There are many separate concepts for which there are no concepts of the same name yet.
There are many separate concepts for which there are no concepts of the same name yet. There are also unprecedented representations, subjects of which do not even have analogous representations, and not even concepts. Nevertheless, any representation has its own sensitive name and a matrix of its supporting features that make up its core.
Psychology often confuses concept with representation. For example: “In psychology, a representation is usually called a generalized image, which is“ recorded ”in memory. The old, substantial understanding of the image as a kind of thing led to a substantial understanding and representation. This is a generalization resulting from the superposition of sensory imprints on each other, in the manner of Galton's photography, to which the word name is associated associatively. Although within the limits of such an understanding the possibility of transformation of ideas was admitted, they were nevertheless thought of as some " ready-made" formations stored in the warehouses of our memory. " (Leontiev A. N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Ch. 2 p. 2. ) But the fact that it has been assembled " in the manner of Galton's photography" is that the concept has already been collected, and not at all a representation. And it is collected from separate representations. And it really is a generalized experience, while a representation is only a specific experience. However, the accident is not accidental. Mistakes are never accidental. And the fact that there really is a generalized experience, although it is generalized only in concepts, directly indicates that all ideas are included in the content of their (concept of the same name) as examples. 2010-01-29
THE CONTENT OF THE CONCEPT IS ITS STRUCTURE Under a microscope, you can see not a concept, but only its physiological carrier (a system of neurons, a neural network). However, we already know many properties and elements of the concept that allow us to create its model. All concepts have an approximately similar structure, which clearly indicates the genetic characteristics of the structure of their material carrier. The cerebral cortex has a special structure of neurons. And the neurons are of a special type.
1. Sensitive subject features of a concept are separate active recognition programs focused on recognizing the features of images or the names of these features. In contrast to the intellectual skill of an animal, all the sensitive object signs of a human concept have their own sensitive names, which allows for speech perception, thinking and intuition. Each sensitive feature of a concept has its continuation in the core, therefore the subject feature of a concept can be represented as follows: subject feature = sensitive subject feature + core feature. From this, he was as one, and will remain so.
Fig. 1 The structure of the concept 2. The sensitive name sign of the concept (the concept name) is the first part of the concept name. It is an active program for determining a similar name for an object that exists in perception or in thinking. His reflex is sufficient to initiate the reflex of the core of the concept. A sensitive name sign of a concept has its continuation in the kernel, so the name of a concept can be represented as follows: concept name = sensitive name mark + kernel name. The reflex of the sensitive name sign of a concept always extends to its second part and vice versa.
3. The core of the concept. It contains the second part of the concept name and the second parts of its objective features. These active elements form two core rules.
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