Ход работы. TASK 1 Read and translate the text (25 min, 1 point). TASK 3 Read and translate the dialogs from English into Russian (15 min, 1 point)
Ход работы TASK 1 Read and translate the text (25 min, 1 point) MEALS IN ENGLAND
The usual meals in England are breakfast in the morning, lunch at one o’clock during the break at work and dinner at home at seven or eight o’clock in the evening. Sometimes the meals are breakfast, lunch, traditional five o’clock tea, dinner and late supper. English breakfast is usually substantial and varied. For breakfast English people may have porridge or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, fried mushrooms, marmalade with buttered toast and tea or coffee. For a change they can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or fish with potato chips. Those people who work usually have lunch about one o’clock. For lunch they may have a mutton chop, or fish and chips, or cold meat, or steak with fried potatoes and salad and then a fruit dessert. Working people usually have their lunch at the canteen or in the nearest cafe or a small restaurant. Afternoon tea at home is between five and six o’clock. Five o’clock tea is an old English tradition. Friends often come for a chat while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit. In many English families dinner is the biggest meal of the day and in the evening there is usually a much simpler supper — an omelet or sausages, or sometimes bacon and eggs. For late supper they may have just bread and cheese, a glass of juice or hot chocolate and fruit. TASK 2 Answer the questions (25 min, 1 point). 1. What are the usual meals in England? 2. What is usually the biggest meal of the day in England? 3. What may English people have for breakfast? 4. When do people who work usually have lunch? 5. Where do working people usually have their lunch? 6. Is five o’clock tea an old English tradition? 7. What can be served for five o’clock tea? Задание 2. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Английский завтрак обычно плотный и разнообразный. 2. Люди, которые работают, обычно обедают в столовой или в ближайшем кафе или ресторане. 3. На завтрак у англичан может быть овсяная каша или кукурузные хлопья с молоком, яичница с беконом, чай или кофе. 4. Чай в пять часов — старая английская традиция. 5. Поздний ужин обычно легкий. Это может быть хлеб и сыр, стакан сока или какао и фрукты. TASK 3 Read and translate the dialogs from English into Russian (15 min, 1 point) Breakfast at the restaurant Waiter: Good morning! What would you like for breakfast? Guest: Well, I’ll have some bread and butter or some buttered toast, eggs and bacon and cornflakes with milk. Waiter: What would you like, tea or coffee?
Guest: In the morning I prefer a cup of strong coffee. Waiter: How many lumps of sugar do you take in your coffee? Do you take milk with your coffee? Guest: I usually take two lumps of sugar and have my coffee with milk. Waiter: What else would you like to order? Guest: You see, I didn’t want to take a substantial breakfast but today I’d like to taste your sandwiches with cheese. I see you have sandwiches with cheese on the menu. What kind of cheese is that? Waiter: Any kind you like. We have soft piquant cheeses — Roquefort and Cheddar, mellow cheeses — Swiss and Cheshire, and soft cheeses — Edam, Camembert and Brie. TASK 4. Read and translate the dialogs from English into Russian (25 min, 1 point). Задание 6. 4 Прочтите и переведите диалог, затем сыграйте его по ролям, выбрав блюда па свой вкус. 1st Guest: Let’s call a waiter and make the orders. Waiter: What can I do for you? 1st Guest: Breakfast for two, please. Waiter: What would you like for breakfast? Today we’ve got a big choice of dishes. 1st Guest: Will you bring us something substantial to your taste? Waiter: Here is the menu. Make your choice, please. 1st Guest: I’d rather have pancakes, bacon and eggs and a cup of coffee. Waiter: How would you like your coffee? 1st Guest: Make it white, not very strong and put two lumps of sugar in it, please. Waiter (to the second guest): What would you like for breakfast? 2nd Guest: I’d like fried eggs, meat pâ té and toasts with marmalade. Then bring me a fruit salad and some fruit juice, please. Waiter: What juice would you like? 2nd Guest: Orange juice, please. Waiter: Anything else? 2nd Guest: No, that’s all. Waiter: Just a minute, it won’t take long. (After the breakfast. ) 1st Guest: How much do we pay? Waiter: Here’s your bill, please. 1st Guest (paying for the breakfast): Here you are. Keep the change, please. Waiter: Thank you, sir! Come again, please. TASK 5. Read and remember. (15 min, 1 point) meat pâ té ['paetei] мясной паштет Roquefort ['rokfo: ] сыр Рокфор Cheddar [tfedo] сыр Чедер piquant ['pi: kont] пикантныйmellow ['melou] спелый, зрелый Swiss cheese [swis] швейцарский сыр Edam [T: dæ m] сорт голландского сыра Эдам Cheshire [ tjefo] сорт твердого сыра Camembert [kæ mam'ba] сыр Камамбер soft мягкий Brie [bri: ] сорт французского сыра Бри
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