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Osteoarthritis. Medical humor. Muscles


Phonetic exercise: osteoarthritis[, stiə ’ θ raitis], degenerative [di’d3enə reitiv], arthritis [’a: θ raitis], abnormalities [, æ bn : ’mæ liti], congenital [kə n’d3entl], diabetes [, daiə ’bi: ti: z], atrophy [‘æ trə fi], injury [‘ind3ə ri], impairment [im’pε ə mə nt], analgesics [, æ nə l’d3i: siks], characterized [‘kæ rə ktə raizd], evaluation [i, væ lju’ei∫ n], epidemiology [‘epi, di: mi’ lə d3i]


Make a report on osteoarthritis according to the plan below:

Definition: degenerative joint disease, a group of mechanical abnormalities involving degradation of joints.

Epidemiology: 27 million people in the United States; 735, 000 hospitalizations for OA in the USA; 8 million people in the United Kingdom.

Causes and risk factors: mechanical stress, loss of strength in muscles and supporting joints, impairment of peripheral nerves, congenital disorders of joints, pathogenic factors, diabetes, overweight, obesity, injury to joints, aging, etc. Genetic factors: up to 60% of OA cases.

Symptoms, signs, clinical manifestations, clinical features: acute pain, sharp aches, loss of ability, stiffness, tenderness, a burning sensation in the muscles and tendons, a crackling noise, muscle spasms, regional muscular atrophy, etc.

Commonly affected joints: the hands, feet, spine, and fingers.

Evaluation: history: a personal medical history, a family history, a medication history, an occupational history, a social history, a surgical history, etc.

Physical examination: observation, palpation, persussion, and auscultation.

Instrumental evaluation: X-ray.

Treatment: weight loss, physical therapy, exercises, analgesics, acetaminophen / paracetamol, vitamin A, C, and E, omega-3 fatty acids, joint replacement, etc.




Boneheads – orthopaedics. Overpriced carpenter - orthopaedic doctor

Dr. Chicken Bones - medical slang for Chiroprators that take a little different approach to treating their clients. Some times they practice without a license and only deal in cash or trade.

Does it hurt when you go to that Dr. Chicken Bones?

Sometimes... but afterwards it does make my back feel better


Phonetic exercise: muscles [‘mʌ slz], muscular [‘mʌ skjulə ], contractile [kə n’træ ktail], tissue [‘tisju: ], skeletal [‘skelitə l], smooth [smu: ð ], cardiac [‘ka: diæ k], involuntary [in’vɔ lə ntə ri], striated [strai’eitid], average [‘æ və ridʒ ], conscious [‘kɔ nʃ ə s], control [kə n’troul]


Make a report on muscles according to the plan below:

Definition: contractile tissue of animals and humans.

Groups of muscles: head muscles, neck muscles, intraocular muscles, ear muscles, nose muscles, mouth muscles, tongue muscles, vertebral muscles, back muscles, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, pelvic muscles, muscles of upper extremities, muscles of lower extremities, shoulder muscles, hand muscles, thigh muscles, leg muscles, etc.

Function: to produce force and cause motion.

Types of muscles: first(ly), skeletal muscles, second(ly), smooth muscles, and third(ly) cardiac muscles;

Skeletal muscles: " voluntary muscle", anchored by tendons to bones, striated muscles; 639 skeletal muscles.

Function: to effect skeletal movements.

Smooth muscles: " involuntary” muscles, are not under conscious control.

Location: within the walls of organs and structures such as the esophagus, stomach, intestines, bronchi, uterus, urethra, bladder, blood vessels, etc.

Cardiac muscle: an " involuntary muscle", a striated muscle.

Location: only in the heart.

Common diseases: cerebrovascular accident (stroke), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, etc.



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