P. I 16. The principle of natural talent
P. I 14 Only on the basis of an analysis of the data of the initial state of a person, he can be offered ways to improve his strengths, determined by his genetic makeup. (1. 1. 4. ) I 14
It is not a problem that in the coming years, to create a parametric passport of a person, his genetic passport will be used. As for the weaknesses of a particular person, they can only be improved, but there can be no talk of any perfection here.
Is it really necessary to divide people into physical and mental types? Or maybe it's immoral? Not. This is just the correct diagnosis, without which the correct " ideological treatment" is impossible. Most likely, the details of this passport will be a medical secret. So what? Otherwise, why try to make a sprinter out of a particular person, when he genetically can only be a weightlifter? Or is this how a person can be made a talented physicist when he does not have, and never will have, such a natural organization of memory that is necessary for complex mathematical representations? After all, how can a person be made a talented musician when he has almost no musical memory (ear for music)? An ear for music is a genetic gift.
P. I 15 Success in the life of every person is easily achievable only in what he is talented in by nature. There is nothing wrong with knowing all of their talents. There is no need to hide them, since there is no medical secret here. (1. 1. 4. ) I 15 Human ideology is designed to give the correct direction of development to each person, taking into account his natural (genetic) talents. This is its purpose. Natural talent is inherent in everyone.
P. I 16. The principle of natural talent Natural talent is a genetic inheritance. It is clearly manifested only as a result of its development. Each person is necessarily talented from birth because his predecessors have already passed the most severe natural selection (War - the Father of All). (1. 1. 4. ) I 16
Usually a person rarely follows the path on which he fully develops and uses his natural talent, but if he already develops it, then the talent gives him undeniable advantages. Much more difficult is the path where he does not have the corresponding natural talent. Then he will waste a lot of energy and time on the development of what he was never capable of from birth.
There is only one difference between natural talent and talent.
P. I 17. The principle of talent Talent is a developed natural talent. (1. 1. 4. ) I 17
Natural talent may not be developed, for example, the " genetic Paganini" will never pick up the violin and that's it.
The initial model of ideological design. Only the data of the parametric passport of a specific person (facts) are objective grounds for determining his many qualities, abilities and talent. This class of problems is well known to psychology and is called " personality measurement". P. I 18. The principle of the original model of ideological design Only a parametric passport of a specific person's state is a necessary initial model in designing a target model of his perfect state. (1. 1. 5. ) I 18
The target ideological model of the perfect state of a person is called an ideological goal.
The ideological goal of a specific person is designed taking into account the achievable goals of a specific person in accordance with his parametric passport, which determines his abilities, and with the conditions of his life. This class of ideological tasks is called the " path to perfection".
P. I 19. The principle of ideological purpose The ideological goal of the development of each person is a scientifically grounded model of his perfect target state. (1. 1. 5) I 19
And the most important thing is the education (formation) in each person of such a moral concept (conscience), which would also be a reliable counterbalance to his bad emotional instincts (nature).
P. I 20. The principle of the path to moral perfection The basis of the involuntary aspirations of each person is necessarily his emotional instincts. They have a genetic nature of their origin, therefore they are resistant to changes. The only way to counteract these instincts is to create a system of stable correct and strong moral concepts (correct conscience) and other stable skills. (1. 1. 5. ) I 20
Moral concepts, however, like all other concepts, are speech skills and are not transmitted in a genetic way. Strong concepts are called beliefs.
P. I 21. The principle of conscience The system of human moral concepts is the concept of conscience, or simply conscience. (1. 1. 5. ) I 21
But in addition to moral concepts, a person also has hundreds of other positive skills. For example, the habit of waking up on time, the habit of brushing your teeth, the habit of not lying, etc. However, one should not forget that a person successfully develops not only positive, but also negative skills.
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