Причастие прошедшего времени
Причастие прошедшего времени образуется от инфинитива глагола без to путем добавления ~ed. to cook готовить - cooked приготовленный to boil кипятить - boiled кипяченый to roast жарить - roasted жареный Окончание -ed произносится [t], если основа глагола оканчивается на глухую согласную: smoked, baked, [d] - если на звонкую согласную или гласную: boiled, fried, [id] - если на звуки [t] и [d]: added, lifted. Примечания: 1. Если основа глагола оканчивается на немое е, то добавляется одна буква d: to smoke - smoked, to serve - served. 2. Буква у меняется на i, если перед ней стоит согласная: to fry-fried» to Написание не меняется, если перед у стоит гласная: to play-played. 3. Конечная согласная удваивается, если корневая гласная читается кратко: to spit (жарить на вертеле) - spitted. Причастия прошедшего времени неправильных глаголов см. в словаре (III форма глагола); их следует заучивать наизусть. Альтернативные вопросы Альтернативный вопрос - это вопрос, предлагающий выбор. Например: Do you speak English or French? -I speak English. Вы говорите по-английски или по-французски? - Я говорю по-английски. Do you like boiled or fried sturgeon? - Fried. Вы любите отварную или жареную осетрину? - Жареную. Первая часть вопроса (до союза or) произносится с повышающейся интонацией, вторая – с понижающейся. Should, would Глаголы should [∫ud], would [wud] в сочетании с глаголом like выражают желание и переводятся хотелось бы, хотел бы. I should (I'd) like to have a cup of strong tea. He would (He'd) like to have coffee. УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 1. Ответьте на вопросы. A. l. What do "you have for breakfast on week-days? Is your breakfast scant or substantial? 2. What do you have for breakfast on your days out? 3. What does Kate recommend her guests for breakfast? 4. What does British breakfast consist of? Is it scant or substantial? 5. Tell us about continental breakfast. 6. Tell us about a good Russian breakfast. B. 1. Tell us about Miss Smith's order. (Dialogue 1) 2. What does the lady’s breakfast consist of? (D. 2) 3. Which breakfast do you prefer? Breakfast in dialogue 2 or in dialogue 3? Why? 4. Tell us about the dietary breakfast. (D. 4) 5. What breakfast do guests order when they are in a hurry? Does the waiter serve them quickly? 6. Tell us about Mrs Smith's breakfast. (D.6) 7. Is Mr Smith's breakfast substantial? What does Mr Smith's breakfast consist of? (D. 6) 8. What kind of breakfast does Mrs A. order? 9. What does it consist of? 10. What kind of juice does she drink? 11. How does she want her coffee? 12. What does Mrs B.'s breakfast consist of? 13. How does she want her tea? 14. What kind of breakfast would you like to have?
Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами (см. приведенные ниже слова). 1. This morning my breakfast is... because I have very little time. 2. Sometimes I eat..., bread and butter and drink a cup of... or.... 3. On my days out my breakfast is.... 4.I prefer... tea. 5. We serve our guests.... 6. Do you like... sandwiches? 7.1 don't care for... tea. I prefer it.... 8.1 don't eat... bread. I like... bread. 9. Peter eats... apples. He doesn't care for... apples. scant, ham and cheese, fried eggs, strong freshly-made, substantial, coffee, cocoa, weak, strong, fresh, stale, sour, sweet, quickly Образуйте причастия прошедшего времени от данных глаголов. to like, to wash, to study, to scramble, to dry, to salt, to want, to help, to cook, to fry, to boil, to taste, to roast, to stew, to tin, to bake, to smoke, to serve Переведите следующие словосочетания. приготовленный завтрак, копченая колбаса, яичница-болтунья, жареное мясо, кипяченое молоко, отварное мясо, сушеная черная смородина, поданная еда, выпечные пироги, копченая осетрина, соленая осетрина Переведите на русский язык. l. What can I do for you? 2. Breakfast for two, please. 3.What would you like for breakfast? 4. Here is the menu. Make your choice, please. 5. Today we've got a big choice of milk products and dishes. 6. Would you like ice-cream or whipped cream? 7. Strawberry jam is delicious. 8. I'd rather have curd pancakes and a meat patty. 9. How much do I pay?-Five roubles. 10.1 don't care for boiled milk. 11. Will you bring us something substantial to your taste? 12. I'm very much in a hurry. 13. I'll serve you in no time. 14. Would you like cranberry jam? - With great pleasure. 15. Can I have an open curd tart for tea? 16. What's the bill? 17. Here you are. Keep the change Что бы вы хотели заказать на завтрак Образец: I'd like to have...
omelette fried eggs boiled eggs bacon and eggs pie, patty, fancy-cake jam, marmalade Подберите соответствующие реплики к следующим утверждениям. 1. I eat much at breakfast. 1. So does Mr Brown, 2. I prefer substantial breakfast. 2. How lucky you are!
3. Granny often cooks milk cereals for 3. So do I. 4. Mr Smith usually has porridge for 4. That's good, Выполните следующие задания. 1. Вы официант. Гость просит вас порекомендовать ему плотный русский завтрак. 2. Гость очень торопится. Обслужите его быстро. 3. Гостья на диете. Порекомендуйте ей диетические продукты и блюда. 4. Вы в Лондоне. Закажите английский завтрак. VI. Dinner (Обед) ТЕКСТ Dinner at a Restaurant In the picture we can see Mike and next to him Nick. There are snacks: tomato and cucumber salads, two salads "Stolichny", herring and jellied tongue; vodka and cranberry beverage. The waiter has got main course dishes on his tray. Yesterday was my day out. My friend Nick and I had dinner at the restaurant. At one o’clock we were at the "Metropol". The waiter showed us in and we took a table by the window. The waiter brought us the menu and recommended some appetizers and dishes. For a snack we had soft caviar, jellied tongue and mixed green salads. The snacks looked very appetizing. Then Nick had chicken rice soup. I ordered beef-tea and a meat patty. For the main course we had fried pike-perch and new potatoes. Our dinner was delicious. For a drink we ordered special lemon beverage and for dessert pears, oranges and ice-cream. The waiter served us very well. We paid the bill, thanked the waiter and left the restaurant-hall. We had a hearty meal. I think the meals at the "Metropol" are very good. Then we went to the bar for coffee and cigarettes. Some guests ordered rich sweets, nuts and cocktails. Словарь to show in провести (в помещение) appetizer [æpitaizə] закуска Syn. hors-d'oeuvre [o:'də:vr] Fr., snack jellied tongue [tΛŋ] заливной язык beef-tea крепкий бульон из говядины for the main course на второе new potatoes молодой картофель
Дополнительный материал Fish Snacks pressed caviar паюсная икра red caviar красная икра salmon [sæmən] семга, лосось Siberian [sai’biəriən] salmon кета white salmon белорыбица humpback [hΛmpbæk] горбуша white sturgeon/beluga белуга aspic [‘æspik] заливное
beverage напиток (любой) for dessert [di'zə:t] на десерт hearty [hα:ti] обильный, здоровый (о пище) cigarette [.siga'ret] сигарета, папироса; Have a cigarette! Закуривайте! nut орех
sturgeon in aspic /sturgeon in jelly/jellied sturgeon заливная осетрина stuffed pike фаршированная щука perch in marinade [,mæri'neid] окунь под маринадом pike-perch судак lampreys ['læmpriz] in mustard ['mΛsted] sauce миноги в горчичном coyce sprats in oil шпроты в масле sardines in oil сардины в масле herring and vegetables селедка с овощами marinaded herring маринованная селедка marinaded eel маринованный угорь cod liver [livə] печень трески oysters [oistəz] устрицы crabs крабы lobsters омары shrimps креветки squids кальмары fish assorted/assorted fish/fish assorty рыбное ассорти
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