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Favourite food: Rice, seafood

Car: (no car – a bicycle)

Music: Classical music, New Age

Abilities: Sing, dance, cook

Name: Maria Bloom

Age: 23

Country: England

Phone number: 00 334 379 561

Marital status: married

Occupation: law student

Languages: French, English

Learn Russian: Studies, Travel

Sports: Volley, Gymnastics

Favourite food: Fruit, fish and chips

Car: (no car- a motorcycle)

Music: Rock and Roll

Abilities: Play the violin


Составьте рассказ о себе по аналогии с упражнением 15.

Упражнение 17

Замените выделенные глаголы на слова из вокабуляра, используя составное именное сказуемое. Работа в парах или в командах.

Text I:

This is John Smith. He’s Colombian but he lives in Brazil. He is a prisoner. Mr. Smith is 33 years old. He doesn’t work or study. Mr. Smith cannot read or write but he can play the guitar very well. He plays the guitar every day at 6:30 pm after dinner. The other prisoners all like his music. Mr. Smith likes pop, rock but he doesn’t like samba. Mr. Smith likes Brazilian food and drinks…He loves brown chocolate but he doesn’t like white chocolate. His room number in the prison is 333 on the 3rd floor. People call Mr. Smith "The Music Man". Mr. Smith is a happy prisoner. He wakes up at 5:15 am and has breakfast; he eats very much!!! He has black coffee and bread in the morning but he doesn’t eat fruit or drink milk. He smokes very much!!!


Text II:

This is Juan Ribe. He’s from Madrid in Spain but he lives in Argentina. He is an actor. Mr. Ribe is 23 years old. He works for TV ARGENTINA. He also studies; he studies Journalism at the Federal University of Argentina. Mr. R ibe cannot sing or dance but he can play the violin very well. He loves classical music and he listens to it every day from 5:10 am to 8:45 am every morning. After this he has fruit juice for breakfast and goes to university. Mr. Ribe is a very good student. He speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Mr. Ribe lives in a flat. His flat number is 133, on the 1st floor. Mr. Ribe loves Spanish food but he doesn’t like Argentine food. He loves milk caramels but he doesn’t like chocolate. He doesn’t smoke.


Text III:

This is Hornito. He’s from Mexico but he lives in the USA. He is an actor in a circus.

Hornito is 33 years old. He works for THE WORLD CIRCUS. He doesn’t study but he works very much. Hornito can sing, juggle, and dance but he cannot play any instruments. He loves the circus and he works every day from 4:40 pm to 22:00 pm every evening. Before this he has fruit juice and bread for dinner and prepares his show. Hornito is a very good actor. He speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Hornito lives in the circus. He lives in a circus van with other actors. His van number is 33. He loves Mexican food but he doesn’t like American fast food. He loves sweets and chocolate. He doesn’t smoke.

Речевой этикет


Запомните слова, которые помогут сделать вашу речь на английском языке естественной и непринуждённой:

Thanks. -Менее формальная форма благодарности.

Thank you. -Формальная форма благодарности.

Excuse me. - 1) Обращение к незнакомцу, с целью привлечь его внимание;

2) Предупреждение о возможном причинении неудобства.

Sorry? – Просьба повторить фразу, которую вы не расслышали.

Sorry! - Извинение за проступок.

That’s quite all right. – Принятие извинения.

Really? - Побуждение собеседника к дальнейшему разговору.

Please. – Часть просьбы, чаще в конце предложения.

I’m afraid … - Вводная фраза при намерении сообщить неприятную новость.

Here you are! – Возьмите, пожалуйста!

Here it is! - Возьмите, пожалуйста!


Формы обращения к людям

Mr (Smith) - к малознакомому мужчине;

Mrs (Smith) - к малознакомой замужней женщине;

Miss (Smith) - к малознакомой незамужней женщине;

Ms (Smith) - к малознакомой женщине, без указания на её семейное положение;

Ladies and Gentlemen- официальное обращение к аудитории;

Officer - к офицеру полиции;

Doctor - к врачу;

Professor - к профессору вуза;

Sir - обращение полицейского, продавца, официанта к незнакомому мужчине;

Madam - формальное обращение к незнакомой женщине;

Excuse me? - обращение к незнакомцу, чтобы привлечь внимание.



Good morning! (formal)

Good afternoon

Good evening!

Nice to see you! (less formal)


How are you? - I’m fine, thank you..

I haven’t seen you for ages!

Hi! (informal)



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