New philosophical science. "dialectic ideology". PI1. The principle of the subject area of the science of ideology
NEW PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCE " DIALECTIC IDEOLOGY" In February 2011, the science " Dialectical Ideology" appeared in Brest. Otherwise it is called " Ideology" . This science consists of two sections: " Dialectical Ethics" and " Dialectical Politics". PI1. The principle of the subject area of the science of ideology Ideology is the science of perfect and achievable goals for the development of man and mankind, and the possible optimal methods of achieving them. She has four different subjects: man, state, humanity and eternal intelligent life. (1. 0. ) I-1
This is a dialectical science, since it is based on the principles of human mental activity, developed in our dialectical psychology. Thus, it is an integral part of the teachings of the " Science Philosophy. "
Opened here: • laws of the meaning of human life; laws of conscience; • laws of culture; ethical laws; • laws of existence and development of the state and citizen and many others.
180 principles of ideology are formulated here. Ideology is a necessary social science. It forms scientifically grounded goals of human and society development. It pushes the horizons of events to the horizons of necessary and achievable goals. Moreover, it forms scientifically based methods for achieving these goals. Unreasonable, and even more so, unattainable goals - this is already from the field of idle talk. So far, man, despite significant achievements in the development of science and technology, has done almost nothing on the path of his moral perfection. Because the ideas about ideology existing in society today are very vague. For example, “IDEOLOGY, -and, well. The system of views, ideas, characterizing some kind. social group, class, political party, society” (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999) But views change easily! We do not need a system of views, but a science capable of educating a person of the future. We need an intelligent, responsible and moral person.
The first subject of the science of ideology is man. And " Ideology of Man", as an independent section of our ideology, explores and determines the most perfect goals for the development of the person himself, as well as the best methods for achieving them. Those goals that direct a person to his own perfection throughout his life (personal ideological goals). The main thing is that the methods for achieving these goals are optimal and correspond to the real capabilities of each individual person.
The second subject of the science of ideology is the state. Therefore, confusing the development goals of the state with the goals of the development of an individual is completely unacceptable. Although it is a person who is engaged in the achievement of state goals, however, the state and the person are completely different subjects. This means that there must be a separate section of ideology on this subject. It is called “The Ideology of the State”. The ideology of the state explores and forms the correct and achievable goals of any state's own excellence. She also researches and designs the correct methods to achieve them.
The third subject of ideology is humanity. The commonwealth (system) of all states of our planet is the subject of a separate section of ideology. This section is called " Global Ideology". The goals of humanity are slightly different from the goals of a single state.
The fourth subject of ideology is eternal intelligent life. As part of this item, there are several items that must exist forever.
This is the human race and the subsequent genera. Everything is obvious here. This is a specific person and an increase in the duration of his full life at least until the biblical age.
It is an intelligent autonomous being (RAS). Today it is a hypothetical artificial creature, and tomorrow it will become a representative of the non-protein form of intelligent life. The eternal existence of such a being is quite understandable.
This is a refuge from a global catastrophe, capable of saving the lives of at least several million people, which may be a sufficient condition for the preservation and further development of the human race. Why is eternal intelligent life the most important subject of ideology? Yes, only because the Universe has spent at least ten billion years of its " hardware time" for the emergence of the human mind. Therefore, the ideals of eternal life are the most important.
No science, including the science of ideology, today can be perfect without the science of philosophy. The new dialectical science of ideology is a breakthrough into the future in the field of ethics.
" SOCIAL IMMUNITY" - REMEMBER THIS TERM Yesterday the West waged a fierce cold war against the USSR, and today it is an equally fierce information war against all progressive states and peoples, that is, on a global scale. At the same time, the dirtiest information and political technologies are used. To win this protracted global information war, we need new ideas, technologies, and most importantly, systematic and correct work with young people. To counteract lies and the corruption of public morality requires a convincing, true and popular science ideology. And there is such a science! But it is not enough - it requires a systematic and well-organized work to create social immunity to lies and orange revolutions!
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