P9. The law of existence. P282. The law of the psyche. P. I 28. The law of the uniqueness of the state of the human psyche
P9. The law of existence The process of existence of any existing changing object is always and necessarily a process of continuous change of its states, where only the last of all that has already happened is real. (1. 2. 1. ) 9
Any real state of an object is the material object itself, but in some definite moment of its reality.
The human soul is not material, it is an informational entity. But it also necessarily changes its states, for it consists of living active knowledge that changes in every act of its life. Active knowledge is the basis of the psyche. Any elementary psychic reflex is a reaction of active knowledge. Nobody asks them about it. They do it themselves, automatically. The mental activity of a person actually consists of elementary reflexes of hundreds of billions of active rules of neurons and their responses.
P282. The law of the psyche The human psyche is always and it is necessary to have a unified system of its active knowledge in the form of a multilevel system of its active rules. These rules include all the data available in the psyche. (3. 1. 0. ) 282
Only active rules receive, store, form, transform and transmit data streams. Only active rules and active programs consisting of them govern human behavior and his physical condition at every moment of his life.
P I 27 All active programs of the human psyche necessarily consist of active rules. Only active programs and the mental organs consisting of them exercise control over the body and soul. (1. 2. 3. ) I 27
Only this way and not otherwise. For the bodily itself knows absolutely nothing. It in itself does not necessarily know how to govern. Management is not a material (physical) process. Due to the necessary activity of its rules and active programs consisting of them, the psyche is necessarily subject to changes in its content. She is constantly changing her states.
P. I 28. The law of the uniqueness of the state of the human psyche By virtue of its numerous changes, each state of the psyche of a particular person must be unique. (1. 2. 3. ) I 28 By virtue of the law of objectivity of the state of a material object, any state of the body of any person is absolutely unique (unique). Similarly, any state of the soul (psyche) of any person is absolutely unique. P. I 29. The law of the uniqueness of the human condition In every person, the real states of the body and soul always and necessarily change. And each of its states is necessary unique. (1. 2. 3. ) I 29
Unique is never unique. 2010-11- 03
THE LAW OF HUMAN INDIVIDUALITY The uniqueness of a person's condition is a necessary basis for his individuality. P. I 30 Each specific state of a person is a specific person in each brief concrete moment of his existence. It is essentially unique. (1. 2. 4. ) I 30 But if he is unique at each specific moment of his existence, even in relation to himself, then he is even more unique in relation to any other person! P. I 31. The law of human individuality Since each person is necessarily unique at any moment of his existence, he is necessarily unique in relation to any person. The necessary uniqueness of each person in relation to other people is called his individuality. That is, every person must be an individual. (1. 2. 4. ) I 31 The principle of the individuality of a person is based on the principle of the uniqueness of his condition. Everything is extremely simple here. P. I 32. Personality principle Each person, due to the necessary individuality of his psyche, is called a personality. (1. 2. 4. ) I 32 Is a newborn person a person? Of course, for he already in the first days of his existence manifests his unique character, which is determined by his instincts, and will manifest itself until old age. After all, instincts are as strong as diamonds. The term " personality" is widely used today by sociology and psychology. That is why we are considering it. Although this term is not particularly needed when there is a term " specific person". Let's start with its correct definition: “PERSONALITY, -and, well. 1. A person as a carrier of some kind. properties. Immunity, personal freedom. Light l. The role of personality in history. Install smb. l. (find out what kind of person, his name; officer. ) ". (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999) Everything is clear and clear here, the main thing is correct. But too much has been said about personality in philosophy and psychology, nevertheless, not a single correct definition has been given there. The famous researcher of personality A. N. Leont'ev writes: “The concept of personality, like the concept of the individual, expresses the integrity of the subject of life; personality does not consist of pieces, it is not a " polypnyak". But the personality is an integral formation of a special kind. Personality is not a genotypically determined integrity: they are not born a person, they become a person. That is why we are not talking about the personality of a newborn or about the personality of an infant, although personality traits are less pronounced in the early stages of ontogenesis than at later stages of development. Personality is a relatively late product of the socio-historical and ontogenetic development of man. " (Leontiev A. N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Ch. V. p. 2) Further. “Personality, like the individual, is a product of the integration of processes that carry out the life relations of the subject. There is, however, a fundamental difference in the special education that we call personality. It is determined by the nature of the relations that generate it: these are social relations specific to a person, into which he enters in his objective activity. As we have already seen, with all the diversity of its types and forms, they are all characterized by the commonality of their internal structure and presuppose their conscious regulation, i. e. the presence of consciousness, and at certain stages of development also the self-consciousness of the subject ”. (Leont'ev A. N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Ch. V. p. 2. ) But, in the end, so what is a person?
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