Polymyositis. Myasthenia gravis. Medical humor. The heart
POLYMYOSITIS Phonetic exercise: chronic [‘kr nik], inflammatory [in’flæ mə tə ri], myopathy [mai’ pə θ i], early [‘ə: li], fatigue [fə ‘ti: g], autoimmune [, tə ui’mju: n], kinase [’kineis], electromyography [, ilektro‘maiogrə fi], biopsy [‘baiə psi], characterized [‘kæ rə ktə raizd], evaluation [i, væ lju’ei∫ n], epidemiology [‘epi, di: mi’ lə d3i] Make a report on polymyositis according to the plan below: Definition: a type of chronic inflammatory myopathy, 'many muscle’ inflammation. Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: bilateral proximal muscle weakness often noted in the upper legs, early fatigue while walking, progressive weakness, etc. Risk groups: The disease strikes females with greater frequency than males. Causes: unknown; possible causes: autoimmune factors, genetics, and perhaps viruses. Evaluation: History: a personal medical history, a family history, a medication history, an occupational history, an environmental history, a surgical history, etc. Physical examination: observation and palpation. Instrumental evaluation: creatine kinase, electromyography, and muscle biopsy, etc. Treatment: high-dose steroids, specialized exercise therapy, etc.
Myasthenia gravis Phonetic exercise: myasthenia [, maiæ s’θ i: niə ], evaluation [i, væ lju’ei∫ n], fatigue [fə ‘ti: g], facial [‘fei∫ ə l], control [kə n’troul], limb [lim], swallowing [‘sw lə uiŋ ], noticeabl [‘nə utisə bl], upward [‘Λ pwə d], spirometry [, spaiə ‘r mitri] Make a report on myasthenia gravis according to the plan below: Definition: an autoimmune neuromuscular disease leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatiguability. Affected organs: eye muscles, eyelid muscles, facial muscles, muscles that control breathing, neck muscles, limb muscles, etc. Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: fatiguability, the most noticeable symptoms: weakness of the eye muscles, difficulty in swallowing, slurred, drooping of one or both eyelids; other symptoms: double vision, unstable or waddling gait, weakness in arms, hands, fingers, legs, and neck, a change in facial expression, etc. Evaluation: Physical examination: · looking upward and sidewards for 30 seconds: ptosis and diplopia. · looking at the feet while lying on the back for 60 seconds · keeping the arms stretched forward for 60 seconds · 10 deep knee bends · walking 30 steps on both the toes and the heels · 5 situps, lying down and sitting up completely Instrumental evaluation: blood tests, X-ray, CT, MRI, pulmonary function tests, spirometry, muscle biopsy, etc. Treatment: medications: acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and immunosuppressive drugs; plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG), surgery: thymectomy, etc.
So this man was helping his best friend move to a new house. He groaned as he helped a large couch. “Look, ” his friend said helpfully, “at least you are developing your muscles. ” “Yeah, ” replied the friend, wryly, “either that or a hernia. ” THE HEART Phonetic exercise: heart [ha: t], pear [pε ə ], muscular [‘m skjulə ], pump [p mp], organ [‘ : gə n], blood [bl d], vessels [‘veslz], repeated [ri’pi: tid], rhythmic [‘rið mik], contractions [kə n’træ k∫ nz], thorax [‘θ : r ks], surrounded [s ’raundid], breastbone [‘brestboun], cardiac [‘k diæ k], involuntary muscles [in’v lə ntə ri ‘mΛ slz], pericardium [, peri’k diə m], endocardium [, endə ’k diə m], myocardium [, maiə ’k diə m], chamber [‘t∫ eimbə ], chambers [‘t∫ eimbə z], upper atria [‘Λ pə ‘eitriə ], lower ventricles [‘lə uə ‘ventriklz], mitral valve [‘maitrə l ‘væ lv], tricuspid valve [trai’kΛ spid ‘væ lv], semilunar valve [, semi’lu: nə ‘væ lv], aorta [ei’ : tə ], pulmonary artery [‘pΛ lmə nə ri ‘a: tə ri], females [‘fi: meilz], males [meilz], beats per minute [‘bi: ts ‘p : ‘minit], bradycardia [, bræ di’k diə ], tachycardia [, tæ ki’ka: diə ], circulation [, s : kju’lei∫ n], oxygenated blood [‘ ksid3ineitid ‘bl d], deoxygenated blood [di: ’ ksid3ineitid ‘bl d], endocarditis [, endoka: ’daitis], pericarditis [, perika: ’daitis], myocarditis [, maiə ka: ’daitis], myocardial infarction [, maiə ’ka: diə l in’fa: k∫ n]; congestive heart failure [kə n’d3estiv ‘ha: t ‘feiljə ], angina pectoris [æ n’d3ainə ‘pektə ris], atrial fibrillation [‘eitriə l, faibri’lei∫ n]
Make a report on the heart according to the plan below: Definition: a pear shaped, muscular organ. Function: to pump blood through the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. Location: to the left of the middle of the thorax; surrounded by the lungs, protected by the thorax: the breastbone and ribs. Structure: cardiac muscle: striped and involuntary; the pericardium, the endocardium, the myocardium; four chambers: the two upper atria and the two lower ventricles; four valves: the mitral valve, the tricuspid valve, the semi-lunar valve of the aorta, and the semi-lunar valve of the pulmonary artery. Size and/or weight or volume: about three fourths the size of a clenched fist; 250 g in females and 350 g in males; the abnormal heart: up to 1, 000 g Physiology: the normal heart beat: 70 bpm in males and 75 bpm in females; bradycardia: if less than 60 bpm; tachycardia: if greater than 100 bpm. 120 times (beats) per minute in childhood; Two types of circulation: the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation. Deoxygenated blood: from the right atrium to the right ventricle, from the right ventricle to the lungs. Oxygenated blood: from the lungs to the left atrium, from the left atrium to the left ventricle, from the left ventricle to all tissues.
The most common diseases: endocarditis, pericarditis, myocarditis, myocardial infarction (MI), congestive heart failure (CHF), angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, congenital heart defects, acquired heart defects, valvular heart disease, etc.
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