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Lecture 18. ASSOCIATION. • Relationship of concepts and representations. • First factor of association. • Second factor of association

Lecture 18

The challenges of the modern world with all their inevitability require a new and perfect organization of human consciousness. Only a true, complete and systemic philosophical worldview is the basis of a perfect human intuition. Otherwise, he will turn into a slave of the device, which is equivalent to his degradation and death.


• Relationship of concepts and representations

• First factor of association

• Second factor of association

• The third factor of association

• The fourth factor of association

• Fifth factor of association

• Dialectical Law of Reason

• Thinking

• Intuition

• Insight

• Mind


Communication is two or more objects that form one system. An association is a link between concepts and perceptions. It arises and exists only when there are reasons and conditions for this connection.


Any association begins only with a specific task of the mind. For example, considering the mind of some idea. The logical organs of the mind quickly find the right representation by name. But this is not enough.

After all, what is a performance? - This is an information model of the subject of presentation in the form of an image and the supporting features and name given to it. This is enough only for recognition, but not for giving the subject of representation a broad meaning. This requires a much larger and much more meaningful model. For the construction of such a model, elements of the corresponding concepts and similar representations are quite suitable.

The ray of attention lingers for a long time on the problematic representation. He illuminates this performance as a construction site. All problematic representations (name, signs and image) become subjects for other concepts and representations. The subject of attention is the subject of thinking. This is not instantaneous perception, although something very similar.


  The subject of thinking is the subject of the activity of concepts. Identical sensitive signs of different concepts themselves actively react to the same " own" sign of the object of perception or thinking. And this happens, regardless of whether this object is the subject of their concept, or not.


  The object of thought, in contrast to the object of perception, is in a state of prolonged excitement due to prolonged attention. The latter is the reason for the prolonged excitation of the sensitive signs of concepts, the signs of which correspond to the supporting signs and the name of the presentation. This is how an association is formed.


     The subject of thought becomes the central subject of the association. He is   totally aroused.

His concept of the same name becomes the central concept of association. It is  fully excited, since its name and characteristics are fully consistent with the core  of the subject of the association. They switched on the reflex of the core of the central concept for a long time.

Other concepts, which have activated only those of their sensitive features that correspond to the features of the object and its name, become related concepts of association. In these concepts, only some of the features are active, but not the core.


Any association exists only as long as its central subject is in the spotlight. The transfer of attention to another subject is always associated with the emergence of a new association.


P635. The principle of the origin of the association

 When thinking of the image of a problematic subject, it is in the center of attention for a long time. Then some concepts that have some similar features (related concepts), similar to the features of the problem image, themselves manifest their activity. But not completely, but only by prolonged activation of some of its similar signs. This is the only way an association is formed. (3. 12. 10. ) 635


In any case, an association is formed only because a conceivable object is in the center of the mind's voluntary attention. It automatically forms around a conceivable object.



Association is the main and necessary condition for thinking. Thinking is necessary associative. (3. 13. 1. ) 636


In general, association is not a difficult subject to study. It is completely simple and straightforward. For example, the correct idea of ​ ​ association exists in Marxist philosophy. “ ASSOCIATION (from late Lat. Associato - connection) - in psychology - a connection formed under certain conditions between two or more mental formations (sensations, motor acts, perceptions, representations, ideas, etc. ); the action of this connection, the actualization of A. - consists in the fact that the appearance of one member of A. regularly leads to the appearance of another (others). The psychophysiological basis of A. is a conditioned reflex. " (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1989)

However, although this is correct, it is no more than a superficial judgment, since a correct and complete model of the concept is necessary for a correct and deep understanding of the association. Especially here a correct and complete model of hissensitive subject attribute is needed. And so far this is only in our philosophy.

Actually, for a similar reason, there are completely vague opinions about association in psychology and cybernetics.




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