P. I 8. The principle of the path to excellence
P. I 8. The principle of the path to excellence The path to perfection of any person is a stage in his life between his initial and target states. His target state is the person himself who has achieved the parameters of his target ideological model (ideological goal). (1. 1. 3. ) I 8
It is very important that the ideological goal is achievable, otherwise everything is in vain.
P. I 9 The ideological goal of the development of a particular person is an ideological model of that perfect state that is achievable for him. (1. 1. 3. ) I 9
This goal is only a model (project). At the beginning of the path to perfection, a person is in his original, real state.
Not every person is able to successfully go through this path, but nevertheless, with the goals and methods of achieving them correctly chosen for each individual person, this path can be easy and interesting for many. But all people are different, so each person has only his own starting point of ideological projection.
P. I 9 The first and necessary task of human ideology is to determine the parameters of the initial state of a particular person. (1. 1. 3. ) I 10
Only on the basis of the analysis of the parametric passport of the initial state of a particular person, it is possible to design his target state. After all, otherwise the designers then simply will not have the initial data, otherwise there will be no point of departure «A».
P. I 11 The data of the initial state of a particular person is the beginning of the path of ideological work. (1. 1. 3. ) I 11
The parameters of the physical condition of a particular person are easily measurable. But how can one measure the initial parameters of his soul, when even modern psychology knows almost nothing about the content of the human psyche? And this is not an unfounded accusation. Nevertheless, our ideology is a logical continuation of our epistemology, in which several hundred new and true principles of the content of the human psyche are formulated. And we ourselves already know enough: the structure of the psyche, and the structure of the psychic organ, and the structure of the concept. We today truly know even the structure of human conscience. Moreover, today we already truly know the essence of emotional instincts that form strong desires (motives). These instincts cannot be changed because they arose genetically, so they can only be strengthened or weakened. A person, in order to overcome a strong dependence on " bad" instinctive drives, requires both the creation of new stable skills and the strengthening of his rational will. All this is possible only through the formation of strong concepts (beliefs) in him that can be a real counterbalance to any negative desires. 2010-11-01
ESSENCE OF THE DIFFERENTIATED APPROACH The ideology of a person should approach each person only in a differentiated manner, for all people are very different. Therefore, the starting point A on the path to perfection for each person should be a parametric passport of his condition. It must contain data on the essential physical and mental parameters of a particular person. Such parameters in philosophy are called quantities. And already only on the basis of his parametric passport, a specific person will be able to get the correct list of his essential quality characteristics. These quantitative parameters and qualitative characteristics of a person always objectively exist, it remains only to measure them correctly. The main thing is that quantity is always and it is necessary there is an argument and the reason for the quality corresponding to it, but not vice versa.
P. I 12 The qualities of a person are necessarily secondary to his quantities (physical and mental parameters). (1. 1. 4. ) I 12
For example, the physical parameters of an object are its quantities. The mental parameters of an object are also its quantities. The parameters are mathematically accurate. But within the limits of certain values of the quantitative parameter of an object, its certain corresponding quality always exists. P. I 13 Only the data of the quantitative parameters of the object are the facts of its objective qualitative analysis. (1. 1. 4. ) I 13
A person should first of all develop what he has genetic abilities for. Otherwise, work is in vain, for every person perceives easily and playfully only that to which he has natural inclinations. This is an ancient truth: “if the body is forcibly forced to overcome difficulties, it does not become worse because of this, but the knowledge that is forcibly implanted into the soul is fragile. ... Therefore, my friend, feed your children with science, not by force, but playfully, so that you can better observe the natural inclinations of everyone. " (Plato. Works in three volumes. Volume 3. Part 1. M., " Thought", 1971. р. 349)
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