Chose the sentences with Particles I, II from the ones given below.
1. The falling water has kinetic energy. 2 While testing the motor he put down the results.3. Look at the readings of the device. 4. Robots are helping scientists to answer many difficult questions. 5. By the beginning of the 20th century man had learned something about the structure of the atom. 6. A person beginning some experiment should be very careful and attentive. 7. If frozen, water becomes ice. We call the element discovered by Pierre and Marri Curri radium.8. The importance of the scientific researches and discoveries is growing with every year. 9. Radio occupies one of the leading places among the greatest achievements of modern engineering. 15. Translate the following sentences: 1. Having improved this device they could use it for many purposes. 2. When making the experiment he made notes. 3. The vibrations of a voice speaking into the microphone of a telephone cause vibrations in an electric current. 4. This varying current is carried along a wire to a receiver. 5. Electronics in our country has developed into hundreds of research institutes and laboratories employing tens of thousands of people. 6. Having been discovered many years ago this metal found a wide application in industry only last year. 7. While being checked the motor showed good performance. 8. Rostov region today is building high-capacity atomic power stations. 9. The man introducing this famous scientist is the dean of our faculty. 10. Cybernetics is gaining a growing importance.
16. Change the complex sentences given below according to the examples and translate them into Russian: Example A: While she was preparing for her physics exam she looked through all the notes of the lectures. While preparing for her physics exam she looked through all the notes of the lectures. 1. When he was translating the article he used a dictionary. 2. While the student was working at the problem he made many experiments. 3. When the scientist was carrying out research in the field of nuclear physics he came to Dubna to work there. 4. When the worker was applying the new method of work he got better results. 5. While he was experimenting with this substance he was very careful. 6. When the engineer was improving the design he made many calculations. 7. While the man was describing this phenomenon he illustrated it with numerous examples. 8. When these scientists were working in our laboratory they obtained good results. Example B: The scientists who are carrying out research into nuclear physics deal with most difficult problems. The scientists carrying out research into nuclear physics deal with most difficult problems. 1. The scientist who is working at the method is well known. 2. The students who are listening to the taped lesson study at the evening faculty. 3. These postgraduate students who are watching the experiment work in our laboratory. 4. The worker who is repairing the machine is very skilled. 5. The engineer who is carrying out these investigations is a well-known inventor. 6. The students who are doing the laboratory work are from various faculties. 7. The workers who are building this house will soon finish their work.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English paying special attention to Participle I and Participle II. 1. Открыв дверь, я увидел друга. 2. Студент, отвечающий (который отвечает) этот урок, из нашей группы. 3. Перевод, который делается студентами, очень трудный. 4. Она смотрела на играющих детей во дворе. 5. Будучи хорошим специалистом, он писал превосходные статьи. 6.Работая в читальном зале, она закончила свою статью. 7. Когда Попову предложили работу за границей, он отказался покинуть свою страну. 8. После того, как он окончил академию, его отправили за границу. 9. Проводя эксперимент, мы наблюдали новое явление. 10. Атомы, объединенные (которые объединены) в группы, называются молекулами.
18. Fill in the correct participle. Paul: You must be very 1)..................... excited (excite). Paris is a 2) (fascinate) city. There are so many 3)................ (interest) things to do. You won't be 4)... (bore). Jane: Well, I'm a bit 5)...(worry) because I can't speak French very well. Paul: You should buy a phrase book and then you won't be 6) (embarrass) if someone speaks to you. They won't be 7)..... (annoy) if you make a mistake, and most people will be 8)......................................................... (please) if you ask for something in French. Jane: I'm sure they'll find my accent very 9)... (amuse). Paul: Don't be silly. I'm sure you'll have a very 10).. (stimulate) holiday.
Chapter 7 Participial Constructions
The Objective Participial Construction (сложное дополнение) Оборот состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и причастия. Оборот используется после: 1) глаголов чувственного восприятия to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice, etc. He looked round and saw a girl racing after him. – Он оглянулся и увидел бегущую за ним девушку. When I returned I found her gone.- Когда я вернулся, я обнаружил, что она ушла. 2) глаголов, выражающих причинно-следственные связи: to get, to set, to leave, to have, etc. Don’t keep her waiting. – Не заставляйте ее ждать. Оборот, в котором причастие II употребляется после глаголов to have, to get, to make означает, что действие выполняется не подлежащим, а по просьбе лица, обозначенного подлежащим в предложении:
I had my coat altered. – Я поручила переделать пальто. You can get your clothes made in Europe. – Вы можете заказать себе одежду в Европе. 3) глаголов to like, to dislike, to want, to hate, etc. I hate you talking like that. – Мне не нравится, как вы это говорите. I want the letter posted at once. – Я хочу, чтобы письмо отослали немедленно.
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