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VI. Translate into English.


1. Она не могла удержаться от слез, когда они расставались. 2. Вам следует избавиться от ваших комплексов. 3. Пожалуйста, не ворошите их прошлое. 4. Вы не убедили меня; я буду придерживаться своего решения. 5. Мэри чувствовала вину за то, что так редко писала письма своей матери. 6. Я надеюсь, что ничто не помешает нашим планам на воскресенье. 7. Артур не имел ни малейшего представления, что делать. 8. Я не верю, что он мог мошенничать. 9. У моей сестры привычка действовать экспромтом (под влиянием минуты). 10. Если ты опять коснешься этой темы, я боюсь, это вызовет ее раздражение. 11. Один к десяти мы опоздаем.




1. Ursula Bourne's story. Her background. How did she happen to become a parlourmaid at Fernly Park? The cause of her quarrel with her husband. Ursula's interview with Mr. Ackroyd and its outcome. How did she interpret her husband's disappearance? How did Caroline try to calm her down?

2. Who was invited to H. Poirot's little reunion? How did he explain to Caroline why she could not be present at that meeting?What do you think was the real reason? What does his phrase "I do everything possible to render your service" could mean, in your opinion?

3. List the main points of H. Poirot's speech at the "reunion" and write a brief summary of it.

4. Ralph Paton comes forward. His story.

5. The murderer. What made H. Poirot suspect Dr. Sheppard?Did Dr. Sheppard plead guilty? What other way out did H. Poirot mean and why was he willing to give Dr. Sheppard such a chance?

6. Get ready to describe in detail what actually happened on the fatal night.

7. What was Dr. Sheppard's motive in writing down his impressions of the case?

8. Account for Doctor Sheppard's final words.

Assignment 10


Write either a summary of this story or of a detective story you have recently read using as many words and word combinations from your list of the topic vocabulary on crime as possible.




1. Give character sketches of:


1.1 Caroline

1.2. Mrs. Ackroyd

1.3. Major Blunt

1.4. Ralph Paton


2. Mrs. Ferrar's story


3. Compare Flora and Ursula Bourne.


4. Why was Mr. Ackroyd murdered?


5. Was H. Poirot's portrait of the murderer true to the characterof the actual murderer?


6. H. Poirot's methods of investigation.


7. H. Poirot and the police.






* See the biography of the author in the book: Gordon G. Let the Day Perish. M., 1961.


Part I

Assignment 1


I. Find the following words and phrases, recollect the situations in which they were used by the author:

to point to (p.25), to despise (p.26), to give birth to smb (p.27), to frighten everybody away (p.27), to make money (p.27), you are not cut out to run a pub (p.27), to fetch an armful of smth (p.29), to make out (p.30), fortunately (p.30), to dust the furniture (p.33), the "Cape Coloureds" (p.34), can afford (p.35), I now belong to neither class (p.37), on the other hand (p.37), a respected European (p.37), I am ambitious for my child (p.37), he could even pass for a German child (p.39), time is getting on and he ought to be starting school at the beginning of the year (p 40), the Chairman of the School Committee (p.41),to tear (p.42).

II. Answer the following questions:


1. Where and when did the action of the novel take place?

2. Who was the owner of the bar and who was his assistant?

3. Why wasn't George at work on that day?

4. Why didn't Hundt love his wife?

5. What do we come to know about Mary?

6. In what district did Coloured people live in Stormhoek? Under what conditions did they live?

7. Why did George make up his mind to go to Kloppies after his talk with Mary?

8. What did Mary think of Anthony's fate? Why was she worried about him?

9. How did it happen that Mary became Hundt's mistress.

III. Comment on the phrase:


"In this country a man who marries a Coloured woman marries trouble" (p.28).

IV. Translate into Russian in writing:


a) the description of Mary (p.28), b) the description of George (p.33), c) "Over the vast lakes of dunes... the pepper trees" (p.29), d) "To him the wind was the breath of Africa... he had long ceased to care" (p.31).

V. Paraphrase the italicized parts of the sentences using the phrases from the box:


1. "How many times have I asked you", said George, "not to bring that up again?" (p.31).

2. But he had the charm that many self-indulgent men possess(p.33).

3. And if they even think you have only a drop of Coloured blood in your veins - you're shunned (p.37).

4. And there I am, between and betwixt (p.37).

5. Can I go by myself tothe hotel, Mummy? (p.39).

6. He is the dead spit of a European child (p.39).

7. You are a total loss. An ugly woman, a barren woman,... (p.40).


unable to have children; alone; to mention it; looks like; neither one thing nor the other; people avoid you; people who give themselves everything they want


VI. Correct the wrong statements:


1. The action of the novel takes place after the Second World War.

2. Otto Hundt was an Englishman of good family, he had three grown-up sons.

3. Hundt's wife was a pretty young woman, she went in for sport.

4. Hundtrs wife said that her husband was just cut out for running a hotel.

5. George Graham had a restaurant of his own.

6. George was a coloured man, he came from a very poor family.

7. Mary was a European woman, she had a lot of friends in the town. But unfortunately she was childless.

8. Anthony was a coloured child. He always played alone as other children did not wish to be with him.

9. Anthony was still very small, he wasn't going to start school yet.

10. George was the Chairman of the School Committee.

11. The majority of the members of the School Committee were independent of Hundt.

12. Hundt never tried to blackmail Mary.

13. Mary wasn't ambitious for Anthony.

VII. Give a summary of pages 25-42.


Assignment 2


I. Find English equivalents of the following words and phrases,recollect the situations in which the author used them:


организовать, устроить (р.43), быть обязанным (р.43), позволить себе (р.44), шпионить за кем-либо (р.45), предрассудок (р.47), осознавать, понимать (р.47), самопожертвование (р.49), винить кого-либо за что-либо (р.49), угрызения совести (р.50), обманывать кого-либо (р.51), облегчить боль (р.54), удрученный (р.57), так ей и надо (р.59), непослушные дети (р.61).

II. Answer the questions:


1. How did Anthony get to the Stormhoek school for white children?

2. Who of the School Committee was against Hundt and why?

3. How did George behave when he came to see Anthony's first teacher?

4. Why did Hundt ask George to be at the bar some extra hours instead of him?

5. What did Mary feel spending time with Hundt, practising deception on her husband?

6. Why did Hundt stop visiting Mary?

7. What were Mary's thoughts about her second child? Did she love him as dearly as her first child?

8. Why did George take to drinking again?

9. How did Anthony begin to realize that there was something wrong with his brother?

10.Who were the Shorts?

11.Who of the people of Stormhoek was happy knowing about Mary's misery? Why?

12.Why did the MacGregors make up their minds to move to a new place?

13.Why was it a relief for Mary when the MacGregors' house was occupied by the Thompsons? How does it characterize Mary?

III. a) Work out from the context an approximate meaning for the italicized phrases:


1. "You are making a mountain from (out of) a molehill, Mr. Thomas," said Hundt. "Do you wish to admit the child?(p43)

2. "Yes, but there is no doubt that she is Coloured. If we admit her son, we may be obliged to admit other Coloureds, and the status of the school will fall. I'm afraid it may be the thin edge of the wedge." (pp.43, 44)

3. "I wonder why Hundt asked me to take over tonight. Said he'd give me off on Friday night instead. Some important business, he says. He's got a lot of irons in the fire these days." (p.46)

4. "Oh yes, of course, Mary. Well, she is in the family way." (p52)

5. He reflected on his position and felt miserable. This Coloured child - there could hardly be two ways about it, it was Coloured. His wife was eating her heart out in despair. (p.55)

6. "Have I seen it?" she replied. "No, I have not seen it, nor am I likely to. You see, I do not live cheek by jowl with the family, as you do." (p.60)


b) Check with your teacher, or an English-English dictionary, that you have guessed correctly:


- to be pregnant;

- very close;

- to make a fuss about something which is really trivial;

- the first stage of a change that could become more serious;

- to suffer silently;

- to have many activities at one and the same time.


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