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Or maybe this "problem" was correctly illuminated by Marxist philosophy?

Or maybe this " problem" was correctly illuminated by Marxist philosophy?

“PERSONALITY, hostel and scientific. a term denoting: 1) the characteristics of an individual as a member of a particular society or community; 2) an individual carrier of these traits as a free and responsible subject of conscious activity. The concept of L., used in this sense, must be distinguished from the concept of individuality, which implies the originality, characteristics of a given person. The problem of L. in philosophy is, first of all, the question of what place a person occupies in the world, the boundaries of his free choice and social responsibility. " (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1989)

  The water is dark.

At first, here the personality was confused with a specific characteristic of a person. Then the responsible subject of conscious activity was named a person.




An objective assessment of the state of a particular person is given only by a set of his quantitative parameters. The quantitative parameter of any object must have a base type and a number. For example, a person weighs eighty kilograms. Here " eighty" is a number and " kilogram" is a base type. Take away this parameter from a person, and absolutely nothing will remain of him. It is like taking away all of its constituent matter from a person. (Kilograms are the mass of this person's matter. )

The parameters of a person are his quantitative aspects. They need to change with the person. However, they are necessarily discrete in each such state. The main thing is that each state of a person is necessarily determined by a set of his discrete physical and mental parameters.

P. I 33

 Parameter of an object is any of its quantitative side. It necessarily belongs to this object and represents a set of homogeneous entities. (1. 2. 5. ) I 33


A parameter is always a certain amount. The object parameter is most often changeable, but the object state parameter must be discrete. The measurement data of a discrete parameter is a fact. Don't confuse these items.

Each physical parameter of a material object is real only in its last state from a series of those that have already happened.



Each existing material object is necessarily real only in its last state from a series of those that have already happened. Where it is necessary has all its real discrete physical parameters. (2. 10. 5. ) 234

The matrix of the state of a material object is a set of all its physical parameters. These parameters, while not being elements, are necessarily incapable of forming a structure.



The human soul necessarily has its own parameters. These are informational parameters. They also really exist, as well as the physical parameters of his body. For example, a person has a hundred thousand concepts. But take away from a person his hundred thousand concepts, and he will be like an unintelligent baby.

Here it is necessary to proceed from the law of the uniqueness of the state of the psyche of a particular person.


P. I 29. The law of the uniqueness of the human condition

Each person always and necessarily changes his real state of body and soul. And each of his states is necessary unique. (1. 2. 3. ) I 29


Due to its many changes, each state of the psyche of a particular person must be unique. It is necessary discretely and necessarily has its many parameters.


P. I 34

Each state of mind must be discrete and must have its own discrete parametric matrix. (1. 2. 5. ) I 34


In our epistemology, a system of true principles of the human psyche has already been formed, which will allow modern psychology to start developing methods and its quantitative analysis.



It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the quantitative uniqueness and the qualitative characteristics of a person. These items are completely different in nature. P. I 35The qualities of a person change within the limits of their measures, therefore they do not change as instantaneously as his quantities (parameters) change.                                                                                                                (1. 2. 5. ) I 35 But qualitative changes in an object are changes in the object as a phenomenon. P. I 36 Any quantitative uniqueness of any person is always and necessarily absolute. Any qualitative feature of any person is always and necessarily relative, just as the nature of the quality of any object is necessarily relative. This applies equally to body and soul. (1. 2. 5. ) I 36 If we know the content of an object at a certain moment in time, and its quantitative parameters are always a kind of passport, then we know the object itself as an entity. And we know very precisely. But if we know only the qualitative characteristics of an object, then we know it only as a phenomenon. HUMAN BIOMETRIC PASSPORT This is actually the required starting point “A” of the path to its perfection. For a person, the initial conditions for designing his achievable goals are necessary. Without these conditions, such design is simply impossible. Without the initial design conditions, it is impossible to start the construction of even a simple object. And here is a man! So the price of the question of its initial state is absolute here. Moreover, each person is necessarily unique. Accordingly, therefore, the achievable goals and the ways to achieve them for different people must be different. The ancient saying " Know thyself! " was carved above the entrance to the Delphic Temple. Without knowing his initial state, a person simply does not know himself. Without knowing the initial state of a particular person, designing his ideological goals will be just an empty undertaking. P. I 37. The principle of the initial conditions for the ideological design of a person The necessary initial conditions for the ideological design of a person is a sufficient amount of data on his states in a certain short period of time. These are data from a quantitative analysis of its essential physical, mental and situational parameters. This is data on the set of its basic qualities. (1. 2. 6. ) I 37 A person changes little during, for example, one month, and this time is quite enough for his research. Of course, each state of the personality also includes all the parameters of all its connections with the environment (situational parameters). Including the parameters of his connections with the people around him. But if the situational parameters of the personality state are taken out of the research brackets, then we will get a parametric matrix of the state of body and soul. P. I 38. The principle of a person's biometric passportThe biometric passport of a person is a sufficient amount of data about his conditions in a certain short period of time. These are data from a quantitative analysis of his essential physical and mental parameters, as well as data on a set of his basic qualities. (1. 2. 6. ) I 38 It is easy to see that the ancient principle “Know thyself! ” is invisibly present here. The terms are different, but the meaning is the same.                                                                                                             2010-11-13

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