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Grammar corner: verb to be (БЫТЬ, ЯВЛЯТЬСЯ)



У т в е р ж д е н и е

О т р и ц а н и е

В о п р о с


К р а т к и е


о т в е т ы





I ama student

I am not a stu-

Am I  a stu-

Yes, I am.

  dent   dent?     No, I am
You area doctor You are not a Are you a Yes,




  are.   No,

you aren’t.

He isan economist

He is not a doc-

Is he an econ-

Yes, he is.


  No,   he
She isa mother

She is not a pu-

Is she a moth-

Yes, she is.

  pil   er?     No,   she
It isa cat

It is not a dog

Is it a cat?

  Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

We arestudents

We are not di-

Are we stu- Yes,   we




are. No, we



They aredoctors They are not

Are they doc-





tors?     are.   No,

they aren’t.


6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the


verb to be


1) I …a student.


2) Mr Prince … an economist.


3) We … from Russia.


4) You …. brothers.


5) My teachers … very good specialists.


6) Ekaterinburg.. my native city.


7) I … lazy.


8) My birthday … on the first of January.


9) I have a sister and a brother. Their names …. Jina and




10) We …. all friendly in our family.


7. Put the negative form of the verb to be 1) I …….. Marco. I am … from Venice.


2) Liza ….. student, she is … a pupil.


3) We ……… teachers, we are students.


4) My mother …. a doctor, she is a nurse.


5) I …. from Ural state pedagogical university.


6) They ….. from Ekaterinburg, they are from Revda.


7) He ………….. a singer, he is a musician.


8) We ………………………brothers, we are friends.


9) I …….. a full-time student.


10) It ……… funny.


8. Write the questions for these answers.


1) ………………… No, I’m not from Ekaterinburg.


2) …………………… Yes, you are in the photo.


3) ………………………….... No, she isn’t a teacher.


4) …………………………… Yes, he is a student.


5) …………………… Yes. I am from this university.


6) ……………………… Yes, you are in this group.


7) …………………………… No, we are not brothers.


8) …………………………… Yes, you are in my class.


9) …………… No, she is not friendly and hospitable.


10) …………………… Yes, my father is tall and slim.


9. Answer the questions.


1) Do you go to the university?


2) Do you have a job?


3) Are you the only child in the family?


4) Do you have a pet?


5) Do you go in for sport?


6) Do you like reading?


7) Do you live in Ekaterinburg?


8) Do you have a lot of friends?


10. Discuss questions with your groupmates.


1) How old are you?


2) How tall are you?


3) Do you like sport?


4) Do you have your own room?


5) Where are you from?


6) What color are your eyes?


7) What’s your favorite color?


8) What is your favorite season?


9) What is your favorite sport team?


10) What television programs do you like?


11) What is your strong point?


12) How many people are in your family?


13) What kind of car do you like?


14) What is your favorite food?


15) Are you quite or loud?


16) What is your favorite band?


17) What is your weak point?


18) Who is your favorite actor or actress?


19) What is your favorite university subject?


20) What do you like about yourself?


21) How often do you eat at the restaurant?


11. Fill the gaps



12. Read the text and translate




First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Anna. I am seventeen years old. I am a first year student at the Ural Federal Uni-versity. My future profession is economist. There are two more kids in the family besides – my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Maria. Oleg is twenty-one, he attends a University, he will be a den-tist. Maria is only twelve, she is a school-girl. I forgot to mention one more member of our family. It’s our favorite poodle Tim.


My parents are not old at all. My mum is forty, she works for newspaper. My Dad is forty-four, he is an engineer in computers. My parents love their jobs very much.


I do quite well at the university. My parents are proud of my marks. I go in for sports. I play basket-ball. In summer time I like yachting and windsurfing. I take part in different basket-ball compe-titions. I am always very busy, but when I have free time I like to read books. My favorite writer is Ernest Hemingway. I like to go to the museums and art galleries. My favorite painter is Rembrandt. I have a lot of friends. But my best friend is Nick. I like to travel. My parents and I have visited many ancient Russian towns. I am on friendly terms with my parents. I am very happy.


13. Write an essay «About myself»


PHYSICAL CORNER: facts about atoms


1) People were thinking about atoms as early as 370 B. C.! A philosopher named Democritius believed that there must be an unbreakable particle that makes up all things. Not everyone agreed with him.

2) The word «atom» comes from the Greek word atoms, which means «indivisible». This was the name Democritius gave to his theoretical particle.




3) Atoms are also made up of even smaller particles. These are known as sub atomic particles, or protons, neutrons and electrons.

4) As it turns out, atom can also be broken down into smaller pieces. However if you divide an atom of hydrogen, it won’t be hydrogen any more.

5) This means that an atom is the smallest particle of a substance that has the same quantities of that substance.




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