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Задание 4. Что общего в этимологии данных слов? Имеют ли они какие-либо общие черты в их значении, и/или в сфере употребления?

anger n blend v,, clip verb: cut with shears or scissors dirt n, hit v,, guest n, hang v scale n

Задание 5. Запишите и прокомментируйте историю заимствования данных слов. Некоторые из них имеют параллели в русском языке. Почему?

consider v, client n, guard n, guerilla n hurt v, ill adj, phrase n, risk n, river n, , shaman n, tabouret n, tacit adj, tahsil n, taiga n,

Задание. 6. Некоторые латинские слова пришли в английский язык непосредственно из латыни, а некоторые попали в английский язык не прямым путем, а через французский язык. Изучите этимологию данных слов и поместите их в нужную колонку таблицы, как в примерах.

acquire v, approve v, apron n, cry v, demonstrate v, dress v, hospitality n, immerse v, indulge v, neat adj, necessity n, negotiate v, notice v, relax v, ritual n, rival n, robe v, proof n

E >L (any period) silent [f. L silere] E >(O)F >L (any period) silence [ME f. OF, f. L silentium ]

Число слов в разных колонках неодинаково, и это отражает действительную роль латыни и (старо) французского как источников заимствования для английского языка. Какая группа более многочисленна? Почему? Какой вывод о путях заимствования из латинского языка можно сделать?

Задание 7. В некоторых случаях не представляется возможным точно установить, было ли заимствовано слово из романских языков или непосредственно из латинского языка. Например: imitation [F or f. L].

Каковы возможные причины такой двойственности этимологии?

Выпишите из словаря этимологию следующих слов и прокомментируйте путь их заимствования в английский язык.

lucid adj, heroine n, indignation n, revoke v, ridicule v stupid adj

Задание 8. Определите этимологию имен прилагательных в правой колонке и синонимичных им в левой колонке. В чем отличия между ними? К каким лексико-семантическим группам они относятся? В каком стиле речи они наиболее употребительны?

A luminous face Impeccable hair A resolute chin Prudent conduct lambent intelligence assiduous studying tremulous voice rapacious pursuit of power invincible strength shiny faultless decided careful lightly brilliant diligent trembling grasping undefeated

Задание 9. Дайте сравнительную характеристику заимствованиям из латинского, древнескандинавского, и старо-французского языков.

Задание 10. Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем два слова, заимствованные из русского языка. Сравните их значения в язык-доноре и языке-реципиенте. Являются ли эти слова исконными в русском языке?

To judge from the pages of fashion magazines, one of the bug trends of the fall [autumn] season for luxury shopkeepers is astrakhan, a recently popularized name for an old-fashioned fur that in the past has been known as Persian lamb, karakul or broadtail.

It takes its name from a city that is considered the caviar capital of Russia.

Most astrakhan lambs are killed within days or weeks after their birth because as they age the quality of their wool quickly changes and becomes coarse.

The trend to use the fur of so young lambs has not so far stirred much opposition from animal-rights groups.

(adapted from The New York Times, September 26, 2005)


Задание 11. Какие суффиксальные морфемы выделились из состава данных заимствований? Каково их частеречное значение? Лексическое значение? Есть ли сходные морфемы в русском языке?

A profiteer  A racketeer A volunteer   assistance assurance instance resemblance occurrence vehemence to associate to calculate to investigate to instigate a narrator a spectator a tutor a conductor a collector an author brutal adj comical adj rural adj special adj temporal adj original adj
provodnik refusenik raskolnik sotnik sputnik Hygienic adj Classic adj Specific adj ignorant adj irrelevant adj resistant adj   curious adj devious odious adj tremendous monstrous an actress a lioness a duchess

Задание 12. Изучите этимологическую историю следующих заимствованных слов и запишите их происхождение. Воспользуйтесь аббревиатурами и символами, как в примерах Приложения 2. Проверьте по словарю, к какому стилю они относятся и насколько высока их частотность употребления.

1/ diatribe ['dai traib] n formal.

1: a bitter and abusive speech or writing
2: ironical or satirical criticism
 Example sentence:
The columnist wrote a ruthless diatribe condemning people who talk on cell phones while driving.
Did you know?
Ancient Greek philosophers liked to spend away the hours in intellectual discussion. Their fondness is reflected in the Greek noun "diatribe," meaning either "pastime" or "discourse." That noun passed into Latin as "diatriba," which was in turn adapted to "diatribe" by 16th-century English speakers. In its earliest English use, "diatribe" meant simply "a prolonged discourse," but that sense has become obsolete. Today, however, the term is usually applied broadly to any biting or abusive denunciation.

2 / terra firma [ter f:m ] n: dry land: solid ground
Example sentence:
The passengers on the ocean liner looked forward to setting foot on terra firma at the end of the long voyage.
Did you know?
The etymology of "terra firma" hasn't been watered down a bit. The phrase comes directly from New Latin, where it literally means "solid land." When "terra firma" first set foot in English prose in the 17th century, it referred specifically to the dry land of continents or mainlands (as distinct from smaller, more water-bound landforms, such as islands), or even more specifically, to certain Italian mainland territories controlled by Venice. By the end of the 17th century, the broader sense of "terra firma" (any dry land) had also established footing. That sense remains firmly established to this day. Figurative use ("a theory built on the terra firma of facts," for example) is also common. The older senses, however, have since crumbled away.

3/ morpheme [΄m:fi:m] n (part of) a word that contains no smaller unit of meaning
Example sentence:
The word "unloader" includes the morphemes "un-," "load," and "-er."
Did you know?
Morphemes are the indivisible basic units of language, much like the atoms which physicists once assumed were the indivisible units of matter. English speakers borrowed "morpheme" from French "morpheme," which was itself created from the Greek root "morphe," meaning "form." The French borrowed "-eme" from their word "phoneme," which, like English "phoneme," means "a basic unit of speech that distinguishes one utterance from another." The French suffix and its English equivalent "-eme" are used to create words that refer to distinctive units of language structure. Words formed from "-eme" include "lexeme" ("a meaningful linguistic unit in the vocabulary of a language"), "grapheme" ("a unit of a writing system"), and "toneme" ("a unit of intonation in a language in which variations in tone distinguish meaning").

4/ caterwaul ['k t w:l] v 1: to make a harsh cry 2: to protest or complain noisily
Example sentence:
"Just before sunrise, barred owls hooted, screamed and caterwauled in the distance." (Chris Young, ”The State Journal-Register” Springfield, IL, April 9, 2005)
Did you know?
An angry (or amorous) cat can make a lot of noise. As long ago as the mid-1300s, English speakers were using "caterwaul" for the act of voicing feline passions. The "cater" part is, of course, connected to the cat, but scholars disagree about whether it traces to the Middle Dutch "cater," meaning "tomcat," or if it is really just "cat" with an "-er" added. The "waul" is probably imitative in origin. English's first "caterwaul" was a verb focused on feline vocalizations, but by the 1600s it was also being used for noisy people or things.

5/ simpatico [sim'pa:tik ] a

1: agreeable, likeable
*2: being on the same wavelength: congenial, sympathetic

*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence.
 Example sentence:
As business partners, Jake and Mark haven't always been simpatico, but they complement each other's talents and compensate for each other's faults.
Did you know?
"Simpatico," which ultimately derives from the Latin noun "sympathia," meaning "sympathy," was borrowed into English from both Italian and Spanish. In those languages, the word has been chiefly used to describe people who are well-liked or easy to get along with. Early uses of the word in English reflected this. In recent years, however, the word's meaning has shifted. Now we see it used to describe the relationship between people who get along well or work well together.
6/ puerile ['pj ()rail] adj  : juvenile 2: childish, silly
Example sentence:
It is true that one can scan a whole evening’s programmes and fin only puerile junk on every channel.
Did you know?
"Puerile" has been around for more than three centuries, and its predecessors in French and Latin, the adjectives "pueril" and "puerilis," respectively, are far older. They both trace to the Latin noun "puer," meaning "boy" or "child." Nowadays, "puerile" can describe the acts or utterances of an actual child, but it more often refers (usually with disapproval) to occurrences of childishness where adult maturity would be expected or preferred.

(Adapted from The Word of the Day Merriam-Webster OnLine)

Задание 13. Что свидетельствует об иноязычном происхождении следующих слов, синхронно составляющих пары «производящий глагол – производное имя существительное» и «производящий глагол – производное имя прилагательное»?

decide – decision; describe – description; prepare – preparation;

repute – reputation; resign – resignation; admire – admirable; admit –admissible; irritate – irritable; permit – permissible

Задание 14. Следующие слова являются заимствованиями. Укажите русские слова со схожей формой. Русское произношение этих слов часто накладывает отпечаток на то, как русскоговорящие произносят английские слова. Запишите транскрипцию английского слова.

anatomic author automobile enthusiastic examination   familiar photograph solo triumphal university  




Задание 1. Выделите в однокоренных словах свободную корневую морфему. Определите частеречную принадлежность слова, с которым она материально совпадает и его буквальное значение.

1. famous adj, unfamed adj, fameless adj, famously adv, famed adj;

2. disfavour n, favourite adj, favouritism n, unfavourable adj, favourable adj favourably adv;

3.  employee n, employer n, employed adj, unemployed adj;

4. elector n, elective adj, election n, reelect v;

5. underestimate v, estimable adj, esteemed adj, estimation n; overestimate

6. fanciful adj, fancifully adv, fancifulness n;

Каково лексическое значение выделенных корневых морфем?

Задание 2. Выделите в однокоренных словах связанную корневую морфему. (Она может иметь варианты написания и/или произношения, как в примере). Сравните значение однокоренных слов и определите, какое обобщенное лексическое значение можно приписать выделенной морфеме.

Например (курсивом дано значение слова):

fluct uate v flow like a wave;

flu ent adjready with a lot of words; speaking or writing easily;

flux ncontinuous flow or changing;

in flux n- inflow;

flu idadjnot rigid; changing easily;

flu id n substance that flows;

связанная корневая морфема в данных словах – -flu-, -fluc-, -flux-, -fluct-. Её обобщенное лексическое значение - “flow”.

1. detect v, detection n, detectable adj, protect v, protection n, protective adj;

2. horrible adj, horrid adj, horror n;

3. vision n, visible adj, invisible adj, visual adj, visualize v;

4. educate v, conduct v, product n, produce v;

5. manual  adj, manual n, manipulate v, emancipate v

6. support v, import v, export t v, transport v, portable adj;

Задание 3. Изучите строение и значение слов со связанным корнем. Значение этих корней помогает понять значение других слов с этим же корнем.


1 AM-, AMOR-: love, liking, friendliness

word meaning typical use
amateur n literally, “lover” 1/person who does smth because he likes it but it’s not his professional line; 2/inexperienced person Lora didn’t study drama art, she’s an amateur but I like her playing. When it comes to baking a cake Mom is the expert, I’m only an amateur.
amiable  adj lovable; good-natured; pleasant and agreeable Charlotte is an amiable child and everybody loves her.
amicable adj friendly, neighbourly; not quarrelsome They have reached an amicable settlement of the dispute.
amity n friendship; goodwill; friendly relations very formal A spirit of perfect amity between countries should be a constant goal of politicians.
amorous adj having to do with love; loving; inclined to love In the famous balcony scene, the amorous Romeo expresses his undying love for Juliet.

Заполните пропуски словами из вышеприведенной таблицы.

1. After his first success as a screen lover, the actor was invited only to play ____parts. 2. Bob won his first golf tournament while still an _____. 3. She was in an _____ mood.

2 SCRIB-, SCRIPT- write

prescribe (literally, “write before) 1/order, dictate, direct 2/order as a remedy The law prescribes that aliens may not vote. His doctor prescribed Harry a diet.
conscript v   to make smb join the armed forces;   The government conscripted additional men to continue the war.
script Written text of a play, film, etc Actors often have to memorize long scripts.
subscriber 1/ someone who signs their name on a document formal 2/ someone who pays money to receive something regularly. The petition to nominate Sue for president of the freshman class has 43 subscribers. He is a subscriber of five newspapers!

Приведите свои примеры слов с такой же корневой морфемой.


3 POSE-, PONE- place, put

postpone v change to a later date The meeting has been postponed until next week
depose v put off the throne The king was deposed by his own son.
impose v to force smb, smth I don’t want to impose my views on you.

Приведите свои примеры слов с такой же корневой морфемой.

4 LITER- letter

alliteration n repetition of the same consonant at the beginning of neighbouring words or accented syllables Note the alliteration in the line “Sing the song of sixpence”
literary adj having to do with letters or literature Edwin is a literary critic.
Literate adj 1/able to read and write; 2/having a good knowledge of literature; 3/having a good understanding of a particular subject The first school grade’s main aim is to make pupils literate. To enter this college you have to be mathematically literate.
Illiterate adj 1/not being able to read or write; 2/lacking knowledge in a particular subject Jack can’t sign the paper because he is illiterate. Elderly people are often technologically illiterate.
literacy n ability to read and write Tom attends an adult literacy class.
illiteracy n The state of being unable to read or write African countries have to face problems of illiteracy and poverty.
Literal adj following exact words of the original We translate ‘laissez-faire” as ‘absence of government control” but its literal meaning is “let do”.

Укажите слова-антонимы с корневой морфемой –liter-

SIMIL-, SIMUL- same, like

similar adj sharing some qualities but not exactly the same The brother and sister have similar hobbies.
dissimilar adj Different from English and Chinese are two very dissimilar languages.
Similarity n likeness, resemblance The similarity between the two stories makes us think that they were written by the same author.
simulate v imitate Classroom games simulate real communication.
simultaneousadj happening or done at the same time In simultaneous announcements, the two men resigned from their jobs.
assimilate v make alike In the “congress” [n] assimilates to [g] and is replaced by [n].

Приведите свои примеры слов с такой же корневой морфемой.

Задание 4.

А / Все слова в заданиях1-2 помимо корневой морфемы имеют одну или две аффиксальных. Выпишите слова, содержащие одну и ту же cуффиксальную морфему, и укажите их часть речи. Например:

famously, favourably, correctly – морфема –ly; наречия (adverbs);

famous – морфема –ous; имя прилагательное (adjective);

Б / Заполните таблицу суффиксальными морфемами из части А.

Суффиксы в составе имен существительных 1/-er 2/… 3/… 4/   5/… 6/… 7/… 8/… Суффиксы в составе имен прилагательных 1/… 2/… 3/… 4/… 5/… 6/… 7/… 8/… 9/… 10/… 11/… Суффиксы в составе глаголов   1/… 2/… Суффиксы в составе наречий   1/…

В / Суффиксы, входящие в состав имен существительных, по своей семантике распадаются на три подгруппы: три суффикса обозначают одушевленные лица, один – конкретный предмет, остальные входят в состав абстрактных имен существительных. Распределите суффиксы по подгруппам.

суффикс в составе предметного имени сущ. суффиксы в составе имен сущ., обозначающих лица. суффиксы в составе абстрактных имен сущ.

Какие суффиксальные морфемы входят в состав слов из задания 3? Какие другие суффиксальные морфемы входят в состав этих слов? Каково их значение

Задание 5. Составьте список префиксов, которые входят в состав слов из задания 1. Какое значение им можно приписать? Например:

1/Underestimate – префиксальная морфема under- имеет значение «недовыполнить действие».

Слова в заданиях 2 и 3 были заимствованы из латинского языка непосредственно или через французский язык. Помимо латинских связанных корней они содержат латинские приставки. Изучите их значение:

sup- (вариант приставки sub-) “lower position”

im- (вариант приставки in-) – “in, into, inside, over”

ex- “out, outside”

trans- “across, beyond”

pre- “before”

con- (вариант приставки com-) “with, together, jointly”

post- “after”

de- “down”

al-, as- (варианты приставки ad-) “change”

il- (вариант приставки in-) “negative”; absence of quality”

dis- “not alike”

Лексическое значение приставочного слова складывается из лексического значения корня и значения приставки. Прокомментируйте это положение, используя слова из задания 4 и значения приставок из задания 5.


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