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Условные предложения нулевого типа.

If, etc. + Present Simple + Present Simple в главном предложении

Выражают условие, которое всегда является верным:

If you stroke our cat, she purrs

Unless you are on top of a mountain, water boils at 100° С

Условные предложения первого типа.

If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go swimming.

Сложноподчиненные предложения первого типа (реальное условие) выражают вероятный и возможный результат в будущем: You'll get wet if you don’t take an umbrella.

В условных предложениях первого типа в главном предложении используется Future Simple (простое будущее время) со вспомогательным глаголом will + инфинитив без частицы to, а в придаточном предложении используется Present Simple (простое настоящее время). Если придаточное стоит в начале предложения, то после него ставится запятая. Если главное стоит в начале предложения, то запятая после него не ставится: If I work hard, I’ll pass my exam. I’ll pass my exam if I work hard.

Условные предложения второго типа.

If I were you, I wouldn’t be so rude.

Условные предложения второго типа выражают маловероятное или нереальное условие в настоящем или будущем: If I were prime Minister, I’d increase taxes for rich people.

Условные предложения второго типа образуются при помощи использования простого прошедшего времени (Past Simple) в придаточной части и вспомогательного глагола would в главной части предложения: If I had more money, I would built a house.

Вместо глагола was в придаточном предложении обычно используется were: If I were you, I’d go to bed.

Правила пунктуации такие же, как и для условных предложений первого типа.

Условные предложения третьего типа.

If + Past Perfect + would have + past participle в главном предложении

Описывает прошедшее событие, которое могло случиться, но не произошло или событие, которое не должно было случиться, но случилось.

I wouldn't have cooked a vegetarian meal unless I had thought they were vegetarians.

She would have passed the exam if she had answered all the questions.


Смешанные условные предложения

• придаточное относится к прошлому, а главное – к настоящему или будущему

I would be happily married now if I hadn't told Mary I didn't love her.

She wouldn't let us go to the match unless we had finished our homework.

• придаточное относится к настоящему или будущему а главное – к прошлому

He would have invited you if he wasn't already coming to the dance with his girlfriend. She would have ordered something else if she didn't like spaghetti.


Модальные глаголы в условных предложениях

Modal verbs can, could, might, etc. can be used in first, second and third conditionals.

I might go to the match if there are any seats left.

If she had private classes, she could pass the exam.

If they had taught us how to use the machine safely, the accident might never have happened


Вежливые выражения

• would can be used after if in polite expressions.

If you wouldn't mind waiting for a moment, the porter will take your cases up to your room.

• should is used in the if clause to make it even less likely. This is common in formal letters.

If you should require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

• should can replace if in formal letters.

Should you wish to contact me, I can be reached at the above address.

Выражения, передающие значения условия:

I wish

If the verb is to be, we can use the Past Simple (l/she/it was; you/we/they were) or were with all persons {l/you/she/it/we/they were).

We all wish the exam wasn't/weren't tomorrow. I wish she was/were studying here, too.

• We use wish + would and could to refer to general wishes for the future.

/ wish I could come to your party, but I'm afraid I'll be away that weekend. I wish it would rain.

• wish + would is often used to talk about other people's irritating habits. This form is not often used with / or we. To talk about our own irritating habits we use could.

I wish you would stop tapping your foot like that. It's driving me crazy.

Don't you wish he wouldn't wear that terrible old sweater?

I wish I could stop eating so much chocolate.

• We use wish + Past Perfect to refer to things we are sorry about in the past.

I wish I had studied harder.

She wishes she hadn't sold her apartment.

If only

• if only is used with the same verb forms as wish, and is used when your feelings are stronger. It is often used with an exclamation mark (.'). It is used very commonly with would/wouldn't to criticise someone else's behaviour.

If only I could see her now! If only grandfather were here today. If only I didn't have to work so hard. If only she hadn't stolen the money.


I'd rather (would rather)

• We use I'd rather + Past Simple when we want to say what we want someone or something else to do in the present or future.

I'd rather you didn't stay out too late tomorrow night. Would you rather I came back later? You look very busy.

I'd rather the meeting started a little earlier.

• We use I'd rather + Past Perfect when we want to say what we wanted to happen in the past.

I'd rather you hadn't said that.

I'd rather she had gone out more warmly dressed.

• I'd rather + infinitive without to is used to talk about our preferences or other people's preferences in the present or future.

I'd rather go to the beach than to the mountains. They'd rather go by bus.



suppose means 'What if...?'. It is used with:

• the Present Simple to describe something that may possibly happen or may have happened. Suppose someone knows she was with us. Suppose someone sees you going into the building tomorrow morning.

• the Past Simple to talk about something that is just imagination or which is unlikely to happen in the future. Suppose she knew you loved her. What would you do? Suppose you won the lottery. How would you spend the money?

• the Past Perfect to talk about something that could have happened but didn't in the past.

Suppose we hadn't studied so hard. Do you still think we would have passed?

Suppose you had married Ted. Would you have been happy together?


1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные грамматические формы, и сравните свой перевод с предлагаемым вариантом перевода для самоконтроля.

1. It is necessary to point out those features of the design which would involve abnormally high production costs. Необходимо указать те свойства прибора, которые включали бы необычно высокие производственные затраты.
2.If there was ever an ocean on Mars it would have left a strong chlorinesignature. Если бына Марсе когда-либо был океан, он бы оставил заметные следы хлора.
3. This approach could not be followed even if it had been attractive. Данный подход нельзя использовать, даже еслибы он был привлекательным.
4. A corporation is a business organization that is treated by law as if it were a person. Корпорация – это деловая организация, которая подчиняется закону так же как и человек (как если бы это был человек).
5. Even though the proper choice of components were made this device wouldn’t work efficiently. Даже если правильно подобрать компоненты, прибор не работал бы эффективно.
6. Life would appear much simpler for the user of the computing machine if all tedious and wasteful steps were eliminated. Жизнь пользователей компьютеров стала бы проще, если бы все скучные и излишние этапы были отброшены.
7. Computerization, if it is to be more than just mechanizing a life search, requires that the criteria for selective matching be made explicit. Чтобы компьютеризация стала больше, чем просто механизация жизни, нужно, чтобы критерии отбора были определены.
8. A strict Behaviorist would not describe a person as “happy” because happiness is a state of mind, and a mind is not observable. Явные сторонники бихейверизма не охарактеризовали бы человека как “счастливого”, так как счастье – это состояние разума, а разум нельзя наблюдать.
9. It is desirable that the selection of such an important component as system power element be made with considerable care. Желательно, чтобы выбор такого важного компонента, как элемент питания системы, был произведен с исключительной точностью.
10. Could the scientists find out the means to make man’s life longer it would be a great discovery. Если бы ученые нашли способ сделать человеческую жизнь длиннее, это было бы великим открытием.
11. Had the speed of the first satellite been approximately 11 km per second, it would have overcome force of the earth’s gravitation and moved through airless space. Если бы скорость первого искусственного спутника была приблизительно 11 км/с, он преодолел бы силу земного притяжения и улетел быв открытый космос.
12. Were there no computers, space flights and many other achievements of modern science and technology would be impossible. Если бы не было компьютеров, космические полеты и многие другие достижения современной науки и техники были бы невозможны.
13. If a highly specialized person is required, a special publication such as a trade magazine may be most appropriate. Если потребуются хороший специалист, то наиболее востребованным может стать особое издание типа журнала о торговле.
14. If the obligations had not been met, the corporation could have been forced to sell its assets in order to make payment to the bondholders. Если бы обязательства не были выполнены, корпорацию можно было бы заставить продать свои активы для реализации выплат держателям акций.
15. I wish more students would go in for sport. Жаль, что мало студентов занимаетсяспортом.


2. Translate the sentences:

1. Esperanto was proposed as the second language that would allow people who speak different native languages to communicate.

2. It might be an image, a user, a document; anything referred to as a noun.

3. This may sound like a simple operation, but in fact, it sometimes involves a very complex process.

4. If you did the subtraction, you would always get the right answer.

5. No one would ever describe Microsoft as being a part of the electricity industry.

6. Perhaps DNA could be modified to create the first nanomachines.

7. If there were any variation in the sequence, it would not be possible to compare the results.

8. This machine would be able to compute tables of numbers, such as logarithm tables.

9. You might be wondering whether there is a smaller rule set that performs as well.

10. In the near future it could be possible to prevent natural disasters. A scanning system would be able to provide information on the brightness and position of objects in space.

11. If there were any variation in the sequence, it would not be possible to compare the results.

12. Science might study the flow of electrons in electrical conductors, by using already-existing tools and knowledge.

13. Twenty years ago the average commercial machines might have only ten thousand or so memory cells.


3. Complete the sentences.


1. Liz is tired all the time. She shouldn't go to bed so late. If...

2. It's rather late. I don't think Ann will come to see us now. I'd be surprised if Ann.....

3. I'm sorry I disturbed you. I didn't know you were busy. If I'd known you were busy, I...

4. The dog attacked you, but only because you provoked it. If...

5. I don't want them to be upset, so I've decided not to tell them what happened. They...

6. Unfortunately, I didn't have an umbrella and so I got very wet in the rain. I........

7. Martin failed his driving test last week. He was very nervous and that's why he failed. If he

4. Put the verbs into the right form

1. If you don't like this one, I (to take) not take it.

2. If you don't like this one, I won't take it. (to take) I shan't take it)

3. If you (to come) to my place, I'll show you lots of snaps.

4. If you don't take your umbrella, you (to get) wet to the skin.

5. If Maggie (not to be) careful, she'll spoil her new dress.

6. If they invite me, I (to go) with them.

7. If you (to behave) well, I'll buy you some chocolates.

8. If you leave the window open, the flies (to get in)

9. If you don't post the parcel now, it (not to arrive) before Christmas.

10. If you don't stop teasing the dog, it (to bite) you.

11. I shan't be able to finish my work in time unless you (to leave) me alone.

12. If Jane (to pay) her maid regularly, she won't have any difficulties with her.

13. If you are diligent, I (to buy) you a clock-work train.

14. Lewis (to go) to university if he gets a grant.

15. If you eat too many sweets, you (to spoil) your teeth.

16. Unless you tell me the truth I (not to come) to see you again.

17. The dog (to bark) if you knock at the door.

18. Unless you drive carefully, you (to have) an accident.

19. Unless Betty (to work) very hard she will be sent down.

20. If you come to the National Gallery in London, you (to see) a fine collection of the English painter Turner.

21. If you (to study) chemistry, you will earn a lot of money later on.

22. If Evelyn (to catch) the five o'clock train, she will be in London before midnight.

5. Open the brackets:

1. If you (to leave) now, you would get there on time.

2. If you left now, you would get there on time.

3. If Lilian had enough money, she (to buy) a new swimming-costume

4. If I (to be) you, I would write a book on Ireland.

5. If Mr. Morrell (to speak) German more slowly, he would not make so many mistakes.

6. If you (to go) by train, you would arrive at seven o'clock.

7. Even if he (to try) a dozen times, he would not succeed.

8. I (not to drink) this dirty water, if I were you.

9. If I (to be) rich enough, I would buy a fur coat.

10. If I (to have) a sewing machine, I would make all my own clothes.

11. If I (to win) a large sum of money on the pools, I would spend my holidays abroad.

12. If you (to win) the first prize in the lottery, what would you do?

13. We would go boating if the weather (to be) warmer this afternoon.

14. If Kathy (to dress) differently, she would look nicer.

15. I would make more mince-pies, if I (to have) more mincemeat.

16. If I (to be) you, I wouldn't go and see that film.

17. Bob (to go) to the cinema last night, if he had had a ticket.

18. Fred (to meet) you yesterday, if he had had time.

19. Peter and his friends (to go) to the races last Saturday, if it hadn't rained.

20. George (to arrive) in time if he had gone by bus.

21. If Mr. Walker (to speak) more slowly, we would have understood him better.

22. If the ladder (to slip), you might (to break) your neck.

23. We could have bought a television set this year if you (not to spend) so much money on the pools.

24. James (to take part in) the meeting if he had not fallen ill.

25. Our team (to play) better today if they had had another centre-forward.

26. We (not to go) to that restaurant if we had known its prices.

27. If there (to be) a taxi, we would have caught the train.

28. If Helen (to know) your address, she would have come to see you.

29. She would have called the doctor unless my temperature (to go down)

30. If the bus driver (to drive) more cautiously, he would not have caused this accident.

31. If the tradesman had shown me these colourful carpets, I (to buy) them.

32. If I (to know) that you were ill, I would have visited you.

33. The cake would have burnt if I (not to go) into the kitchen.

34. If it (to be) fine tomorrow I shall play tennis.

35. If my sister (to be) here now she would tell you the story in detail.

36. If the weather is fine we (to go) for a swim.

37. You will not get a grant unless you (to study) harder.

38. If the car (to fall) into the river the driver would have been drowned.

39. If they (to take) care of our children, we could have gone to the mountains.

40. Mr. Smith will come and see you if he (to have) time.

41. If anyone had seen them there, they (to get) into trouble.

42. He won't come unless his wife (to be) better.

43. If Paul had known that Italian was so difficult he (not to study) it.

44. I should have bought more of them if I (to have) enough money.

45. If you ate less you (not to get) so fat.

46. Tell him he must come to visit me if he (to have) time.

47. If you (to go) to London where will you stay?

48. You would not have caught that cold if you (to wear) your overcoat.

49. If you (to want) to be ready in time get dressed now.

50. Your dress would look better if you (to change) the buttons.

51. I would go to see him if I (not to live) so far away.

52. He would have sent us a telegram if he (to know) our address in Glasgow.

6. Fill in the gaps:

1.Henry talks to his dog as if it ____ (understand) him.

2.If they had left the house earlier, they ____ (be; negative) so late getting to the airport that they could not check their baggage.

3. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I _____ (give) it to my sister for her birthday.

4.If I had seen the movie, I_____ (tell) you about it last night.

5.Had Bob not interfered in his sister's marital problems, there _____ (be) peace between them.

6.He would give you the money if he _______ (have) it.

7.I wish they_____(stop) making so much noise so that I could concentrate.

8.She would call you immediately if she _____ (need) help.

9.Had they arrived at the sale early, they ______ (find) a better selection.

10.We hope that you______(enjoy) the party last night.

11.If you have enough time, please ______ (paint) the chair before you leave.

12.We could go for a drive if today____ be Saturday

13.If she wins the prize, it will be because she ______ write very well.

14.Mike wished that the editors _____ (permit) him to copy some of their material.

15.Joel wishes that he ______(spend) his vacation on the Gulf Coast next year.

16. I _______ (accept) if they invite me to the party.

17. If your mother_____(buy) that car for you, will you be happy?

18. If he _______(decide) earlier, he could have left on the afternoon flight.

19.Had we known your address, we _____ (write) you a letter.

20.If the roofer doesn't come soon, the rain _______ (leak) inside.

21.Because Rose did so poorly on the exam, she wishes that she ____ (study) harder last night.

22.My dog always wakes me up if he _______ hear strange noises.

23.If you ______ (see) Mary today, please ask her to call me.

24.If he _______ (get) the raise, it will be because he does a good job.

25.The teacher will not accept our work if we _____ (turn) it in late.

26.Mrs. Wood always talks to her tenth-grade students as though they_____(be) adults.

27.If he had left already, he _______(call) us.

28.If they had known him, they_______(talk) to him.

29.He would understand it if you _____(explain) it to him more slowly.

30.I could understand the French teacher if she______(speak) more slowly.

7. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the most likely form of the verbs in brackets.


8. What ................... (you/buy) if you......................... (win) the lottery?

9. If I... (have) time tomorrow evening, I... (sew) those green buttons on your jacket.

10. If you........ (divide) two thousand five hundred and ninety-six by fifty-four, you........ (get) forty-eight point oh seven.

11. If I...:.................... (be) you, I......................... (tell) him.

12. If you........................ (mix) an alkali with a fat, you.......... (make) soap.

13. I.... (let) you stay up and watch TV tonight provided that you...... (finish) your homework first.

14. If you.................... (mix) yellow and blue, you.................... (get) green

15. Unless you.... (start) being a little more responsible, your father and I... (have) to stop you going out at the weekend.

16. I feel sick. I wish....I... so much cake. (I/not/eat)

17. I'm fed up with this rain. I wish....... raining, (it/stop)

18. It's a difficult question. I wish........................................... the answer. (I/know)

19. I should have listened to you. I wish................................... your advice. (I/take)

20. If you...... a wallet in the street, what...you...with it? (find/ do)


8. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate conditional clause.

1. If I found a gun in the street, / would take it to the police.

2. You wouldn't have been punished......................

3. If you drink all that juice.....................................

4. If you drive so fast...............................................

5. If you should see Mark this evening,..................

6. If you had taken my advice..................................

7. Unless the weather improves...............................

8. My father would have bought me a bicycle........

9. He would have been very angry..........................

10. If you aren't enjoying the film,


9. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Yesterday the famous bank robber, Fingers Smith, robbed an­other bank in the centre of town. As usual, he only stole £10. If he 1) had left (leave) any clues, he 2) (be) in prison now, but he's much too clever. He disconnected the security cameras: if he 3) (not/do) that, the police 4) (have) him on film now. The strange thing is, Fingers doesn't seem to be interested in the money; if he 5) (be), he 6) (can/steal) thousands of pounds by now. The police are determined to catch him, and the Chief is confident that they will. He (think) they weren't going to arrest Fingers eventually,. (leave) the police force long ago.


10. Using the bold type in the sentences, write wishes as in the example:

1. You are leaving for the airport. You can't find your passport.

You say:...... "I wish I could find my passport."......................

2. You live in the suburbs. You prefer the city centre. You say

3. You argued with your mother yesterday. Today she is upset. You say:

4. You didn't clean your bedroom and your mother is angry. You say:

5. You want to go on holiday but you can't afford it. You say:


11. Write sentences as in the example:

1. You want to visit your friend but you've got too much work to do.

I wish I didn't have so much work, to do. If I didn't have so much work to do, I could visit my friend.

2. You went to bed late and didn't wake up in time for work.

3. You want to go to the safari park with Michael, but you're afraid of lions.

4. You would like to write a letter to Fred but you don't have his address.

5. You went skiing and broke your leg.

6. You didn't go to the concert because you didn't know about it.

7. You have to stay in bed because you've got the flu.

8. You are lost in London because you don't have a map.


12. Fill in the correct tense

When Paul 1). got... (get) to work yesterday his boss 2)..... (wait) for him. "I wish you 3)... (try) to get here on time," his boss said. "If you 4)............. (be) late again, I 5)...(dismiss) you." "But I 6)... (be) on time!" Paul exclaimed. "If I 7)...... (leave) the house late, 18) (phone), but in fact I 9)........................................................ (leave) on time." His boss 10) (look) at his watch and then at the clock on the wall. "Oh dear," he said, "I 11)...(forget) to put my watch back to winter time. I do wish someone 12)....... (remind) me!"


13. Rephrase the following sentences using the beginnings given.

You'd better see a doctor. - If.. I were you, I'd eee a doctor.

2. He won't help you if you don't ask him. Unless

3. Take your medicine, otherwise you won't get better. If

4. You won't make any spelling mistakes provided you use a dictionary.If

5. If you park here, you'll be fined £20. Don't

6. You'd better confess your crime. If

7. She went home early because she was exhausted. If

8. You won't understand the story unless you finish the book. If

9. She can't go out if she doesn't promise to be back early. Unless

10. The bee won't sting you as long as you stay still. Provided


Chapter 11

Reported Speech

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную в английском языке необходимо соблюдать следующие правила:

1. меняются по смыслу личные, указательные и притяжательные местоимения: She said: “ I don’t know where my key is” – She said she didn’t know where her key was.


2. применяется правило согласования времен, то есть все времена «сдвигаются» на один план назад:

Present Simple – Past Simple: writes - wrote

Present Continuous – Past Continuous: is writing - was writing

Present Perfect – Past Perfect: has written – had written

Past simple – Past Perfect: wrote - had written

will – would: will write – would write; can – could


3. изменяются обстоятельства времени:

Direct Speech_Indirect Speech_Direct Speech_Indirect Speech__ today_that day_here_there_ _ yesterday_the day before_now_then_ _ tomorrow_the next day_last year_the year before_ _ …ago_…before_next …_the following …_ _ this _that _ ___


4. Утвердительные предложения при переводе в косвенную речь вводятся словами said/told + that + замена времени + местоимение по смыслу + наречие: She said:” I saw this film” – She said that she had seen that film.


5. Специальные вопросы вводятся словом asked + прямой порядок слов: She asked: “When do you go there?” – She asked when I went there.

6. Общие вопросы вводятся словом asked + if + прямой порядок слов: She asked: “Have you seen this film?” – She asked if I had seen that film.


7. глагол, стоящий в повелительном наклонении в прямой речи, переводится в косвенную речь с помощью инфинитива:

She asked: “Open the door” – She asked to open the door.

She said: “ Don’t open the door, please” – She asked not to open the door.

Не путайте глаголы say and tell!

Tell употребляется, если указан адресат сообщения (кому?):

E.g. He told me that he loved Mary.

Say непосредственно передает сообщение (что?):

E.g. She said that they were happy together.

8. Глаголы для перевода прямой речи в косвенную

1 Verb + object + infinitive She asked me to come.

Other verbs with the same pattern are:

advise, beg, encourage, invite, order, persuade, remind, warn

2 Verb (+ that) + clause

She says (that) she doesn't want to speak to you.

Other verbs with the same pattern are: say, claim, admit, explain, promise

3 Verb + object (+ that) + clause

He told us (that) he worked for a big international company.

Other verbs with the same pattern are: remind, warn

4 Verb + gerund

He admitted lying to the teacher.

Other verbs with the same pattern are: admit, deny, recommend, suggest

Note: verbs in groups 2, 3 and 4 can also be used with that + clause.

He admitted that he had lied.

5 Verb + preposition + gerund

She apologised for being so rude.

She discouraged me from taking up smoking.

Other verbs with the same pattern are:

accuse (of), apologise (for), blame (for), congratulate (on),discourage (from), insist (on)

6 Verb + infinitive

We agreed to meet again in September.

Other verbs with the same pattern are: agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, threaten




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