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Jesus could not have fulfilled God’s Law

Jesus could not have fulfilled God’s Law

Christian theology loves to claim that there’s no salvation for any man, unless he can perfectly obey God’s Law. Why does Christianity make such a weird claim? So it can convince you of the idea that your only chance of Salvation is to be imputed the merits of Jesus [allegedly] perfect obedience.
What’s the problem with this? Well, the problem is that God’s law consisted of 613 commandments. And the first of those commandments was the following: “Be fruitful and multiply”- Genesis 1: 22 (in other words, get marry and have children! ). But since nowhere does the gospel say Jesus ever got married [or begot any kids], he could have not fulfilled the Law, as Christians so often claim.
Worst than that! He who is perfectly obedient to God’s will (as expressed in the Law), will never have a need of learning obedience; but as for Jesus, the new testament says: “Although he was the Son, he learned obedience from what he suffered”- Hebrews 5: 8, Christian Standard Bible. And it goes without saying that, the reason any man needs to learn obedience, is his former “disobedience” [to God]


The Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Holy scriptures are a call to sincere repentance, and to good deeds

No believer should never consider himself to be morally superior to any other believer; but the fact is that message of both Jewish and Christian Scriptures is a call to repentance, as well as to do works worthy of such repentance (since “the tree is known by it’s fruit”).
As is written in the Jewish Tanakh: “Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes; CEASE TO DO EVIL; LEARN TO DO GOOD; SEEK JUDGMENT; RESTORE UNTO THE OPPRESSED; HEAR THE FATHERLESS in right judgment; protect the widow. Then come, shall the LORD say, and we shall be even; IF YOUR SINS WERE AS SCARLET, THEY SHALL BE MADE AS WHITE AS SNOW; if they were red like crimson, they shall become as wool”- Isaiah 1: 16-18.
And as is also stated in the Christian Holy Scripture: “But I announced first unto those of Damascus and at Jerusalem and throughout all the coasts of Judaea and then to the Gentiles THAT THEY SHOULD REPENT AND TURN TO GOD, DOING WORKS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE”- Acts 26: 20


Hebrew Bible and the afterlife

In the Hebrew Bible, She’ol (Hebrew ש ְ ׁ א ו ֹ ל ) is a place of darkness, to which all the dead go, both the righteous and the unrighteous. But many people claim that the Hebrew scripture makes no mention of the afterlife, and that Sheol is just the silent grave. But we must ask ourselves: If Sheol is only the silent grave, how can the Hebrew scripture say; “Let death seize upon them, and let them go down alive into Sheol... ”- Psalm 55: 15. How can anybody be surprised by death, yet go down alive into Sheol?


What is the meaning of the word " Amen"?

The word " Amen" is often found in the pages of the Torah (i. e., it is used no less than 12 times in Deuteronomy, chapter 27). The fact is that the Hebrew word " AMEN" is simply short hand for a Hebrew phrase meaning, " El Melekh Ne'eman" (" God, the trustworthy King" ).


God's existence isn't a scientific issue; it's rather a moral dilemma

Having invented both Physics and Calculus, Sir Isaac Newton (a devout Christian believer) was the greatest scientist of all times. And the key for Newton's success was his absolute belief in the idea that the universe had been created by a logical and rational being (the God of the Bible).
And, since a logical and rational being had created the universe, Newton considered it safe to assume that the latter could be described by means of mathematics [the language of pure reason and logic]. Not only that but, since the Holy Scripture describes God as the Supreme (or “unchallenged”) king of the universe, Newton [safely] assumed that the laws issued by this Supreme ruler of the universe would be fixed, and immutable [so that the universe's behavior could not only be described, but even predicted! ].
Unfortunately, Newton wrote 16 times more about religion [and theology], than what he did about physics and mathematics. And this means that he spent only 1/16 of his brain power on Physics research.
In fact, Newton discovered that, when it comes to mechanical bodies, any action is always followed by an equal and opposite reaction.
But had Newton spent more time on it, he would have discovered an even deeper reality: that the law of “action and reaction” (or “cause and effect”) didn't only apply to physical reality, but also to " non physical reality": that if a person forgives, he too will be forgiven; that if a person gives, it will also be given unto him; that if he shows mercy, mercy will be shown unto him; that if a person does evil, evil shall be done unto that person- in short, like Americans used to say: “What goes around, comes around”.
And the latter is the reason why the issue of God's existence actually isn't a matter of “science versus religion” (as Newton was living proof that you could be a very religious person, and yet be the greatest of all scientists! ); it's a matter of moral accountability. In other words, no matter what the facts might be, he whose lifestyle makes him feel threatened by moral accountability, will stubbornly refuse to believe that there's such a thing as objective goodness [or objective evil].
And of course he will also refuse to believe that there's such thing as a moral Judge [or any sort of moral Judgment] in the Universe. But, he who honestly pursues the high moral grounds, abides in strength and confidence; as not only doesn't he feels threatened by the possibility of having to reap what he has sowed; but even expects it with hope, as one who happily awaits his future reward.



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