FIFTH ELEMENT OF THE SOUL. P75. The principle of verbal thinking (Hegel's idea). P283. The law of the origin of reason. The emergence of active speech knowledge was a necessary cause of the emergence of the human mind from the intellect of the higher ver
P491 Intellect is the psychic organ of an animal that controls the direct and preliminary forms of the animal's adaptive activity in the environment. The highest form of intelligence is mind. (3. 7. 2. ) 491
Only the intellect is capable of carrying out preliminary adaptive activity. Human intelligence is called reason.
The Tree of the Nervous System and the corresponding Tree of the Psyche take on quite understandable forms for us. The main thing is that the Tree is not a metaphor at all, but a really present essence. Moreover, both the first and the second arose during a long evolution. Moreover, the first is necessarily the physical carrier of the second. They do not necessarily exist separately from each other. However, in terms of evolutionary development, the dominant is the psychic organ, but not vice versa.
Four stages of the evolution of the psyche. Only now we can confidently talk about the stages of the evolutionary development of the psyche.
The first historically emerged is the receptive system of the psyche (the roots of the Psychic Tree). She is the " eyes and ears" of all other systems of the psyche. Much later, the vegetative and somatic systems of the psyche (the trunk of the Psyche Tree) emerged historically. The Plant Soul is responsible for the health of the body and metabolic processes, and the Motive Soul is responsible for elementary movements.
Much later, the vegetative and somatic systems of the psyche (the trunk of the Psyche Tree) emerged historically. The Plant Soul is responsible for the health of the body and metabolic processes, and the Motive Soul is responsible for elementary movements.
A later mental formation is the subconscious (branches of the Psyche Tree). This is a kind of " Ministry of Foreign Affairs" that manages the " body-environment" system. It keeps all manifestations of the environment under its constant control, making the necessary operational decisions at the right time.
The last mental formation (in terms of evolutionary development) is the intellect of the higher vertebrate (the top of the Pisihiki Tree). Accordingly, it also has the historical age of the higher vertebrate.
The difference between the human mind and the intelligence of another animal is only that the mind has a concept (speech skill). The mind invented an active name for each of its recognizing skills, and this name in logical operations and in the communication of people made an intellectual revolution. Man is millions of years ahead of other primates in his mental development.
At the beginning of the mind was the word 2009-11-24
FIFTH ELEMENT OF THE SOUL 1. Speech active knowledge is the basis of the mind. The human psyche received its advantage only as a result of the application of the names of concepts. That is, as a result of the emergence of speech and a psychic speech organ called the mind. The mind itself arose from the intellect of the higher vertebrate as a mental system based on the use of active speech knowledge (concepts and ideas) and the organs of their processing. The reason did not arise by chance, but precisely for the reason that logical operations with names are a thousand times more economical than logical operations with representations and concepts.
P75. The principle of verbal thinking (Hegel's idea) Thinking in the names of objects is a thousand times more economical than thinking in the meanings of the concepts of the same name. What is the necessary basis for the emergence of both speech and mind. (1. 5. 0. ) 75
In addition, along with speech, it became possible to transfer huge amounts of knowledge. But the " mind", which does not have speech activity, is just the intelligence of an animal, for example, a chimpanzee.
P283. The law of the origin of reason The emergence of active speech knowledge was a necessary cause of the emergence of the human mind from the intellect of the higher vertebrate. (3. 1. 0) 283 There is a paleontology of speech. And with a huge variety of other species of animals, only one person has acquired a mind. But not as a result of the actions of aliens. It's just that man became the first of all other earthly animals in which the development of the cerebral cortex is associated with the development of speech.
2. Concepts are not transmitted genetically. And for many reasons. The first is the complexity of the concepts. They are too complex to be genetically encoded. Second, there are a lot of these concepts and they are all different. Third, they form a system. Fourth, they mainly consist of representations. Therefore, the main significance of the process of intelligent perception for a person is precisely in the creation of new ideas.
P419. The principle of the development of the mind Reasonable perception is the only and necessary source of both one's own and acquired (borrowed) experience. A person forms all his reasonable knowledge only and is necessary through perception and thinking. (3. 6. 3. ) 419
The experience gained from someone is assimilated much faster and easier than one's own experience (the son of difficult mistakes). But the experience gained is one thing, and one's own experience is quite another. Although, the " other" is only in the way of origin. But in essence, all these are just representations.
The mind creates all concepts only from ideas. Concepts are not units of experience. They are much higher. They are active speech skills that include units of homogeneous experience (representations of the same name). As for the role of labor in the historical process of the development of reason, animals work no less than humans, but there was no talk there, and no. The same applies to the role of external signals produced by animals. These are certain screams, gestures and facial expressions. Yes. These signals carry certain meanings. Certain meanings carry similar signals in humans, but this is not speech. One would like to say that the reason for the emergence of the human mind was the intervention of an extraterrestrial civilization. But there are no facts. But there are facts that the tissues of the monkey's brain and the human brain are difficult to distinguish even for a specialist. So, only evolutionary development remains.
3. Why did the mind develop so rapidly? The mind worked and works hard. And what is more loaded, then receives its most rapid evolutionary development. Both the Law of Strengthening and the Evolutionary Law of Strengthening operate here. The essence of the Evolutionary Law of Strengthening is precisely defined by the one above highlighted phrase.
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