is observed here, otherwise all concepts and ideas will act simultaneously, which is tantamount to chaos in the mind. (3. 12. 6. ) 617


What is a performance? This is a one-off experience. We can say that a performance is a kind of already fixed photograph of a specific object in a specific situation, on which the name of the object is written, and an impression is a fixed photograph, but only without an inscription.

P413. The principle of presentation

Representation is a unit of experience. This is the fact of the existence of a specific object in a specific situation, interpreted by thinking. All new ideas about perceived objects only and necessarily arise in the process of thinking from impressions. Any idea necessarily has its active name, obtained in the process of thinking. (3. 6. 3. ) 413


Own ideas are the units of their own experience. Perception is a fluid representation of reality, and the representations that have arisen from it are not. Indeed, according to Heraclitus's views, " everything perceptible flows, but there is no knowledge about it. " (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 79)


Acquired representations are units of acquired experience.


Ideal representations are units of creative experience. In any case, all representations are units of experience. The main thing in human experience is that he borrows most of it from the experience of other people.



 Any representation has its own active sensitive name sign and core. In this respect, it is midway between concept and impression.



Representation is a necessary intermediate subject (link) on the path of the emergence of a concept. It, like a concept, has its own sensitive name and core. The reflex of the presentation begins only with the reflex of his name.

                                                                                                    (3. 12. 6. ) 618

  Any concept arises only from representation. After repeated but successful use of a certain idea by the mind, it is reinforced each time. The Law of Strengthening is inevitable here. And if there are a lot of cases of the mind turning to representation, then the mind in thinking turns the often demanded representation into a concept. To do this, the mind uses a frequently used (strong) representation, and creates from the basic features of its core thesensitive object features of a new concept. After that, from its core, it creates the core of the concept. Let it work by itself (automatically), and not distract the attention of the mind every time (and for a long time). After all, the automatic operation of a concept is hundredths of a second, when thinking is already minutes. And it is not known how it will end.   


This is the normal daily work of the mind, as the mind has to create many concepts. After all, the automatic activity of concepts in perception and thinking is a thousand times faster than the activity of representations. After all, perception by means of representations involves the participation of the thought process (manual thinking). The mind facilitates and makes its activity more successful only by creating a large number of concepts.



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