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P621 Duality principle of term

P621 Duality principle of term

 The first meaning of the term is that it is an informational speech sign of the designated object. The second meaning of the term is that it is a material speech sign of the designated object and the carrier of the corresponding information sign. (3. 12. 8. ) 621


There is a wide variety of items of the same name. All things that exist are objects. The name of the concept simultaneously denotes many different objects of the same name. They are: an object of the same name, a term, an image of an object, the action of an object, the relationship of an object with another, a representation of the same name, a feature of the same name, a feature of a concept of the same name.


P622. The principle of the power of words

 The name of an object in logical operations can replace any image, action, relation, representation, the concept itself, the feature of the concept and the term of the same name. (3. 12. 8. ) 622


Almost any objects and actions can be easily labeled, the main thing is that they have their own concepts and ideas.


 But to designate is one thing, but is it possible to express everything in words? It turns out that it is completely impossible to accurately express the building design in words. The same applies to the image and the piece of music. And emotions are difficult to express in words.

There is a big difference between naming and verbalizing individual objects. For example, we are able to accurately describe a portrait of a person, but close your eyes and... darkness. Concepts will easily give you the names of the signs of any object, but not its image. Is it clear what this is about?



Man thinks both in images and in words. But more in words. This reduces the time for solving problems of human activity by a thousand times. And in a difficult task, a person often even pronounces his thought aloud. Well, just like a three-year-old. And even if he is silent, the speech component of his thought still arrives at the vocal cords in the form of weak, " inhibited" impulses. The essence of the usefulness of the names of objects is that they, in the logical operations of thinking, are a thousand times more convenient than the images of the designated objects themselves.


P75. The principle of verbal thinking. (Hegel's idea)

 Thinking in the names of objects is a thousand times more economical than thinking in the meanings of the concepts of the same name. What is the necessary basis for the emergence of both speech and mind. (1. 5. 0. ) 75


For the first time this phenomenon was studied by Hegel: “When pronouncing the name“ lion ”we do not need either contemplation of that animal, or even its image, but its name, as we understand it, is an ugly, simple idea. We think in terms of names. The word, as sounding, disappears in time. " (Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 3. M., " Thought" 1977. р. 302)


Words in communications are no less important than they are in perception and thinking. It is thanks to words that a person is able to transmit and receive millions of times more information than any other animal. That is why a person forms the main part of concepts from hearsay.



The language of science requires precision. So, the terms should be distinguished: " name", " concept name", " object name" and " term". The ambiguity of the term is especially important. The exact meanings of terms are a disaster for any science, so scientific terminology must strive for its absolute accuracy. " The language of science requires that the phenomenon under study (system, process) be described at an exact level that does not allow for fundamental discrepancies. " (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 114)

In general, the name of an object is an informational entity that exists in consciousness, and a term is a material sign of an object that exists outside of consciousness. Parmenides was the first to say this:

 “Mortals have decided so: to name two forms,

There should not be one of them - and this is their delusion. "

So maybe today who will hear this truth, which is two and a half thousand years old?


Concepts and representations necessarily form an active speech language of the mind. After all, what is an active language? - This is a single active system for coding meanings.


The active core is the active short meaningof the recognized object. The meaning of an object is not stored in the object, but in its concept.


An active concept is the active meaning of an object. This is the consciousness of the subject. And the consciousness of an object is its understanding. This is the correspondence of all knowledge of a concept to its subject. Please distinguish discrimination from understanding.


Active association is the active broad sense of the subject of the central concept of association. Here, related concepts contribute to the expansion of the meaning of the subject. Those who asked the main concept of the association " what's the matter? ".  They themselves came to the rescue and asked.


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