Anatomy: questions and patterns for discussion
ANATOMY: QUESTIONS AND PATTERNS FOR DISCUSSION What is the definition of the organ? What is the organ defined? What is the organ termed? The organ is defined as… The organ is termed as… The definition of the organ is … What are the functions of the organ? What is the main function of the organ? How does the organ work? How does the organ function? How does the organ act? The main function s of the organ are … The main function of the organ is … The organ works as … Where is the organ located? What is the location of the organ? The organ is located in… (near…, posterior to…, anterior to…, superior to …, inferior to …. under …, below …, slightly to the left of the breastbone…, etc. ). What is the structure of the organ? What parts does the organ include? What parts does the organ consist of? What parts is the organ composed of? What parts is the organ made up of? The organ include s several parts. They are… The organ consist s of … The organ is composed of … The organ is made up of … What is the weight of the organ? What is the size of the organ? What is the length of the organ? What is the volume of the organ? What is the vital capacity of the organ? The weight of the organ is… The size of the organ is … The length of the organ is … The volume of the organ is … The capacity of the organ is … What are the most common diseases of the organ? The most common diseases (illnesses, disorders) of the organ are… The most significant risks are …
Questions and patterns for discussions on common diseases What is the definition of the disease? What is the disease defined? What is the disease termed? What is the disease referred to? The definition of the disease is… The disease is defined as… The disease is termed as…The disease is referred to as… What is the classification of the disease? What types is the disease classified into? What kinds is the disease subdivided into? The classification of the disease includes … The disease is classified into several types. They are… The disease is subdivided into several kinds. They are… What are the main causes of the disease? What do the main causes of the disease include? What is the disease caused by? What is the disease triggered by? What is the disease induced by? What does the disease result from? What factors lead to the disease? The main causes of the disease are… The main causes of the disease include… The disease is caused by… The disease is triggered by… The disease is induced by… The disease results from … Smoking and alcohol lead to the disease. What are the main risk factors? What are the most common predisposing factors? What do the main risk factors include? What are the main risk situations? What are the main risk groups? Who is at high risk for the disease? The main risk factors are… The main risk factors include… The most common predisposing factors are… The main risk situations are… The main risk groups are…Alcoholics, immunocompromised people, diabetics, AIDS patients are at high risk for the disease.
What is the morbidity rate of the disease? What is the mortality (death) rate of the disease? What is epidemiology of the disease? What is prevalence of the disease? What is frequency of the disease? The morbidity rate of the disease is 10 cases per 1, 000 people. The morbidity rate of the disease is 1. 2 deaths per 1, 000 cases. What are the most common symptoms, signs, clinical features, clinical manifestations of the disease? What are the most common signs of the disease? What are the most common clinical features of the disease? What are the most common clinical manifestations of the disease? What symptoms do patients with the disease have? What symptoms do patients with the disease experience? The most common symptoms of the disease are… The most common signs of the disease are… The most common clinical features of the disease are… The most common clinical manifestations of the disease are… Patients with this disease have (experience) the following symptoms… What does evaluation for the disease include? What does examination for the disease consist of? What does investigation for the disease involve? What does evaluation for the disease comprise? Evaluation for the disease includes three main stages. Examination for the disease consists of three main steps. Investigation for the disease involves three main parts. Evaluation for the disease comprises three main levels. They are first(ly), history, second(ly), physical examination and third(ly), instrumental evaluation. What does history include? What does history evaluation consist of? History includes a personal medical history or a previous history, a history of the present illness, a history of presenting complaint, a childhood illness history, a past medical history, an allergic history, a family history, a pregnancy history, an obstetric history, a gynecological history, a medication or drug history, an immunization history, a psychiatric history, an occupational history, a social history, a surgical history, an environmental history, a sexual history, a diet history, etc. What does physical examination include? What does physical evaluation consist of? Physical evaluation includes observation, percussion, palpation, auscultation. What does instrumental evaluation include? Instrumental evaluation includes different blood tests, urinalysis, X-ray, MRI, ultrasound, ECG, echocardiography, laboratory tests, pulmonary function testing, audiograms, full body CAT scanning, heart stress tests, and mammograms or prostate exams depending on gender, etc. What does treatment for the disease include? What does management for the disease consist of? How is the disease treated? What are the most common treatment methods for the disease? What are the most common treatment modalities for the disease? Treatment for the disease includes…The most common treatment methods and modalities are…pharmacotherapy or drug therapy (antibiotics, sedatives, non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications, insulins, etc. ), surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, vitamin therapy, phytotherapy or herbal therapy, hydrotherapy, blood transfusion, plasma transfusion, etc.
What does prevention for the disease include? How is the disease prevented? What does self-care include? The most common prevention includes…avoidance of smoking, avoidance of alcohol, avoidance of sedentary life style, healthy diet low in fats, cholesterol and dietary sodium, exercises within tolerant levels… What questions does the doctor ask the patients with this disease? The doctor may ask different questions, for example, Do you have a family history of this disease? Do (did) you parternal (marternal) relatives have this disease? Have you ever had…? Have you ever been troubled, disturbed, bothered by …? Are you troubled, disturbed, bothered by …? Are you being troubled, disturbed, bothered by …? Are you having…. ? Do you often have …? Has your doctor ever told you that you may have…? Have you ever been told that you may have …? What medications do you take? What medicines (pharmaceutical drugs, remedies) are you taking? Are you allergic to any drugs? Are you sensitive to any medications? What medications do you have allergies to? Have you ever been hospitalized for your disease? Have you ever been operated for your disease?
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