First factor of the association
The first factor of association is the mind's voluntary attention to the problematic concept or representation. The mind has two centers of attention. This has already been covered. These are logical controls. However, only one of these centers governs the formation of the association. It is the center of voluntary attention. When a person thinks about something, the subject of thought is in the center of attention of the organ of voluntary attention. Usually such a subject is an existing performance. Then all control of the perception of the external situation is taken over by the center of involuntary attention. When a person thinks about something, and the object of thought is in the field of vision, then such thinking is called contemplation. Then the object of thought is the image of a directly perceived object. In any case, the subject of thought should be in the spotlight for a long time. Attention is a high priority of an object in the process of perception or thinking, it is a special quality of the processes of its perception or thinking. And this priority is given to it by attention controls (attention centers). Be careful, because the center of attention is both the highest priority of the thought or perceived object in consciousness, and the governing body that assigns this highest priority.
The concept in the process of recognizing its subject works instantly. A few hundredths of a second is enough for a concept to react to the image of “its” object in perception or thinking. He would only be in the spotlight. Through such an instantaneous reaction of the concept, the mind knows that the object of perception is recognized. And if recognition of the image of the object of increased attention alone is not enough to solve a certain problem of the mind? Then the mind begins to investigate this image and construct a solution to the problem on its basis. It is similar to construction, where the imaginable image is only the foundation, and the house itself requires many structural elements that are not yet on the construction site. Nevertheless, this foundation is already brightly illuminated by the ray of attention.
Consciousness is not objectless, I am active knowledge in the form of concepts and representations that correspond to the subject of their active activity. And the subject of their vigorous activity is only the subject in the center of attention.
P637. The principle of the first factor of association The relatively prolonged attention of the mind to the image of an object turns it into an object of thought. (3. 13. 2. ) 637
SECOND FACTOR OF THE ASSOCIATION The second factor of association is the sensitive subject attributes of concepts. The similarity of some of the sensitive subject attributes of concepts with the attributes of the subject of association is the basis for the long-term activation of these subject attributes.
P638 In a long-awakened concept or representation, which is in the center of attention, all its signs are excited and thus these signs are objects for similar (like-named) sensitive signs of related concepts. It is this circumstance that is the reason for the prolonged reflexes of such sensitive signs of related concepts of association. (3. 13. 3. ) 638
The important thing here is that related notions of association are not in a state of complete arousal. They have only a few of the symptoms excited. Only those that are of the same name (similar) with signs of the central subject of the association. Every sign of a concept necessarily reacts to its own similar sign, albeit of someone else's object, which is in the center of attention. And this is necessary inherent in every feature of every concept. P639. The principle of partial activation of the concept Identical sensitive signs of different concepts themselves actively react to the same " own" sign of the object of perception or thinking. And this happens, regardless of whether this object is the subject of their concept, or not. (3. 13. 3. ) 639
This is an understandable action of any sensitive feature of any concept. After all, he does not determine the object of his concept itself, but only one of its signs (stimulus). It seems that nothing happened. The subject does not correspond to the concept, since there is not enough weight of active features for such a match. But it is precisely this long-term partial activation of the signs of relatedconcepts that is the necessary reason for the emergence of an association of related concepts. It seems a trifle, but it is on this “trifle” that all associations are based. It is on this that thinking and intuition must be based.
P640. The principle of the second factor of association Related concepts of association are not in a state of complete excitement, but only those sensitive signs that are of the same name with the excited signs of the central object of the association are excited. (3. 13. 3. ) 640
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