P. I 102. The principle of social consciousness
P. I 102. The principle of social consciousness The public consciousness of the state is its " mind". This is the consciousness of all people inhabiting any state. This is the spiritual component of his culture (the spirit of the nation). Without establishing order in public consciousness, it will never be in the state. (2. 1. 2. ) I 102 But when the state aims to enslave its own citizens with one percent of the elite, then a stream of immoral filth is poured into the minds of citizens through the media. The minds of young people are especially susceptible to this dirt. Those do not yet have ideological immunity. And where is that state ideology that is capable of creating this ideological immunity? P. I 103. The main principle of the ideology of the state Public consciousness necessarily determines the existence (being) of any state. (2. 1. 2. ) I 103
This is the main principle of the ideology of any state and without exception.
P. I 104 Today there are many irrefutable facts that cultural (in particular moral) problems do have much more serious consequences in the development of the state than economic ones. (2. 1. 2. ) I 104
And this position is the starting point of our state ideology. And if the state is already afflicted with corruption and bandit lawlessness, then neither the smart and hardworking majority, nor the richest natural resources, nor the rich national culture, nor the most eloquent sermons, can save it. Such a state will no longer be saved by any, even the most ingenious, projects of economic development. The question of its existence is only a matter of time. It turns into an unwitting donor for the whole world.
The main problem of the growth of any state, moreover, of its very existence, lies precisely in the plane of social consciousness.
IS THERE A SCIENCE TODAY HUMAN IDEOLOGY? Such a science, apart from our ideology, still does not exist today, because one cannot call a science an ideology that exists in the form of disjointed theories and systems of views, often contradicting each other.
Any philosophy is a kind of human ideology. Any philosophy contains some knowledge about the nature of social phenomena, but so far this knowledge contains much more falsehood than truths and true theories.
Any religion is also a kind of human ideology, but religion is not a science. Art is a kind of ideology of man, and today it is the most significant, most beautiful and most ancient " applied ideology" of man of all existing, since it contains the highest and worthy of imitation achievements of human genius.
Nevertheless, until now in the scientific community, the term " ideology" does not mean science, but just a system of views. This is not at all difficult to be convinced of. This state of affairs is very convenient for scholarly ideologists. Expressed the idea - and that's all. And there is no need to rack your brains, since no theories and principles are required here. After all, you will have to answer for an untrue principle, while for freedom of opinion - no. In general, the existing ideas about the science of ideology and about its subject are very vague. For example: “ IDEOLOGY, -and, well. The system of views, ideas, characterizing some kind. social group, class, political party, society ”. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999) Or else: “ IDEOLOGY (from the idea and Greek λ ό γ ο ς - word, concept, doctrine), a system of views and ideas, in which people's attitudes to reality and to each other, social problems and conflicts are recognized and evaluated, and also contains goals ( programs) social activities aimed at consolidating or changing (developing) these societies. relationship. In a class society, I. always has a class character" (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1989)
But views change easily, and science needs facts, truths, true principles and true theories. We need the science of ideology, as a unified and complete dialectical system of its true theories and principles. Science that can help every person to find his wonderful future, or at least a decent life.
Ideology is science. Moreover, it is a very necessary social science. It forms scientifically grounded goals of human and society development. It pushes the horizons of events to the horizons of necessary and achievable goals. Moreover, it forms scientifically based methods for achieving these goals. Unreasonable, and even more so, unattainable goals - this is already from the field of idle talk.
The doctrine of the science of ideology is mainly formulated in the Introduction. There it was considered that the science of ideology has a number of subjects: man, state, humanity and eternal intelligent life. Here " Ideology of Man" is the first section of the science of ideology and has as its subject only man.
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