LEISURE. Vocabulary
Leisure. . such a fascinating time that belongs only to youand you are the only master of it. You are free to spend this time the way you like it and to enjoy it. There are various ways of entertain-ing oneself: you can admire your stamp collection, visit a football ora hockey match, read a book, go to a party.. the list and the variety are enormous.
But what to do if you have no hobby whatsoever, your friends are busy, the books of the favorite author have been reread thousand times and are practically learnt by heart?
Sport activities are said to be useful and seem to be in fash-ion But, to tell the truth, they don’t make one happy and enthusiastic. TV? Well, too many advertisements to enjoy any program even the favorite film. The ads just make one sick and tired and many watch TV only in case they have nothing to do. The other extreme – people spend days and nights watching TV each program in succession and they are satisfied with their leisure, but that is not a common case. Books? I suppose one shouldn’t make reading a hobby, your either enjoy reading, taking a book when you are in a mood or then it is not a hobby, it becomes an obligation. Theatre? Unfortunately, it is not a success with the young nowadays, I believe.
What’s left? That is a question. Yes, you are free to choose, but the choice as it turns out is rather limited. Oh, you can go to a disco and spend a couple of hours – or may be evenings? – there, but
the idea is not the best one, if we speak about hobbies. The idea is even rather idiotic, to tell the truth. Night clubs despite their popular-ity are not a brilliant idea either – that is my personal opinion – to spend your free time. First, you cannot get in free and not all parents are eager to sponsor it, at least, not too often, I guess. Second, youcannot spend every night – they are really night clubs – at disco as you have to attend school or university and that is rather difficult after a sleepless night, isn’t it? Missing lessons is not a popular thing either with the parents or with the teacher, I suppose.
Is there a solution to the problem? Why not? Haven’t you guessed yet? It is a computer. In our time a lot of young people like playing computer games. The ideal hobby! Are you going to argue? If you have got a computer, your problem with your leisure time are solved. You will spend hours at the computer not noticing how the time passes. Moreover, you will be sure that you lack time. You canplay computer games, while your parents believe you are working.
Fortunately, parents don’t know much about the «monster», and you can easily persuade them you are trying to solve some so-phisticated problem and they would believe you. They wouldn’t even guess you are just entertaining yourself and you can waste as much
time at the computer as you wish trying to find a solution to agame instead of studying. Who would know?
But well, spending your free time at a computer you would never notice the time pass and you would have no time for anything else. You wouldn’t get enough sleep and would doze off at the les-sons, you would never have time to get well prepared for your clas-ses, as a result you would always – but for some exceptions – get bad marks.. so, you would be definitely cut off from the real world. And to live a virtual life – that is impossible and may be rather dull.
The main problem is that that the young cannot plan their lei-sure. That is not because they are silly, but due to mere ignorance – they simply don’t know how to do it. And if they did, they would find time for everything – at least for everything that interests them. And this shows that there’s little ground to worry and to call the young generation the lost one. They are not lost. They are only young. It is not a fault. It’s just the period when everybody thinks that there is plenty of time ahead that one can waste it hoping to catch up with itlater on. A great mistake! But who thought differently, being young when the whole world seemed to belong only to you and when the time seemed an eternity that would never come to an end. Vocabulary
14. Write an essay about your hobbies and interests
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