| FI
Fault code No.
| Symptom
| The scooter has overturned.
Used diagnostic code No. 08 (lean angle cut-off switch)
| Inspection operation item and
| Operation item and countermeasure
| Reinstatement
| probable cause
| method
| Defective lean angle cut-off switch
| Replace if defective.
| Reinstated by turn-
| 1.
| Remove the lean angle cut-off switch from the
| ing the main switch
| scooter.
| ON (however, the
| 2.
| Connect the lean angle cut-off switch coupler to
| engine cannot be
| the wire harness.
| restarted unless
| 3.
| Connect the pocket tester (DC 20 V) to the lean
| the main switch is
| angle cut-off switch coupler as shown.
| first turned OFF).
| Positive tester probe→blue1
| Negative tester probe→yellow/green2
| 4. When turn the lean angle cut-off switch approx.
| 45°, the voltage reading change from 0.9 V to
| 4.1 V.
| 5. Is the emergency stop switch OK?
| The scooter has overturned.
| Raise the scooter upright.
| Installed condition of the lean
| Check the installed area for looseness or pinching.
| angle cut-off switch
| Connected condition of connector
| If there is a malfunction, repair it and connect it
| Inspect the coupler for any pins
| securely.
| that may have pulled out.
| Lean angle cut-off switch coupler
| Check the locking condition of the
| Main wiring harness ECU (engine) coupler
| coupler.
Fault code No.
| Symptom
| Malfunction detected in the primary lead of the ignition coil.
Used diagnostic code No. 30 (ignition coil)
| Inspection operation item and
| Operation item and countermeasure
| Reinstatement
| probable cause
| method
| Defective ignition coil (test the pri-
| Replace if defective.
| Reinstated by
| mary and secondary coils for conti-
| Refer to “IGNITION SYSTEM” in chapter 8.
| starting the engine
| nuity)
| and operating it at
| idle.
| Open or short circuit in lead.
| Repair or replace if there is an open or short circuit.
| In case of multiple
| Between ignition coil coupler and ECU (engine) cou-
| cylinder open or
| pler/ main harness
| short circuit in lead,
| orange – orange
| make sure to turn
| red/black – red/black
| ON and OFF the
| Connected condition of connector
| If there is a malfunction, repair it and connect it
| main switch after
| Inspect the coupler for any pins
| securely.
| each time of crank-
| that may have pulled out.
| Ignition coil primary side coupler – orange
| ing.
| Check the locking condition of the
| Main wiring harness ECU (engine) coupler
| coupler.
| 7 - 19