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P654. Supplement to the dialectical Law of Reason

Stable connections and relationships between the terms of speech reflect the necessary connections and relationships of the objects of these terms in Being. And this phenomenon acts on the organization of concepts in the mind in the same way as the Dialectical Law of the Mind operates. The Law of Amplification is at work here.

P654. Supplement to the dialectical Law of Reason

Stably repeating combinations of perceived or conceivable terms are a necessary reason for a stable sequence of activation of the names of the corresponding concepts. The Law of Amplification is at work here.

                                                                                                           (3. 13. 7. ) 654



Why Thinking?

 First, all representations always arise from impressions and only in the processes of thinking. Only in the processes of thinking are they given active names.

Secondly, all concepts necessarily arise from their conceptions of the same name only in the processes of thinking. Only in the processes of thinking are they given sensitive object attributes and the rule of the nucleus.

Thirdly, the mind is the only mental system capable of carrying out preliminary activities. He realizes it by creating ideas-hypotheses of the possible development of this or that situation.

Fourthly, any reasonable action is the embodiment of some thought, which is the program of these actions.

 Fifth, any statement is a speech embodiment of thought. When we read Aristotle, we read his thoughts, frozen in texts for centuries.

Sixth, thinking is always a process of creating new knowledge.


P655. The law of thinking

 Thinking is the process of creating new knowledge. Thought is new knowledge created by the mind of the author of the thought. It does not matter here the form of the embodiment of his thoughts, since it can be a project of a building, or a fragment of a text, or a new piece of music and a program of reasonable actions, etc. (3. 13. 8. ) 655


However, thinking is impossible without association.


P656. Supplement to the law of thinking

 Association is a necessary segment of the mechanism of thinking. The need for association is to use in the thought process that circle of concepts and representations that have some similar attributes with the central subject of association. (3. 13. 8. ) 656


An association is a kind of building site where a piece of new knowledge is being built with the participation of concepts, representations and logical organs of the mind. All elements of the association are perfectly visible to the mind, which creates new knowledge through the thought process. And in this process, he is able to copy, transfer, construct thoughts, create concepts and representations, etc.

As Aristotle said: “For the thinking soul, perceptions, as it were, replace sensations. ... Sometimes with the help of images or thoughts in the soul, the mind, as if seeing with its eyes, reasons and makes decisions about the future, proceeding from the present. " (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. рр. 438 - 439. ) Golden words.


P19. The law of thinking (Aristotle's idea)

 Concepts and representations are the necessary foundations of thinking (internal consideration). The objects of the thinking process are existing impressions, representations and concepts. In this case, the subject of thinking is necessarily in the center of the voluntary attention of the mind. (1. 2. 7. ) 19


And since the thinking of the mind is verbal, then.


P75. The principle of verbal thinking (Hegel's idea)

Thinking in the names of objects is a thousand times more economical than thinking in the meanings of the concepts of the same name. What is the necessary basis for the emergence of both speech and mind. (1. 5. 0. ) 75


The tool of thinking is the logical organ of thinking, which has a large working memory, where some thought is formed from separate fragments of active association.

But thought is created in order to be used. Otherwise, why this thought? In particular, thoughts are used to change the content and logic of individual concepts and representations. Transferring voluntary attention from one concept or representation to another, the mind either copies, or removes, or adds something there.


P657. The law of thought

Thought is knowledge formed by a logical unit of thinking in its operative memory. It is represented by both figurative and speech elements.

                                                                                                  (3. 13. 8. ) 657

Data from any sensory system is used in thought. Any rules are used in thought. Any names are used in thought. Each subsequent state of thought is something added or removed by the mind. More precisely, its logical organ of thinking. More precisely, several mental organs, the place of which is in the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. More precisely, all this is mainly located in the tertiary sections of the frontal cortex (9, 10, 11, 46th Brodmann's fields).

Any speech thought is easily expressed by a person in oral or written form. Speech activity encompasses the entire mind, since the organs of speech activity are located in many parts of the cerebral cortex... But these are applied tasks of psychology.


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