The actions of the emotional instincts can be weakened only by the actions of the corresponding concepts, other skills and opposite emotional instincts.
P. I 22 A person successfully develops not only positive, but also negative skills. The latter develop much more easily, since many emotional instincts are on their side. (1. 1. 2. ) I 22
Emotional instincts do not lend themselves to change at all, since they have a genetic way of their origin. However, their actions can be weakened. P. I 23 The actions of the emotional instincts can be weakened only by the actions of the corresponding concepts, other skills and opposite emotional instincts. (1. 1. 2. ) I 23
There is simply no other way to mental and moral perfection in a person.
Are we not interfering in the evolutionary path of development of the human race by offering man the principles and theories of an artificial rational path to its perfection? No, since both the human mind and the intellect of any other higher vertebrate were created by evolution, first of all, for the implementation of preliminary activities. We think and create a bright future worthy of a human title, which belongs to the category of preliminary activities. 2010-11-01 THE REAL CONDITION OF HUMAN The real state of a person is the starting point of his further development. After all, what is human life? This is the whole process of human existence. This is a continuous change of his states from his birth to the end. A necessary reason for the change in human states is his material and mental changes, as well as changes in the environment. Each specific state of the environment is called a situation.
P. I 24 Man, like any existing object, is necessarily real only in his last state from a series of those that have already happened. (1. 2. 1. ) I 24
A person passes into his next real state only due to extremely small changes that have occurred in the previous state. Changes take place only in reality. In that real state, which is only real. The unreal past states do not change anymore. But how can something change that no longer exists? And there are no future states yet. Man as an object is one thing. He is a changing object and his existence is equal to the length of his life. But any state of it is already different. This is a person who is in his specific state. Any state is necessary instantaneously, therefore discrete, and thus is a necessary source of facts.
P. I 25 Only the real states of a particular person are the necessary sources of his facts. (1. 2. 1. ) I 25
Fact is an unshakable " fulcrum" of knowledge. Otherwise, why do we need a baseless ideology? Nobody needs another idle talk.
The human condition is very informative. It must include the following quantities (parameters): 1) all the physical parameters of his body; 2) all the informational parameters of his soul; 3) all the parameters of his connections with the objects of the surrounding situation, because a person is not in a vacuum, but in a real environment.
Fact is an unshakable support in the knowledge of a particular person Only the real states of a person are the only and necessary sources of facts and truths about him. A fact represents one state of its object.
P11. The law of fact Fact is always and it is necessary to have data on the state of its primary source. (1. 2. 2. ) 11 Truth, however, must have its own specific object, which is the primary source of its origin. Otherwise, it is " pointless truth. "
P12. The law of the necessary foundation of truth The primary source of truth is always and necessarily that specific state of its object, from which it arose. This is its necessary foundation. The fact of this state is its perfect representative. (1. 2. 3. ) 12
Therefore, truths arise not at all from theory, but only from facts. And facts arise only from the concrete states of their objects. P. I 26 Only the real states of a person give rise to facts about its content and changes, connections and relationships, quantitative parameters and numerous qualities. (1. 2. 2. ) I 26
Those states that were (and they were once real) could well leave the facts. And the existing facts are themselves real objects. And these facts are completely legitimate grounds for the truths corresponding to them. For it is truly said: " One can only say and think what is. " Parmenides was the first to say this. P5. Parmenides' Law The truth about a certain object always and necessarily has its primary source only this object. There are no pointless truths. (1. 1. 0. ) 5 2010-10-27
THE LAW OF THE UNIQUE CONDITION OF HUMAN Man is not permanent. He is constantly changing in the course of his existence (life). Moreover, it changes quite quickly in many of its physical and mental parameters.
P264. The law of objectivity of the state of a material object Any real state of any material object has an extremely brief moment of its existence. Because, due to extremely small material changes, it necessarily passes into its other, next state, which becomes the only real one from the series of those that have already happened. For the same reason, all parameters of any state and the state itself must be discrete. In their totality, all parameters of any state of any material object are absolutely unique and determine their absolutely unique state in Being. (2. 11. 1. ) 264 Now any process of changing any object can be represented as a process of successive changes in its states.
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