About this Document. Can I share this document?. Corrections / Contributions. What else do you do?. Social. Additional Reading
Стр 1 из 19Следующая ⇒ About this Document This document is written by Attila “Gabriel” Branyiczky of Bluish-Green Productions. Bluish-Green Productions
I created this document to keep a “quick-reference” of solutions I found to various problems and C# programming techniques. The document includes links to source videos, code snippets, and even a few diagrams.
Please note that I provide access to this document “as-is”, and the info may not be 100% up to date, or complete (there are a few sections I have yet to complete). Can I share this document? Please do! This is free information for everyone, so please keep it free. Share this doc using the link below; https: //docs. google. com/document/d/1S8rUWzLJP_howT-UBuCSH-5BQJloAoPTYsZxSHsuIeA/edit? usp=sharing Corrections / Contributions Want to suggest an addition or change to this document? Please fill out the contact form on my website What else do you do? ● I’m an independent game developer. I’ve made a couple games up on Steam, and some other tools and art assets ● I’ve given a few talks at the Toronto Unity Developer’s Meetup, a few of which are up on my YouTube channel ● I also have a Game Design Podcast with over 50 episodes called Gameology Social ● Website Contact form ● @BluishGreenPro ● @AttilaGabriel ● BGP Facebook ● BluishGreenPro - itch. io ● Attila " Gabriel" Branyiczky | LinkedIn Additional Reading ● Game Programming Patterns ○ “Game Programming Patterns is a collection of patterns I found in games that make code cleaner, easier to understand, and faster. ” ● Catlike Coding Tutorials ○ Comprehensive text-and-photo based tutorials Table of Contents About this Document Can I share this document? Corrections / Contributions What else do you do? Social Table of Contents General IDE / UI Hints / Tips Custom Inspector Editor Custom Editor Window Visual Studio: Debugging FAQs / Debugging: Feature `___' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# 4. 0 language specification Lighting Issues on Scene Load: Interfaces (which I created) IMenuParent< TChildClass, TData> IMenuChild Execution Order SceneManagement Scene Reference Reload Current Scene: Load the next consecutive Scene: Load Arbitrary Scenes: Play from a specific Scene: Best Practices Audio Destroy Animator Scriptable Objects Unity Coroutines vs C# Async Programming Cameras General Viewport Rect (Split-Screen Setup) Creating a Layered GUI Camera Render Textures Prototyping Optimization File IO PlayerPrefs ConstrainedPrefs Using JSON Saving: Loading: Creating a Directory: Input General Legacy Input Manager Keyboard Mouse Right-Click New Input System Particles
Shader Graph 3D Best Practices Raycasting: Collision Handling 3D Tilemap: Lighting Light Probes 2D Best Practices Sprite Import Settings; Sprite Masking Sprite Rigging 2D Lights Top-Down Movement: Collision Handling Physics Effectors Tilemap UI UI Best Practices and Optimization Canvas Setup Toggle Component Hide / Disable on Deselect (click away) Check if the Pointer is over a UI Element Useful Source Code PatrolPath: Unity Extensions TextMeshPro Rich Text Tags: TMP Input Field Set Container Size to match text contents Cinemachine 3D Camera Setup: 2D Camera Setup: ProBuilder Shaders Info Dump Creating a Noise image C# Scripting Callbacks Pass-Through Method: As keyword: Programming Patterns Declarative vs Imperative Programming Singleton Pattern Dependency Injection Unity Features RequireComponent Scriptable Objects Coroutines Namespaces Using directive C# Language Features Enums Statements vs Expressions: Partial Generics Inheritance StringBuilder Lists Lazy Evaluation Extension Methods Delegates Events Lambda Expressions LINQ (Language Integrated Query) LINQ Extension Methods Indexers Statement Keywords: Selection statements Switch: Iteration statements Jump statements Exception handling statements Checked and unchecked fixed statement lock statement Properties, Fields, Variables, Argument Keywords Ideal number of Properties for a Method: 4 or less Properties Out / In / Ref Operators: Ternary Operator? New Operator: => Operator: Types Class & Structs (Objects) Interface Type Casting Delegates Dynamic: Modifiers Accessibility Levels Readonly Const Static Override & Virtual Classes Abstract & Sealed Access Keywords This Base Game Design Risk / Reward Risk Tolerance Equations Logistics Curve Lerp Two Colors Unequal Mapping Equation Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text Juice Types of Juice When to Apply Juice
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