P665. The law of the truth of meaning
P665. The law of the truth of meaning Correct intuitive meaning and intuitive conclusion (thought) always and necessarily requires true concepts. (3. 13. 9. ) 665
Without knowing how the association works, absolutely nothing definite can be said about intuition. However, we need true intuition. Scientists especially need it. And where can one get it, when their heads are half full of false stereotypes that do not allow true intuition? Then all that remains is the difficult conclusion associated with the abundant evidence. But it is not always true either, since false stereotypes always do their dirty work. And the thoughts of scientists must be true, otherwise false thoughts fall on paper, are published and spread all over the world like cockroaches.
What is the difference between meaning and thought? If the meaning of an object is concepts and representations that correspond to the object, then thought is knowledge about the object, obtained as a result of inference (thinking) and explaining the connection of the object with another. The place of meaning in concepts and representations is the place of thought in the operative memory of a logical organ
P666. The principle of four ways of origin of thought If the meaning is in concepts and representations, then the thought is always in the operative memory of the mind. Thought has several ways of arising. The first is in the process of inference. The second is from perceptions (experience). The third is from concepts (generalized experience). The fourth is from the association (extensive experience). (3. 13. 9. ) 666 Thought is already the meaning of the object. And the place of thought is not in the concept, but in the operative memory. Why is this conversation? Yes, only to the fact that the intuitive thought is taken directly from the association, bypassing the procedure of logical inference. It is a copy of a fragment of an association that exists in the working memory of the mind.
P667 Intuitive thought is taken directly from the association, bypassing the procedure of inference. It is a copy of a fragment of an association that exists in the working memory of the mind. (3. 13. 9. ) 667
Thoughts do not last long, because they take up RAM, which must be occupied with other thoughts. Thoughts are alive, since they are elements of a living mind. The senses of the mind are alive for the same reasons. All living things have a beginning and an end. Only dead thoughts and dead meanings are immortal.
How do living thoughts and meanings differ from the dead? They differ in the same way that names differ from terms. They are outside the mind. Dead thoughts and meanings are not subject to change. In order not to spoil the language with a gloomy word, we called the dead name a term. But in relation to dead meaning and dead thought, we will put this gloomy word in brackets, make it invisible. Therefore, understand the second meanings of the terms " meaning" and " thought" according to the context.
The concise meaning of a written term consists of its definition. The core of the concept is a kind of definition of a name. The meaning of a written term consists of the entire text. It's kind of a concept.
The broad sense of the written term is determined by all pieces of knowledge where this term was used. Therefore, today there is a variety of terms. Therefore, today the terms have their own contradictory meanings. Therefore, we are very careful with terminology. A written thought is a continuous piece of text that corresponds to one thought of the mind. Thoughts are consistent, but not as long as you think. If a harmonious sequence of thoughts is subordinated to one idea and develops in its line, then this does not mean at all that it is one thought. The main thing is that many of these thoughts are immortal (do not die twice).
When we read the works of Aristotle, we read his thoughts. After all, any text is the thoughts of its author frozen for centuries. Have you thought about this? I think that now such subjects as thinking, thought, meaning, intuition, consciousness, experience, generalized experience do not raise any special questions from the reader. And if they call, then what has been said will have to be read again. The fact is that the author does not doubt the truth of the text, since everything here is correctly connected with the facts and with all the knowledge of our philosophy. And in our philosophy, everything is obvious and corresponds to the facts.
Of course, our knowledge does not correspond to lies and delusions, but this is not the fault of our philosophy. For example, the representative of Marxist philosophy V. F. Asmus in his book " The Problem of Intuition in Philosophy and Mathematics" cited numerous historical facts about solving this problem. Sheer nonsense, two hundred pages of text. But the idea of intuition in Marxist philosophy is basically correct. For example, “INTUITION (Middle-century lat. Intuition, from lat. Intueor - I look intently), the ability to comprehend the truth by direct perception of it without substantiation with the help of proof. ... In the process of intuitive cognition, all those signs are not realized, according to which the conclusion is made, and those methods with the help of which it is done. I. is a kind of thinking, when dep. the links of the thinking process sweep through the consciousness more or less unconsciously, and only the result of thought - the truth - remains extremely clear. I. is enough to discern the truth, but it is not enough to convince others and himself of this truth. This requires proof. " (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1989. ) About the facts, of course, not a word, although they are the criteria of truth. And the proof of truth is already secondary to facts and truths. In addition, the proof can be constructed as you like. Nevertheless, it is correctly pointed out here that intuition is a kind of thinking. 2010-02-09
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