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General. Hints / Tips. Custom Inspector Editor. Custom Editor Window. Debugging. Feature `___' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# 4.0 language specification



Hints / Tips

Code Quick-Access: Right-Click in the Assets to quickly “Open C# Project”!

Component Quick-Gear: You don’t have to click on the tiny Gear on a Component to get access to the Component Drop-Down menu, you can right-click anywhere along its title bar

Put UI on a Layer you can hide:

○ Grab UI Canvas and set it’s Layer onto UI Layer

○ Accept change to set all Children to UI Layer as well

○ In Scene View Tab, toggle UI Layer off

Nametags: Set a nametag on a GameObject by clicking the Dropdown from the Cube in the Inspector and selecting a color

Search By Type: Sort Assets by Type with this menu;

Snap Objects: How to Snap objects - Unity Tips

Move Tool: Objects can be positioned in the Scene view in fixed increments with the Move Tool (W) by holding down CTRL

■ Does not work with the Rect Tool

Rotation & Scaling: Objects can also be rotated by 15 degrees and scaled by 0. 1 units while holding CTRL

Adjust Snap Settings: Edit > Snap Settings

Maximize / Un-Maximize the Game Tab while the Game is running: Right-click the Tab and select the “Maximize” option to toggle

○ If Maximized during Play, the Game view Tab will automatically minimize when you exit Play mode

Custom Inspector Editor

Reference: How to make a CUSTOM INSPECTOR in Unity - YouTube

Custom Editor Window

Reference: How to make an EDITOR WINDOW in Unity - YouTube

Visual Studio:

Use Quick Actions to generate a Constructor:

Clipboard History: Press CTRL+SHIFT+V to see the last 9 things on your Clipboard

Insert Unity Messages: Press CTRL+SHIFT+V to see a list of all possible Unity Messages (methods) which are available and can be added to your Script

Task View Window: Windows > Task View will allow you to automatically see lines in your code flagged as //TODO

○ You can add your own Code Flags and sort them by priority

Live Share: Live edit a code document together without need for Git

○ Click “Live Share”

○ Demo; https: //youtu. be/KH0nqTpOVuM? t=2321


Conditional Breakpoints: Right-Click a Breakpoint to add a Condition to it so that it will only trigger when that condition is met

FAQs / Debugging:

Feature `___' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# 4. 0 language specification

Project Settings > Player > Configuration > Scripting Runtime Version; Set to. Net 4x Equivalent

● *May also need to set this in the Build Settings (if you are trying to create a Stand-Alone build)

Lighting Issues on Scene Load:

In the Lighting Tab, Disable “Auto-Generate” and click “Generate Lightning” to prevent lighting issues on a Scene reload

Interfaces (which I created)

IMenuParent< TChildClass, TData>

SelectChild: Iterates through a list of MenuChildren, calling “Select” on the one to be selected while calling “Deselect” on all others


○ Parameters:

■ List

● Properties:

○ List< TData>

○ List< TChildClass> Children:







ID: Numerical identifier

Parent: Reference to IMenuParent

Execution Order


https: //docs. unity3d. com/Manual/ExecutionOrder. html



○ How to Fade Between Scenes in Unity - YouTube

○ Scene Manager in Unity (Unity Tutorial) - YouTube

Using SceneManagement:
using UnityEngine. SceneManagement;


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