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  Freedom from delusion is the highest of all freedoms!

                     Freedom from delusion is the highest of all freedoms!



The education system should prepare for life not only a young person, but a young citizen, a patriot, a forward-looking builder of a prosperous and just society.


   Culture and education are the main conditions for the future of any country. Culture and education are more important than economics. There will be no economy and no progress if there is no cultured and educated society. For example, Angela Merkel, before the new academic year (2020 08), formulated three major tasks facing her country: “… This is not nanotechnology, not mining, not getting up from your knees, not overcoming the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. This is not " to make everyone afraid of us", not a change of unwanted governments in neighboring countries and not Germany within the 1942 borders.

Everything is much more complicated. These three tasks are:

1. Providing all children with a good education.

2. Support for business as a foundation for the well-being of all residents of the country.

3. Support for artists and people of art, as the basis for the spiritual development of a person. "

Angela Merkel understands that everything is determined by public consciousness. It is the main condition for both the economy and the future of the country.

So, there will be no way out of the crisis of public consciousness in Belarus until we fix it by promoting the ideas of the country's revival and proper education.

No constitutional reforms, and so on.... None of this will work until we take up the treatment of the spirit of the nation (public consciousness) crippled by education (! ) By propaganda and officials.

In the meantime, our education system is unable to prevent the emergence of a rotten intelligentsia. The rotten intelligentsia are smart and educated people, but they set their personal goals much higher than state goals. The rotten intelligentsia are patriots, but only from the neighboring country, not from their own country. This is a potential threat to the state and people. And this disgrace in education has been going on for more than a quarter of a century.

The rotten intelligentsia was and will be the cause of all revolutions. The rotten intelligentsia brought Yeltsin to power and thus became an accomplice in the collapse of the USSR. The rotten intelligentsia is making a color revolution in Belarus today. Humanitarians should strengthen culture, teach young people, but today a significant part of them is a rotten intelligentsia. The main thing is that today this rotten intelligentsia is present in the educational process and teaches our youth!

And all this is done with the tacit consent of the bureaucracy. Our bureaucrats and humanitarians have mutilated the spiritual culture of young people in the educational process in the hope that cattle will be easy to manage. Yes, that's bad luck! It turns out that Soros also had the same hopes for our youth.




To begin with, it is necessary to clarify the very term " public consciousness".


P. I 105. The principle of perfect social consciousness

Perfect social consciousness is the perfect spirit of the nation. This is her perfect spiritual culture. The direct bearer of social consciousness is a person.

                                                                                                         (2. 1. 2. ) I 105


In other words, the public consciousness of the state is the sum of the consciousness of its citizens. It is alive, like the consciousness of any person. This is what we are dealing with.



Any state always strives for its own perfection. It cannot be otherwise. Weak states simply cannot withstand the War of the Father of All. They easily, like flies on a spider's web, fall into financial bondage to their more successful patron states. This is very unpleasant, therefore, the race in development continues, in which all states of the planet Earth are participants. But here's the trouble. Despite good wishes, all states are developing at different rates.

Of course, in many respects the rate of development of a state depends on its place on Earth. And you can't get away from it. For example, if there is a favorable climate and rich mineral resources on the territory of a state, then these are some conditions for development. And if they are not there, then they are completely different. But it turns out that this is not the most important thing!

For example, Japan is poor in minerals, huddles on the rocks, nevertheless, it has the highest level of its economic development. It seems that national culture is the main ideologist there. There, historically, for centuries, and not over a dozen years, the highest spirit of the nation (the spiritual culture of the nation) was formed, at the heart of which is, more precisely, the very idea of ​ ​ striving for perfection in everything lives. It is thanks to the spirit of the nation that the people of Japan are distinguished by their honesty, education, solidarity and hard work.

Or the opposite example: Russia, which is the richest in natural resources, is economically weak even today, despite the rather long path of its cultural and economic development. Diagnosis: ideological problems. And in the 90s, Russia gave up all ideology altogether. An outright robbery of the country by the new liberal elite began. The ideology of the Golden Calf reigned. As a result, there is a serious trauma to the spirit of the nation.


Is it clear what's the matter? It is only a matter of perfect public consciousness.



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