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In the first place should be education, and then education. Otherwise..

In the first place should be education, and then education. Otherwise...

Once a professor of physics and mathematics faculty, with the intention of teaching students a lesson that will be remembered for a lifetime, wrote a large number 1 on the blackboard and, looking at the students, explained: “This is your humanity. The most essential quality in life ”. Then, next to the number 1, he wrote down 0, and said: " And these are your achievements, which increased you 10 times with your humanity. " Another 0 is the experience with which the person became " 100". And so, he added 0 for 0 - caution, love, success...

Each added 0 is 10 times ennobling, the professor said. Suddenly, he erased the number 1 at the beginning of the row of numbers. There are worthless zeros left on the board...

The professor said, " If you don't have humanity, the rest is worthless. "


Humanity suddenly (by historical standards) found itself in a new digital era for it. We urgently need to adapt to the avalanche of readily available information. However, this stream is too muddy from lies and spam. Of course, today everyone can successfully resist lies and spam in the modern muddy stream of information. But this requires a perfect organization of the knowledge of the mind. You need perfect intuition (instant and accurate thinking). And such an organization of knowledge of reason and intuition can only be provided by a complete, correct and systematic scientific worldview.

 Only a system of true worldview in consciousness is capable of such an organization of the mind, when it can automatically (intuitively) instantly sort information, cut off lies and spam, and only put the most valuable things in the appropriate sections of knowledge.

Only perfect intuition opens up boundless creative possibilities for a person.   

Perfect intuition is instant and accurate thinking, otherwise there is no other way today. We must adapt. And first of all, you need to adapt your consciousness to this. You need to be able to automatically cut off lies and spam from the muddy stream of information. One must be able to choose the right one. And all this must be done instantly, automatically, without resorting to a long and tedious process of thinking every time. This is where your intuition should work instantly. I solved this problem for myself - you study too.

PERFECT SCIENTIFIC INTUITION is a pass to tomorrow, to the 21st century, a key subject in a new world for man today. Remember this term. Perfect intuition is inherent in geniuses. However, everyone can become a genius if he takes care of the formation of his own concepts. The whole secret of genius is in the completeness, strength and truth of concepts. Each person forms his own concepts only himself. This is a huge amount of work. But there are no lazy geniuses. 650 pages of concise but understandable text is enough to create your worldview concept. It is she who will be the instrument of your perfect intuition.

                       Perfect intuition is instant and accurate thinking




                                    POWERFUL MAN

 Apparently, this is already the next stage in the evolution of Homo sapiens. Man has not yet revealed even a tenth of his capabilities. It seems that nothing is impossible for a person at all. But if we also apply scientific ideological education to each person... then won't we get a superman? Not. We are not going to educate alone in this way. And this is extremely necessary. For sooner or later, there will be a catastrophe of a cosmic scale. And the more prepared humanity is for it, the more chances it will have for its eternal existence. Moreover, it is possible that today the Earth is the only carrier of intelligent life in our Galaxy. Otherwise, we would have long been accustomed to alien guests. So, the idea of ​ ​ eternal existence is presented here in the sense of preserving the mind not only on Earth, but on a much larger scale. But this is tomorrow. Today, the power of an honest man is synonymous with his perfection. And the achievement by each person of the level of his mental, physical, economic and moral power is a wonderful meaning of his life. The main thing is that it should not be directed against one's neighbor, but at creative goals.

Moral power. Is this a play on words? Not.

  Power over your own emotions is great power. This is the power of an honest and strong conscience.

The power of an honest man is also a synonym for his dignity. Isn't that a worthy meaning in life? It was and will always be. It was yesterday. It is there today. It will be tomorrow too.

 The idea of ​ ​ the greatest human power is the most interesting here. Actually, this idea lies at the very basis of the emergence and existence of any state. After all, it is in the state that this greatest human power is realized.

The power of the man of the future lies in his perfect and just mind and scientific and technological progress. Its basis is in the new scientific systemic organization of human consciousness. Our new teaching is capable of giving such an organization of consciousness.

                                      Get smarter faster, time is running out!



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