Anemia. Leukemia. Blood vessels
ANEMIA Phonetic exercise: blood [blΛ d], anemia [ə ˈ niː miə ], leukaemia [lju: ’ki: miə ], haemophilia [, hi: mou’filiə ], deficiency [di’fi∫ ə nsi], disorder [dis’ : də ], excessive [ik’sesiv], diagnosis [, daiə ‘gn usis], diagnose [‘daiə gn uz], evaluate [i’væ ljueit], evaluation [i, væ lju’ei∫ n] refer [ri’f : ], cause [‘k : z], factors [‘fæ ktə z], complications [, k mplikei∫ nz], signs [sainz], features [‘fi: t∫ ə z], manifestations [, mæ nifes‘tei∫ nz], auscultation [, : skə ‘tei∫ n], percussion [pə ‘kΛ ∫ ə n], observation [, bzə ‘vei∫ n], epidemiology [‘epi, di: mi’ lə d3i], cyanosis [, saiə ’nə usis], hemoglobin [, hi: m ’gloubin], tachycardia [, tæ ki’ka: diə ], disturbance [dis’tə: bə ns], characterized [‘kæ rə ktə raizd]
Make a report on anemia according to the plan below: Definition: a decrease in normal number of red blood cells; the most common disorder of the blood. Classification: three main classes of anemia: excessive blood loss (such as a hemorrhage), excessive blood cell destruction (hemolysis) or deficient red blood cell production (ineffective hematopoiesis). Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: weakness, fatigue, general malaise, sometimes poor concentration, shortness of breath, dyspnea, on exertion, palpitations, angina, intermittent claudication of the legs, symptoms of heart failure, pallor (pale skin), jaundice, bone deformities, a fast heart rate (tachycardia), cardiac enlargement, behavioral disturbances in children, reduced scholastic performance in children of school age, restless legs syndrome, swelling of the legs or arms, chronic heartburn, vague bruises, vomiting, increased sweating, and blood in stool. Evaluation: History: a personal medical history or a previous history, a past medical history, a history of the present illness, a history of presenting complaint, a childhood illness history, an allergic history, a family history, a pregnancy history, an obstetric history, a gynecological history, a medication or drug history, an immunization history, a psychiatric history, an occupational history, a social history, a surgical history, an environmental history, a diet history, an alcohol consumption history, a smoking history, a sedentary life history, etc. Physical examination: observation, percussion, palpation, and auscultation. Instrumental evaluation: complete blood counts, RBC count, hemoglobin level tests, hematocrit, examination of a blood smear using a microscope, a quantitative measure of the bone marrow's production of new red blood cells, vitamin B12, renal function tests, etc. Treatment: oral iron supplementation, vitamin C, vitamin B 12; blood transfusion may be necessary, etc.
Complications: diminished capability to perform physical activities, hypoxemia, rigid fingernails, cold intolerance, behavioral disturbances in children, etc.
LEUKEMIA Phonetic exercise: blood [blΛ d], anemia [ə ˈ niː miə ], leukaemia [lju: ’ki: miə ], haemophilia [, hi: mou’filiə ], marrow [‘mæ r u], platlets [‘pletlets], leukocytes [‘lju: kə saits], increase [‘inkri: s], chronic [‘kr nik], acute [ə ‘kju: t], myelogenous [, maiə ’d3i: nə s], abnormalities [, æ bn : ’mæ litiz], characterized [‘kæ ktə raizd], occur [ə ‘k : ], predisposition [, pri: ’dispə ‘z∫ n], epidemiology [‘epi, di: mi’ lə d3i] Make a report on leukemia according to the plan below: Definition: white blood; a cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of blood cells, usually leukocytes (white blood cells). Epidemiology: 256, 000 children and adults around the world develop some form of leukemia annually, and 209, 000 die from it. Classification: acute leukemia: characterized by the rapid increase of immature blood cells; chronic leukemia: characterized by the excessive build up of relatively mature, but still abnormal, white blood cells; lymphoblastic or lymphocytic leukemias and myeloid or myelogenous leukemias: Epidemiology of different types of leukemia: acute lymphoblastic leukemia: the most common type of leukemia in young children; chronic lymphocytic leukemia: occursin adults over the age of 55; acute myelogenous leukemia: occurs more commonly in adults than in children, and more commonly in men than women; chronic myelogenous leukemia: mainly in adults Causes: different causes: mutations in the DNA, natural and artificial ionizing radiation, a few viruses, some chemicals, use of tobacco, a genetic predisposition, chromosomal abnormalities or other genetic conditions, etc. Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: lack of blood platelets, red blood cell deficiency, anemia, pallor, feeling sick, fevers, chills, night sweats, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, an enlarged liver and spleen, headaches, etc. Evaluation: History: a personal medical history, a family history, a medication history, an occupational history, an environmental history, a surgical history, etc. Physical examination: observation, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Instrumental evaluation: repeated complete blood counts, a bone marrow examination, lymph node biopsy, blood chemistry tests, X-ray, MRI, or ultrasound, etc. Treatment: pharmaceutical medications, a multi-drug chemotherapy, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplantation, CNS prophylaxis (preventive therapy) to stop the cancer from spreading to the brain and nervous system in high-risk patients, splenectomy, chemotherapy, and bone marrow transplantation, etc.
BLOOD VESSELS Phonetic exercise: Blood vessels [‘bl d ‘veselz], circulatory system [, s : kjə ’leitri ‘sistə m ‘sistim], tubes [‘tju: bz], transport [træ ns’p : t, ‘træ nsp : t], throughout [θ ru’aut], arteries [‘a: triz], veins [veinz], capillaries [kə ’pilriz], endothelium [, endo’θ i: liə m], layer [leiə ], adventitia [, æ dven’ti∫ iə ], average [‘æ vrid3], exchange [iks’t∫ eind3], atherosclerosis [, θ ə r sklə ’r usis], phlebitis [fli’baitis]
Make a report on blood vessels according to the plan below: Definition: part of the circulatory system, a system of tubes. Function: to transport blood throughout the body. Types of blood vessels: arteries, veins, capillaries. Structure: the endothelium, the subendothelial connective tissue, a layer of vascular smooth muscles, a further layer of connective tissue known as the adventitia.
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