Функции модальных глаголов.
1. Must выражает обязанность, долг, необходимость с точки зрения говорящего. Переводится словами должен, нужно, надо, должно быть, нельзя (в отрицательных предложениях). Эквивалентом модального глагола must является to have (to), to be (to).
2. To have (to) выражает обязанность или необходимость, обусловленную обстоятельствами. Переводится словами должен, приходится, вынужден, надо.
3. To be (to) выражает необходимость совершения действия по плану, по договоренности. Переводится словами должен, предстоит, намечено, планируется.
4. Модальный глагол need выражает наличие или отсутствие необходимости совершения действия и обычно употребляется в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях в настоящем времени. Переводится словами нужно, не нужно (в отрицательных предложениях).
5. Глаголы долженствования should и ought to имеют одну форму для всех лиц и являются почти синонимами. Они используются для выражения долженствования и обязанности для того, чтобы дать совет и чтобы сказать, как правильно и хорошо что-либо сделать.
В большинстве случаев как should, так и ought могут быть использованы почти одинаково. Но между ними есть небольшое смысловое различие. Когда мы используем should, то выражаем наше собственное субъективное мнение. Переводится словами следует, желательно, следовало бы, надо бы, хорошо бы. O ught to имеет более объективную силу и используется, когда мы говорим о законе, моральной обязанности и правилах. Переводится словами желательно, следует, рекомендуется, надо.
Ought и should употребляются, когда мы говорим о настоящем или будущем, а не о прошедшем.
6. Модальный глагол can выражает физическую или умственную возможность. Переводится словами могу, умею; не могу, не умею, нельзя (в отрицательных предложениях). Эквивалентом модального глагола can является to be able (to). Выражает реальную возможность, физическую или умственную способность.
7. Модальный глагол may выражает допущение возможности, разрешение совершить действие. Переводится словами могу, можно, вероятно, может быть; нельзя (в отрицательных предложениях). Эквивалентом модального глагола may является to be allowed (to).
8. Модальные глаголы в сочетании с Indefinite Infinitive Passive переводится: 1) can, may – можно; 2 ) must, should – нужно, необходимо, следует.
9. Модальные глаголы must и may в сочетании с Perfect Infinitive употребляются для выражения предположения о совершении действия в прошлом.
Для выражения действия, которое могло бы произойти, но не произошло, Perfect Infinitive употребляется в сочетании с модальными глаголами could, might, ought to, should.
В научно-технической литературе отмечается тенденция к взаимозаменяемости модальных глаголов, объединенных значениями необходимости и долженствования.
Exercises 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные грамматические формы, и сравните свой перевод с предлагаемым вариантом перевода для самоконтроля.
2. Translate the sentences:
1. Esperanto can be learned in much less time than any other language. 2. You should use a variety of methods to acquire new content. 3. Typically, these robots can walk well on flat floors. 4. These airplanes can be smaller and lighter without human pilot. 5. The computer must solve a great deal of information and decide on the best way to manipulate an object. 6. The presence of the stationary waves may be detected in many ways. 7. Electricity can be transmitted via the natural media. 8. Different languages such as Java and Pascal can also be used for Windows programming. 9. You can easily create and modify table definitions. 10. They disagree about what should be called nanotechnology and what should not. 11. You don’t have to worry that the code will not be accessible. 12. It is quite evident that not every experiment can be relied upon. 13. As a consequence, one usually has to rely on the experience and even the intuition of the engineer. 14. According to the kind of electronic design, Evolutionary Electronics can be classified into three categories. 15. Among the features described above, the third one should be emphasized. 16. This can be used to teach the network to classify speech patterns. 17. It is what the average C++ programmer will be able to come up with. 18. The virtual machines software itself must be written separately for each type of computer on which it runs. 19. Protocols may be implemented by hardware, software, or a combination of the two. 20. The question is how this can best be done. 21. Sometimes, composite operators must be used for a better definition of the relations. 22. The data transmitted by an application may have been broken down into smaller packets which are easier to handle. 23. IP network and every machine that is connected to it have to have a unique IP address assigned to it. 24. The operating system must make sure that the requirements of the various users are balanced. 25. Error detection was used in the cyclic system example to reject a state that could not be properly decoded. 26. Many limitations must be taken into account during the process. 27. Technology can be most broadly defined as the entities, both material and immaterial, created by the application of mental and physical effort in order to achieve some value. 28. In this usage, technology refers to tools and machines that may be used to solve real-world problems. 29. The word "technology" can also be used to refer to a collection of techniques. 30. This new-found knowledge may then be used by engineers to create new tools and machines, such as semiconductors, computers, and other forms of advanced technology. 31. The Internet can now be accessed virtually anywhere by numerous means. 32. The machine was slow but it could perform basic arithmetic as well as more complex equations. 33. These computers, both developed for atomic energy laboratories, could handle an enormous amount of data. 3. Rewrite the following sentences using can, could, may or might. 1 It is possible that he is Italian. 2 Do you know how to play the piano? 3 You are not allowed to speak during the exam 4 It is not possible that they are still on holiday. 5 You are not allowed to smoke on the plane. 4. There are mistakes in all of the following sentences. Find the mistakes and write the verbs out again correctly. 1. That mustn't be the postman. He never comes this early. 2. I might not to, come to class on Wednesday. I've got to go to the dentist. 3. Could you riding a bicycle when you were seven? 4. You couldn't borrow my new blouse. I want to wear it myself. 5. Don't think we should buy him a shirt. He could not like the colour.
5. There are mistakes with modals of deduction in eight of the following sentences. Find the mistakes and write the right verb form in your answer sheet. 1. That can be you when you were a baby. It looks just like you. 2. Helen must forget that we had a meeting this morning as she still hasn't arrived. 3. Do you think Mum might have bought me those new trainers I wanted for my birthday? 4. You mustn't have been so rude to her. No wonder she won't speak to you any more. 5. That can't be Mike in the photo. He doesn't have a beard. 6. I suppose I could lend you my calculator, but I was sure you'd lose it. 7. You should be freezing. Quickly, come inside by the fire and I'll get you a hot drink. 8. They shouldn't pull down that house. It was one of the oldest buildings in the city. 9. But he can't do it. He was here with me all day 10. That mustn't be the postman. He doesn't come on Saturdays.
6. Fill in can or be able to in the appropriate tense and form. 1. I've been looking for your glasses but I haven't been able to find them yet. 2. By the time Phillis was ten, she............................. speak three languages. 3. If you don't tell me what your problem is, I help you. 4. I got home early last night, so I watch my favourite programme on TV. 5. I eat anything when I was younger, but now I have to be more careful. 6. He …pass the exam because he had studied hard.
7. Fill in: can't, might, must or could. I wonder where Paul is. He 1) can't..... be at work because he never works on a Sunday. He 2)...be at Sally's, but I doubt it because they haven't been speaking lately. I wonder if he 3)....................... be at his cottage in the country. No, he 4).....be because he told me they've rented it to someone else for the summer. He 5)..... have gone bowling, but I'm almost sure he told me he'd got tired of it. I know! He 6).......................... have gone swimming, because I remember him asking me if I wanted to go with him.
8. How else can you express the following? 1) You may be wrong. 2) It's likely that she will lend you the money. 3) I'm sure they have invited her too. 4) I don't think he will forget your birthday. 5) They may have hurt her feelings.
9. Fill in: would you, I'll, shall, could, why don't you or how about. Husband: I've got a splitting headache. Wife: 1)..Why don't you go and lie down? Husband: Yes, I think I will. 2)....... you bring me some aspirin? Wife: Yes, of course I will. 3)....................... I call the doctor? Husband: No. 4)..................... wait and see how I feel later. Wife: 5).................................. like a glass of water? Husband: Yes, please. 6).................. you also telephone the office to say I'm ill? Wife: Yes. 7)............................ you tell me where to find the number? Husband: 8).................... looking in the address book by the phone? Wife: 9).................. I say you'll be in the office this afternoon? Husband: Yes, you 10)...................... say I'll be in about 2 - I should be all right by then.
10. Fill in: should, shouldn't, ought to or had better. David: You 1). .-should -, really do something about your car. Sally: What do you mean? David: It's in terrible condition. You 2) get a new one before the police stop you. Sally: But I can't afford a new one! David: Well, you 3)......... at least have the exhaust seen to. And you 4).. have the brakes repaired before you kill somebody. Sally: I suppose I 5)........ But you 6)...lend me some money to pay for the repairs. David: Sally, have you spent the money I lent you last week? You 7) have spent it all!
11. Fill in the correct modal verb and form of the infinitive. There was a bank robbery in town this morning and PC Jones was sent to investigate. He's reporting his findings to the Chief of Police. Complete what he says. "Well sir, it 1) must have been (be) a professional gang because it was a very clever job. They 2) (know) exactly what they were doing because they didn't leave even one clue behind them. It definitely 3)...(be) Freddy Fingers and his gang because they are in prison. I thought it 4) (be) Harry but he was in hospital at the time of the robbery, so it 5) (be) him either. I 6)...(be) sure, but it 7)...(be) Sly Steve's gang, because they are the only suspects who don't have an alibi; they 8) (commit) the robbery. 9) (I/ bring) them in for questioning, sir?"
12. How else can you express the following? 1. Shall we invite them? How about inviting them?... Let's invite them. We could invite them 2. May I go out for a minute?........... 3. He might move to Brazil. 4. I'll baby-sit if you like.................... 5. Would you mind carrying my luggage?......... 6. Let's go for a swim. ………….. 7.1 couldn't swim when I was five. ………… 8. You can't use the photocopier. …………
13. Fill in: mustn't, needn't or can't. In this school students 1) can't/'mustn't.. smoke. Students 2).....wear school uniforms, but they 3).....wear dirty clothes. Students 4)..................... leave school until 3 pm. They 5).....forget to do their homework. They 6).................. bring a doctor's note if they are sick. Older students 7).....park their cars in the teachers' car park. Students 8).....walk or ride their bikes across the grass. Students 9).....be late for class or talk loudly in lessons. Students 10).....forget these rules, but teachers 11)..... obey them as they have a separate set of rules to follow.
14. Fill in: can't, must(n't), need(n't), ought to, have (got) to or don't have to. Jo: Hello, Mum, Are you still awake? You 1)... needn't.. have waited up for me. Mum: Do you know what time it is? It's after midnight and you 2) go to school in the morning. Jo: I'm sorry, but I missed the last bus. Mum: Well, you 3)... have phoned me then. You 4)....come in at any time you want. Jo: Oh Mum, you 5).......... worry about me. Anyway, you 6).... walk miles to find a telephone that works. Mum: Then next time you 7)...be sure to catch the bus. You 8)...walk in the dark alone. Jo: Yes, Mum. I'm going to bed now -19) to get some sleep. And by the way, I 10)..... go to school in the morning - tomorrow's Saturday.
15. First write a synonym, then write the meaning of the verbs in bold type. ability (present/future) - ability (past) - possibility - deduction - permission - request - offer - suggestion -advice - criticism - absence of obligation/necessity – prohibition 1.He can't speak German....... He is not able to (ability - present) 2.He might be in his office. 3.You may go home now. 4.Could you lend me £5? 5.Shall we dance? 6.You ought to take more exercise. 7.She shouldn't have told you that....................................................... 8.You don't have to apologise. 9.1 couldn't find my socks. 10.She must have left her bag on the train....................................................... 11.You had better ask your mother. 12.I'll carry your bag if you like. 13.You mustn't make any noise. 14.His car needs washing. 15.We can go to the beach if you like.
16. Rephrase the following situations using an appropriate modal verb as in the example 1.It's not possible that he's finished already. He… can't have finished already. 2.It wasn't necessary for you to give him a present. You............................. 3.1 advise you to stop eating chocolate. You.............................................. 4.1 insist that you do your homework. You................................................ 5. It was wrong of him to kick that dog. He................................................. 6.It's possible that she's already phoned him. She 7.I'll take the dog out if you like. Would......... 8.Will you let me speak to George, please? May 9.Let's go to a disco. What................................ 10.It's possible that he is lying. He................. 11.He wasn't able to write until he was eight. He 12.Talking is not permitted during the test. You. 13.It would be a good idea for me to give up smoking. I had 14.I'm sure that he has gone home. He............. 15.It isn't right to speak to your mother like that. You 16.It isn't possible for me to come to the party tonight. I 17.He is obliged to go to the police station twice a week. He ... Chapter 4 Infinitive Инфинитив – это основная форма глагола. Его формальным показателем является частица to. Формы инфинитива
Неличные формы глагола не имеют лица, числа, времени и наклонения. Они могут только обозначить время относительно глагола-сказуемого. Simple Infinitive обозначает действие, одновременное действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым. I am glad to see you.- Рад тебя видеть. Continuous Infinitive обозначает действие, которое развивается одновременно с действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым. It is pleasant to be walking along the shady alley.- Приятно идти по тенистой аллее. Perfect Infinitive обозначает действие, которое предшествовало действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым. I am sorry not to have helped you. - Мне жаль, что не смог тебе помочь. Perfect Continuous Infinitive - обозначает действие, которое длилось в течение определенного периода времени до настоящего момента. It seems to have been raining since the very morning.- Кажется, дождь идет с самого утра. Passive Infinitive. Инфинитив переходных глаголов имеет 2 формы пассивного залога (Simple and Perfect). В отрицательных предложениях перед инфинитивом ставится not: We decided not to go out because of the weather.
Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется в следующих случаях: 1) после вспомогательных глаголов: I don’t understand. 2) после модальных глаголов: If one cannot have what one loves, one must love what one has. 3) после глаголов чувственного восприятия: I never saw you look so well before. 4) после глагола to let: Let us be friends. 5) после глагола to make (заставлять): What makes you think so? 6) после конструкций had better, would rather, would sooner: You’d better go to bed. Функции инфинитива в предложении
В простейших случаях английский инфинитив не отличается от русского. 1. Если инфинитив стоит в начале предложения, а за ним стоит сказуемое, то он выполняет функцию подлежащего и переводится на русский язык инфинитивом или существительным: To read is useful. – Читать полезно. Инфинитив выполняет функцию части составного именного сказуемого, если стоит после глагола to be, который переводится словами «состоит в том, чтобы», «заключается в том, чтобы» или вообще не переводится: The purpose of this test is to determine the mechanical characteristics of the material. – Цель испытания – определить механические характеристики материала. В сочетании с модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами инфинитив выполняет функцию части составного глагольного сказуемого: The design engineer must consider many factors. – Инженер-конструктор должен учитывать многие факторы. 3. Инфинитив, стоящий после сказуемого или косвенного дополнения, выступает в функции прямого дополнения: I like to read. – Я люблю читать. Разберем основные особенности, отличающие английский инфинитив от русского и, тем самым, представляющие трудности при переводе. 4. Инфинитив, стоящий в начале предложения до группы подлежащего или после сказуемого, выполняет функцию обстоятельства цели и переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением с союзами «чтобы»», «для того, чтобы»: Laws were not made to be broken. - Законы созданы не для того, чтобы их нарушать. Инфинитив цели может вводиться словами in order to, so as: Sometimes you retreat in order to advance. - Иногда нужно отступить, чтобы продвинуться вперед. 5. Инфинитив в роли определения, стоящего после определяемого слова, чаще бывает в форме пассивного залога и переводится на русский язык придаточным определительным предложением с оттенком будущности и модальности: The strength of radio waves to be measured is expressed in microvolts. Сила радиоволн, которая должна быть измерена, выражается в микровольтах Exercises 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные грамматические формы, и сравните свой перевод с предлагаемым вариантом перевода для самоконтроля.
2. Translate the sentences: 1. Various techniques are used to model data structure. 2. Keys are commonly used to join or combine data from two or more tables. 3. To increase the metric all we have to do is to add some if-statements to program. 4. The purpose of the model is to answer a set of questions. 5. At the same time chemists worked to combine atoms into new kinds of molecules. 6. This paper is supposed to be written by famous scientists in the field of nanotechnology. 7. Nobody seemed to know what had happen with those chemical elements. 8. That is very good book for you to read before making the experiment. 9. Each state indicates the sounds that are likely to be heard in that segment of the word. 10. The purpose of the feedback controller is to guarantee a desired response of the output. 11. In his work Airy was perhaps the first to explain instability in a feedback control system. 12. You can use scripting language to tell Flash what to do and to ask Flash what is happening. 13. For example, if the state is 101, this needs to be reset to 001. 14. Its developers and users use the web to exchange information ideas. 3. Read the sentences and state the function of the Infinitive: 1. To greet the guests is the hostess’ duty. 2. The boy explained seriously that the pockets were used to carry things that were absolutely necessary. 3. Mother had to repeat her request twice before her son turned his head. He seemed to have been lost in his thoughts. 4. The aim of the lesson was to introduce the words and train them in oral practice. 5. This is a hint for you to understand the whole thing better. 6. They decided to play the match on Saturday. 7. He made a remark in an angry voice to get me cross, too. 8. She seemed to have lost her temper. 9. Why do you want to be taken seriously in such a situation? 10. The people round the king were superstitious enough to have believed every word and trick of the witch. 4. Define the functions of the Infinitive in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian: 1. Our task is to study well. 2. The idea to use this substance is not new. 3. He described the device to be used in all modern systems. 4. The apparatus to be assembled is very complicated. 5. To translate the text without a dictionary is difficult. 6. To make the experiment you must improve the device. 7. The engineer wanted to be sent to the conference. 8. Lodygin was the first to invent the electric lamp. 9..In order to solve these problems, scientists must make many experiments. 10. To carry out this research work requires special knowledge. 5. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the functions of the Infinitive: 1.We shall consider a very simple example in order to explain this phenomenon. 2. Computer science is to be regarded as a new discipline. 3. It is quite necessary for him to make a great number of calculations to solve the problem. 4. We know silver to be the best of conducting materials. 5.Michael Faraday had little chance to get an education. 6. An attempt to form a theory of such systems was made by Professor W. 7. We expect the article to be published next year. 8. I believe him to have changed his plans. 9. Radio and television continue to develop and to find wider application in science and industry. 10. I saw the workers repair the machine. 11. The fastest way to detect an artificial satellite is by radio. 12. We watched the robot perform many operations. 13. We are to study the main laws of physics. 14. An electronic machine has to be used to make these calculations. 6. Read the sentences and state the form and function of the Infinitive: 1.Can it be still raining? 2. She can't have been lying to everyone. 3. He could see that everybody was ready to set off for the trip. 4. Could I ask for help? 5. She can't still be waiting for us. 6. Could you have misunderstood me? 7. Helen seems to be losing her temper. 8. I want you to take Jenny to the dentist. 9. She wants to be taken seriously. 10. It was nice to be speaking Russian after a week of staying in England. 11. What I want most of all at the moment is to be left alone. 12. They were astonished to have found me in such a company. 13. The girl was delighted to have been dancing the whole evening. 14. The boy was old enough to be taken to the ceremony. 15. You are too careless to have promised Jim so much. 16. He is known to have been one of me most famous writers of the 50s. 17. I was walking so quickly that I might be thought to be following the woman in front of me. 18. Granny is supposed to be taken to hospital. 19. The cat is not likely to have been stolen. 20. At that time I happened to be working at my first book of poems. 7. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the Infinitive: 1.I don't want her /think, to think/ me /say, to say/ a lie. 2. The doctor made them /to open, open/ the windows to air the stuffy room and /stop, to stop/ smoking at once. 3. His joke made us all /to laugh, laugh/ heartily. 4. Don't make her /agree, to agree/ with you. It will do no good - she is very stubborn. 5. She saw them /look, to look/ at the map of the city that is why she saw /they were strangers, them to be strangers/. 6. I didn't expect the weather /to change, change/ soon so I hadn't taken the umbrella. 7. Everybody believes Greg /to be, be/ a very good surgeon. 8. Why didn't you want us /see, to see/ him off to the railway station? 9.I think I was right - I let him /ask, to ask/ all the questions and answered them frankly. There is no place for tricks between the partners. 10. She didn't want anyone to see her /to cry, cry/ and wanted everyone/to leave, leave/ her alone. 8. Choose the right translation: 1 To read English is a great pleasure. а) читать на английском б) чтобы прочитать на английском 2 Tо read English well students must work hand, а) чтобы читать на английском б) читать на английском 3. The experiment to be made is very important а) эксперимент, который был выполнен б) эксперимент который надо провести 4 The problem to be solved was discussed at the last meeting а) проблема была решена б) проблема, которую надо решить 5.T о finish this work they had to invite American experts а) чтобы завершить эту работу б) завершение этой работы. 6. To finish this work was easy а) чтобы завершить эту работу б) завершение этой работы. 7, The sum to be paid was terrible а) сумма, которую нужно заплатить б) сумма была выплачена
9. Open the brackets and use to or "bare" Infinitive: 1. He was so clever that he could (to answer, answer) all possible questions. 2. The story was too short (to be read, be read), at the lesson. 3. Bob is as pleased as Punch (to have been praised, have been praised) in the class. 4. We must (to arrive, arrive) there in the morning. 5. You ought (have been, to have been) more attentive during the last test. 6. He seems (to be asking, be asking) stupid questions - look, everyone is smiling. 7. Kate asked me to show how (open, to open) the box. 10. Change the following complex sentences given below according to the example and translate them: Example: The process which will be described in this article is known as ionization. The process to be described in this article is known as ionization. 1.The method which will be used is reliable. 2. The results which will be received will be published next month. 3. The data that are to be obtained will be of great interest. 4. The measurements that must be made should be accurate enough. 5. The experiments which will be demonstrated are closely related to our research. 6. The problem that must be solved is very difficult. 7. The work that must be done is of great importance. 8. The method that will be used was developed in our laboratory. 9. The equipment that is to be installed is very effective. 10. The instrument which will be used must make precise measurements. 11. Translate the sentences into English: 1.Чтобы начать эксперимент необходимо изготовить новое оборудование. 2.Чтобы добраться до деревни, он вынужден был брать такси. 3. Чтобы перевести этот текст, она вынуждена пользоваться словарем. 4. Чтобы написать эту книгу, он посетил много стран. 5. Чтобы организовать встречу, он позвонил своему другу. 6. Дом, который будет продаваться, был построен в 18 веке. 7. Программа, которую необходимо разработать, будет использоваться математиками. 8. Делегация, которую нужно встретить в Москве, состоит из бизнесменов. 9. Статью, которую необходимо перевести, была опубликована в прошлом году. 10. Дорога, которую начнут строить в будущем году, будет на 200 км короче старой.
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