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Unity Coroutines vs C# Async. Programming. Cameras. General. Viewport Rect (Split-Screen Setup). Creating a Layered GUI Camera

Unity Coroutines vs C# Async


○ Best Practices for Async vs Coroutines: Best practices: Async vs. coroutines - Unite Copenhagen

○ Best for handling User Interaction, Network Calls


○ Unity - IEnumerator's yield return null

■ The top answer by user “Everts” gives a very good explanation of what a Coroutine is

○ Does not support Return values

○ Best for “Fire and forget” scenarios;

■ Closing a Window

■ Animating a background detail

Coroutine Method: A coroutine must be declared as an “IEnumerator”

IEnumerator MethodName() {


   yield return null;



Yield return null: This will cause the method to wait for a single frame before executing AnotherFunction();

Yield return WaitForSeconds:
Unity - Scripting API: WaitForSeconds

○ If you intend to wait more than a single frame using “yield return null” you can use WaitForSeconds instead.

Garbage Collection Tip:
C# Coroutine WaitForSeconds Garbage Collection tip

○ The typical way of using “Yield return WaitForSeconds” involves creating a “new” WaitForSeconds in the return line as seen below;
yield return new WaitForSeconds (letterDelay);

○ The full example below results in less Garbage Collection Allocation; by declaring a “shortWait” and returning that in the Coroutine instead

Coroutine Example Use Snippet: The following snippet creates a series of GameObjects based on a prefab, and assigns each a sprite based on the Sprites List

public GameObject letterPrefab;

public List< Sprite> letters = new List< Sprite> ();

public float letterDelay = 0. 05f;


WaitForSeconds shortWait = new WaitForSeconds(letterDelay);


void Start() {




IEnumerator SpawnLetters() {

   foreach (var letter in letters) {

       GameObject newLetter = Instantiate(letterPrefab, transform, false);

       newLetter. GetComponent< Image> (). sprite = letter;

       yield return shortWait;



Coroutine Task Manager:

○ https: //forum. unity. com/threads/a-more-flexible-coroutine-interface. 94220/? _ga=2. 153570993. 846436558. 1592243927-174792342. 1591205497

Using Async:


Check Implementation: To see if a class inherits from a given class, you can use a cast or GetComponent:
IinterfaceName interface = gameObject. GetComponent< IinterfaceName> ();
if (interface! = null)
interface. MethodSignatureName(argumentsHere);

Convert Degree into Vector2; Convert a Float into a x / y Vector2
Vector2 dir = (Vector2)(Quaternion. Euler(0, 0, degree) * Vector2. right);

Other helper Functions; Equivalent of " Degree to Vector2" in Unity



Reference: https: //docs. unity3d. com/Manual/class-Camera. html

Clear Flags: What the Camera is “cleared with” each frame

Skybox: By default, the camera is cleared with the “Skybox”

Solid Color: A flat color, preferable for 2D games

Depth Only: All information about where an object exists in 3D space is discarded (in a first person shooter, if you have your weapon aimed at a wall and it’s barrel would be clipping into the Wall, this setting would allow the weapon to be drawn without regard to the wall geometry)

Don’t Clear: You will handle the responsibility of clearing the camera

Culling Mask: Which Layers the Camera can see.

○ By default, each Camera can see “Everything”

Depth: If multiple Cameras exist in the Scene, they are rendered from lowest Depth to highest

○ If 2 Cameras are in the Scene;

■ Camera A with a Depth of 10

■ Camera B with a Depth of -10

■ Camera A will be drawn to the scene, then Camera B will be drawn over top of it.

○ To ensure multiple overlapping Camera views are visible, use the Culling Mask and Clear Flags features.

No need for multiple Audio Listeners: Each Camera will, by default have an Audio Listener Component added to it which should be removed.

Viewport Rect (Split-Screen Setup)

Reference: Split Screen in Unity - YouTube

Viewport Rect: Controls the X / Y position of the camera’s view within the overall viewport of the game

X / Y: Anchored from the bottom-left, sets the viewport position from (0-1)

W / H: As a percentage, sets how much of the width / height the viewport takes up (0-1)

Split Screen Setup:

Top / Bottom: Set the [W/H] to [1, 0. 5] for both Cameras (so that they each only occupy half the height of the overall view)

■ Set the Viewport of Camera A to; [X/Y] [0, 0. 5] to push it half-way up the view

■ Leave the Viewport of Camera B to; [X/Y] [0, 0]

Creating a Layered GUI Camera

If you need an Orthographic Camera to render 3D objects on a GUI layer while a regular Perspective Camera renders the rest of the Scene;

Reference: Camera Layering in Unity - YouTube

Perspective Camera Setup:

Culling Mask: Untick the “UI” Layer (and any other Layers this camera should not see)

GUI Camera Setup:

Clear Flags: Depth Only

Culling Mask: Set to Nothing but “UI” (and any other layers this should see)

Projection: Orthographic

Depth: 10 (any Depth above the Perspective Camera to ensure it renders above it)

Remove Audio Listener Component: If there is a 2nd one which you don’t want

Canvas Setup:

Set Layer: To “UI”

Render Mode: Screen Space - Camera

Render Camera: Specify reference to GUI Camera

Optional; set the GUI Camera as a Child of the Canvas

■ This way, if the Canvas is disabled, so is the GUI Camera


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