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Unit 2. HOBBIES. Vocabulary




1. Read the text and translate


Hobby is a favorite occupation of a person in his free time.


I have many friends. They are very different and they have different kinds of hobbies. One of my girl-friends, for example, likes to knit very much. Another girl-friend of mine spends all her free time sewing things: skirts, blouses, dresses. She makes it nicely and she always looks fine.



One of my friends likes to make everything with his own hands. He can repair an iron, a radio-set, or a tape recorder. I thinkit’s a very good hobby. Many people are very fond of collecting. They collect something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collec-tions have no real value, other become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries.


Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books, and other art objects. Such private collections are sometimes given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.


As for me, my hobby is collecting stamps. Now I have 5 al-bums full of stamps. I like to sit at the table in the evening and arrange new stamps in the albums or just look through the stamps. Each stamp has a story to tell about distant countries and new people.


I see pictures of people, birds and animals which I have nev-er seen. Kings and presidents pass before my eyes and I can follow the history of whole nations. My hobby is not only wonderful but isalso very useful.


Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby ac-cording to your character and taste, you are lucky because your lifebecomes more interesting. Gardening is one of the oldest man’s hob-bies. It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond of garden-ing and growing flowers, especially roses.


Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.


No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning much from it. Learning new things can be the most exciting hobby.




according to your character с о г л а с н о т в о е м у х а р а к т е р у
to be fond of something у в л е к а т ь с я ч е м т о
differ р а з л и ч а т ь с я
distant countries д а л ь н и е с т р а н ы
exciting в о с х и т и т е л ь н ы й
follow the history п р о с л е д и т ь и с т о р и ю
good deal of money х о р о ш а я д е л о в а я х в а т к а
handicraft р е м е с л о
to have no real value н е и м е т ь р е а л ь н о й ц е н н о с т и
knit в я з а т ь
make everything with his own hands д е л а т ь в с е с о б с т в е н н ы м и р у к а м и
make it nicely д е л а т ь э т о х о р о ш о


pass before my eyes п р о х о д я т п е р е д м о и м и г л а з а м и
repair р е м о н т и р о в а т ь
sew ш и т ь
take pleasure п о л у ч а т ь у д о в о л ь с т в и е
valuable ц е н н ы й


2. True of false.


1) There aren’t a lot of hobbies in the world.


2) A lot of people collect something.


3) The author collects books.


4) Making things includes drawing, painting, making




5) You can’t learn a lot from hobbies.


3. Answer the questions.


1. Do you have a lot of free time?


2. Do you have any hobbies?


3. Do you collect something?


4. What hobbies do you know?


5. Do you like sport activities?


6. Do you prefer to spend your leisure time at home or to go out somewhere?


4. Find information in the text and fill the table








Famous people


Musical hobbies


5. Write the words connected with hobbies



collection exciting to learn


6. Read the dialogue and translate



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