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10. Сопоставление зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов


11. Hydrogen atoms are lighter than those of any other
elements; those of the rare gas helium are the next, each of
them weighing about four times as much as a hydrogen

12. As the wavelength of such waves decreases they
become more penetrating, gamma-rays being able to travel
through as much as one foot of iron.

13. The atoms break up in a perfectly ordered fashion,
independent of imposed conditions so far as is known, each

atom yielding a new atom, with the emission of the energy difference between the new state and the old.

14. The radioactive sulphur may be added to sulphite and
then removed, the resulting sulphite containing little or no
radioactive sulphur.

15. Solid NO3F at liquid-air temperatures is violently and
dangerously explosive, little or no shock being sufficient to
set it off.

16. Some of the reactions of nitrous acid with reducing
agents have been studied with care, such being the case, for
example, with arsenous acid.

17. Sulphur trioxide reacts with some solid halides to
liberate the free halogen, this being especially the case with

18. Other things being equal, we should expect lines from
elements in relatively large amounts to be the more prominent.

19. There being no atmosphere, the lunar surface is
exposed to direct sunlight.

20. The Moon is mainly responsible for the tides on the
Earth, with the Sun also assisting simply by its direct attraction
of the water.

21. We have not one but many potential surfaces, with
no reasonably exact way of calculating the configuration of
even the simplest.

10. Сопоставление зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов


Определите, какой причастный оборот употреблен в следующих предложениях, и в соответствии с этим переведите их:

1. The electric field between the plates being altered,
particles of a different velocity may be selected for study.

2. The metalsjbeing electrical conductors will make very
suitable electrodes.

3. The properties of the phosphides of heavy metals being
like those of alloys, they can easily be mixed with other
metals or alloys.

4. Natural gas is composed chiefly of methane, a compound
of carbon and hydrogen having the formula СH4.

5. The electricity is carried exclusively by the electrons,
the atomic nuclei remaining stationary.

6. The valency of radium being taken as equal to 2 from
its similarity to barium, its atomic weight appeared to be
about 226.

7. In English books, the forces acting on beams and other
structures are often expressed in kips, one kip being equal
to 100 Ib.

8. It is frequently said that the atom is a sort of miniature
solar system, with its electrons orbiting about the nucleus
as the planets orbit around the Sun.

9. The conductivity depends on the number of ions present,
the substance being more ionized in dilute solution.


10. The atmosphere always contains some moisture, the
amount varying not only from day to day, but from hour to

11. Consider a large number of wave trains, each of
infinite length, but differing slightly from one another in
wavelength and velocity.

11. Обстоятельственные обороты " причастие I + as it does (did)" и " причастие II + as it is (was)"

Обороты " причастие I + as it does (did)" и " прича­стие II + as it is (was)" переводятся на русский язык придаточным предложением с союзами: поскольку; так, как; когда; хотя и; и. В тексте эти обороты выделяются запятыми:

1. This subject is rather complicated, belonging as. it does
to theoretical physics.

Этот предмет довольно сложен, поскольку он от­носится к теоретической физике.

2. The article, published as it was in a small magazine,
remained unknown for a long time.

Поскольку статья была напечатана в небольшом журнале, она оставалась неизвестной в течение дол­гого времени.


Переведите следующие предложения, предварительно выделив со­ставные части причастного оборота:

1. The beams, passing as they do through a narrow slit,
are diffracted.

2. Giving as they did so much information about the
behaviour of planets, these experiments can be hardly

3. Certain reactions such as rapid oxidation, occurring as
it does only at high temperatures, may take place at very
low temperatures in the organism.

4. Dalton, believing as he did that gas pressures arise
from mutual repulsions of the molecules, took his law to
mean that a molecule was only repelled by like molecules.

5. The explanation given is by no means exhaustive,
ignoring as it does the social factor.

12. Причастный оборот в функции вводного члена предложения

Причастный оборот в функции вводного члена всегда выделяется запятой. Оборот с причастием I действи­тельного залога в функции вводного члена переводится как неопределенной формой глагола с союзом если, так и деепричастным оборотом, после которых добавляется неопределенно-личное предложение типа следует ска­зать (заметим), связывающее оборот с главной частью предложения. Кроме того, возможен перевод отдельным предложением со сказуемым 1-го л. мн. ч. в повели­тельном наклонении:

Turning to the main laws of mechanics, the first law of Newton states that...

Если обратиться к главным законам механики, сле­дует сказать, что первый закон Ньютона гласит, что...

Обращаясь к главным законам механики, следует ска­зать (заметил), что первый закон Ньютона...

Обратимся к главным законам механики; первый за­кон Ньютона гласит, что...

Оборот с причастием II в функции вводного члена имеет перед собою союз as и переводится неопределен­но-личным предложением с союзом как:

As stated above..., — Как указано выше...


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