TASK 3. Describe the duties (30 min, 2 points)
TASK 3. Describe the duties (30 min, 2 points) (15 min, 1 point) 1. waiter 2. maitre d’hotel 3. chef 4. cook 5. kitchen hand 6. barman 7. manager 8. drinks waiter Вывод по практической работе:
I can speak about... ________________________________________________ I learned that... ___________________________________________________ I`d like to learn more about... ________________________________________
Преподаватель: Кикавская Л. П., А. А. Колосова
ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЕЗАНЯТИЕ№ 33 Тема: Отработка коммуникативной речи при обслуживании гостей ресторана Цель: Формирование умений пересказа и перевода текстов профессиональной направленности для достижения порогового уровня владения английским языком, позволяющим общаться в устной и письменной формах; изучение новой лексики для успешной социализации и самореализации межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире. Обучающиеся должны овладеть: OK 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес. ПК 3. 2. Формировать спрос на услуги общественного питания, стимулировать их сбыт. уметь: переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; знать: грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности Информационное обеспечение: рабочая тетрадь для выполнения практических работ, англо-русский словарь Мюллер В. К. Материально-техническое оснащение: компьютер, плазменная панель Ход работы TASK 1 Read and translate the dialog (30 min, 1 point). Тaking reservations by telephone Michael, the headwaiter, answered the telephone at the “Shay Max” restaurant. He greeted the caller, told the name of the restaurant and his name and offered to help the caller. Michael: Hello, “Shay Max” restaurant, Michael speaking. What can I do for you?
The caller wished to make a dinner reservation. Michael got out. the reservation pad. Ms. Brown: I’d like to make a dinner reservation, please. Michael: Certainly, madam. Michael asked her for the date of reservation and wrote down the details as she spoke. Michael: And for what date, please? Ms. Brown: For the nineteenth of October. Michael found out the time of the reservation. Michael: And for what time, please? Ms. Brown: For six thirty in the evening. Michael asked the caller for her name and she spelt it out for him. Michael: May I have your name, madam? Ms. Brown: Yes, it’s Brown, Ms Brown, that’s b-r-o-w-n. Michael asked Ms Brown for the number of people in her party. Michael: For how many, Ms Brown? Ms. Brown: For five. The caller had a special request — a window table. Ms. Brown: I’d like a table in a non-smoking by the window. Michael checked the floor chart. Michael: Just a minute, Ms Brown, I’ll see if we have a table. Michael apologized because the non-smoking section was booked out that night. Michael: I’m very sorry, Ms Brown, but there are no tables left in non-smoking. Michael offered her an alternative and asked for her agreement. Michael: We have a window table in smoking. Would you care for that? Ms. Brown accepted the offer. Ms. Brown: Yes, all right. Michael read back to Ms. Brown all the details he had written on the reservation notepad. Michael: So, that’s a window table for five persons at six thirty in the evening on the nineteenth of October. Michael asked Ms. Brown for a contact number and wrote it down on a notepad. Michael: Could I have a contact number, please. Ms. Brown: Yes, it’s 9754876. Before ending the conversation Michael thanked the caller and said Michael: Thank you for cal ling, we’ll see you on the nineteenth. Good bye, Ms. Brown. Finally Michael copied all the information on the notepad in the restaurant’s reservation record. When taking reservations by telephone he following expressions can also be used: • How can I help you, sir? • For which day? • What time is the reservation for? = At what time? • Could I have your name, please? = Under what name? • For how many people? • I’ll check if we have a table. • Could you give me a contact number, please? • We look forward to seeing you on the nineteenth. d goodbye.
TASK 2. Match questions A with answers B (15 min, 1 point) A 1. What kind of room would you like? 2. How many for? 3. When for? 4. When are you going to come? 5. Your name, please? 6. Where would you like to sit? 7. How long are you going to stay? 8. Would you like to reserve a table? 9. What time? B 1. Tonight 2. At 8 p. m. 3. A single. 4. Closer to the band. 5. Next Monday. 6. For a week. 7. For 8 persons. 8. Mrs Mew. 9. Yes, please, if possible.
TASK 3. Complete the words (15 min, 1 point) Example: ineWretaiw – Wine waiter · ntEcenar · fCeh · saitWres · febreonhad · nesetRavoir · alebT · rAriev · gaMenar TASK 4. Read and translate the waiter questions and find the correct answers (15 min, 1 point)
Waiter: 1. What would you like to drink? 2. Is everything OK? 3. Can I bring you anything else? 4. Are you ready to order? 5. Smoking or nonsmoking? 6. Do you want separate checks? 7. How many are you? 8. Do you want a table near the window? Guest: 1. Six. 2. One check would be fine. 3. No, thank you. 4. Nonsmoking. 5. At the window, please. 6. Everything is all right. 7. Mineral water and juice, please. 8. Just a minute, please.
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