"Want Ads". Lesson 2. The Resume
" Want Ads" " Want ads" are job advertisements you can find in the classified advertising section of newspapers, professional or trade journals. You should read the want ads at least for two reasons: • to learn more general information about jobs available; • to learn specific information about a particular job that is of interest to you. The ad may tell you about the education and work experience required for the job, the location of the job, the working hours, and the pay. It also tells you how to apply for that particular job. Some want ads say that certain qualifications are required, while other qualifications are preferred or hoped for. The employer will try to find someone who has all of the required and preferred qualifications. However, if no one has all the qualifications that the employer requires and prefers, he may hire someone who has only some of those qualifications. It is usually best to apply only for jobs for which you have at least all the required qualifications. However, this is not always true. Not all want ads are easy to read. The longer a want ad is, the more money it costs to print. In order to save money, employers leave unnecessary words out of the advertisement. They also use abbreviations. There are many good reasons for using the want ads in your job search. The following suggestions will help you to use want ads effectively: a) Remember that want ads are only one of the methods you may use. Save time to use other methods. b) Reading all the want ads you will learn useful general information. c) Avoid ads that make unrealistic offers. d) Analyze ads, which are of interest to you. e) Determine your qualifications for that job. f) Act quickly, effectively and stay cheerful! 4. Ознайомтеся зі зразками оголошень про прийом на роботу.
5. Зіставте визначення в стовпчику A з прикметниками в стовпчику B. Опишіть свої риси характеру для майбутнього роботодавця. А В 1. wants to get to the top a. sensitive 2. open and friendly b. creative 3. doesn't get tired easily c. attentive to detail
4. can change people's opinions d. ambitious 5. doesn't get angry or irritated quickly e. adaptable 6. can produce new ideas f. independent 7. thinks of other people's feelings g. outgoing 8. doesn't mind changing his/her habits h. energetic 9. can work alone i. persuasive 10. regularly checks the quality of his/her work j. patient 6. Для того щоб отримати роботу, необхідно написати заяву. Ознайомтеся з правилами написання та зразком заяви для отримання роботи. 1. Remember that the first impression is very important. 2. Type the letter neatly on good stationery. 3. Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a word. Retype the letter if necessary. 4. Describe yourself, your qualifications, and your experience clearly. 5. If the ad tells you to write for an application form you do not need to give detailed information in your letter. 6. Follow standard business letter format. Address the letter and envelope clearly. A Letter 421 Lafayette Drive, Apt. 317 St. Paul, Minnesota 56106 April 4, 2005 Personnel Department Continental Computer Corp. 935 Watson Ave St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Sir or Madam! In reference to your ad in today's Standard I am interested in the opening for a trainee computer programmer. Please send me an application form and any further details. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours truly, Ashley Wychulte 7. Напишіть заяву для отримання роботи, використовуючи зразки з додатку А. Lesson 2 Резюме. Види резюме. Основні вимоги до складання резюме. 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. The Resume A Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) is an objective written summary of your personal, educational, and experience qualifications. It packages your assets in the form of a convincing advertisement, which sells you for a specific job. A resume is a kind of written sales presentation. An effective resume creates a favorable impression of you while presenting your abilities and experience. The basic requirements for a good resume are: • brevity: оnе page is preferable, but not more than two pages; • top quality paper; • perfect spelling and grammar; • no typographical errors; • attractive layout. Your personal data sheet contains most of the information you need, to prepare resume. Now you have to select and arrange that information in the way that best relates your background to the work you seek. Every resume is an individualized presentation of your qualifications for a particular job. It means that you may prepare a few different resumes, depending on the types of jobs you are applying for. You can choose from among four types of resumes:
· Chronological resume lists work experience or education in reverse chronological order. It describes responsibilities and accomplishments associated with each job or educational experiences. · Functional resume lists functional skills and experience separately from employment history. · Combination (functional/chronological) resume draws on the best features of the chronological and functional resumes. It highlights applicant's capabilities and includes a complete job history. · Targeted resume emphasizes capabilities and accomplishments relating to the specific job applied for. Work experience is briefly listed in a separate section.
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