Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную форму.
1. I shall be twenty-five next Sunday. 2. We shall have a supper party at the restaurant. 3.1 shall reserve a table beforehand. 4. Waiter Petrov will serve our guests. 5.I shall order special fish and meat snacks and dishes. 6. Our guests will sing and dance. 7. They will have a good time. 8. My supper party will be a success. 9. My guests will be pleased. 10. I'm going to invite my close friends to my birthday. 11. We are going to the restaurant on Saturday. 12. Ann is going to work with us. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму. 1. I shall eat fat food. 2. I shall have much sugar and salt. 3. I shall go to bed late. 4. We shall see off our friends tomorrow. 5. Peter will eat a big supper. 6. My friends will go to Sochi next year. 7.I shall cook a good dinner on Sunday. 8. I am going to see my friend Nick tomorrow. 9. We are going to the cafe next week. 10. They are going to receive guests tonight. 11.I am going to buy a new coat. 12. The Petrovs are going to sell their house. Употребите глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в соответствующем времени. 1.You (to have) meat or fish, sir?-I think I (to have} fish. 2. What you (to have) for supper? -I (to begin) with stuffea pike, then mutton chops. - What side-dish you (to nave)? -I (to take) cauliflower and green peas. - What wine you (to order)? - Get us a good table wine, please. 3. What wine you (to recommend) to your guests? - We (to recommend) labelled white wine for fish dishes and red wine for meat ones. 4. Where you (to be going) tonight? - We (to be going) to the new restaurant tonight. 5. Who (to be going) to make an order for dinner? - Pete (to be). 6. Our friends and we (to be going) to visit a new café on our day out. 7. I (to be going) to do some shopping tomorrow. - What you (to be going) to buy?-I (to be going) to buy yeast ([ji:st] дрожжи), oil, butter, flour, eggs and milk. I (to be going) to make a birthday cake and Lucy (to be going) to make pastry-cakes. Переведите на английский язык. — Где вы собираетесь праздновать свой день рождения' - Я собираюсь отпраздновать день рождения в нашем новом кафе. Я собираюсь пригласить своих близких друзей Я закажу столики и сделаю заказ заранее. — Что вы закажете к ужину? — Я закажу чёрную и красную икру, фаршированного судака, сёмгу, севрюгу горячего копчения, холодную жаренную курицу, заливной язык и фирменное мясное блюдо. — Какие вина и напитки мы будем пить? — Я закажу марочные вина и фирменные напитки. Я думаю, наши гости хорошо проведут время и наш вечер пройдёт успешно.
Что бы вы заказали на ужин? Сделайте свой выбор. Образец: I'd like to have jellied pike-perch and roast-beef.
Snacks stuffed pike jellied pike-perch jellied tongue hard-smoked sausage hot-smoked sturgeon cold-smoked sturgeon crab salad lampreys in mustard sauce salmon perch in marinade sprats in oil salads
Подберите соответствующие реплики к следующим утверждениям
1. I eat much for supper. 2. Nick eats very little. He drinks hard. 3. I am a hearty eater. 4. I have my supper at 7 o'clock. 5. I prefer labelled wines but I drink seldom, holidays.
1. So am I. 2. Do you? That’s very bad for health. 3. So do I. 4. So have I. 5. You don’t say so! But that’s awful. VIII. National Cuisine (Национальная кухня) ТЕКСТ 1 Russian Cuisine Russian cuisine is rich and varied. In Russia there is a large variety of milk products: a sort of dry, granulated cream cheese called "tvorog", thick sour cream called "smetana", and several types of sour milk products of the yoghourt type. Smetana can be used with almost anything: a dollop of it in the soup, a spoonful eaten with meat dish, or strawberries and apples sliced up small and eaten mixed with smetana. It is also used on pancakes. Smetana is an almost universal flavouring sauce, or if you like, it can be drunk by the glassful with or without sugar. Smetana is made from cream. Itcontains 2,5% of protein, 20 - 40% of fats, lactic acid. One hundred grams contain 203 kilo-calory. Kefir is a pleasant, useful beverage made from cow's milk, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. It's a dietary product. Ryazhenka is a sour milk product made from baked milk, very pleasant to taste. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. You can recommend your guests soft, pressed and red caviar. Its vitamin content is especially high. Then, of course, salmon, hot and cold smoked sturgeon, pike-perch in aspic or stuffed, herring, red herring, Baltic salt-sprats; fried, smoked, marinated smelt and the like. As for cold meat dishes our guests can taste ham, lean cold boiled pork with spices (buzhenina), jellied tongue, meat jelly and horse-radish sauce and various salads beginning with salad "Stolychnii" up to Russian salad. For a change you can taste frozen apples. They are delicious. Russian blini with caviar and mushrooms in thick sour cream sauce are popular hot appetizers. How about soups? There are plenty of them. Fresh cabbage meat shchee, shchee "Petrovskie" (cooked from soodak fish and fresh cabbage), Moscow borshch, kidney and cucumber soup (rassolnik), meat and fish sawlyanka, ookha (special fisherman's soup), mushroom soup and soups in season - okroshka and cold beetroot soup are very popular with our guests.
For the hot dish guests can order pike-perch in white wine or fried, sturgeon of all kind - boiled, steamed or on a spit, fried burbot or carp in thick sour-cream sauce or meat dishes to their taste: beef-Stroganoff and mashed potatoes, roast veal, special pot-roast stuffed cabbage-rolls (golubtsy), Siberian pelmeni, suckling with buckwheat "kasha", stewed rabbit and hare and so on. Now a few words about buckwheat "kasha" which may be eaten with meat like potatoes as well as a cereal with butter or milk. It's very popular in our country because it's a very useful product. It's recommended for stout people, for people suffering from diabetes. Buckwheat kasha purifies our organism and makes us stronger. There is a large variety of poultry and game dishes: roast chicken, roast duck and goose stuffed with apples and sauerkraut, roast partridge, hazel-grouse, wood-grouse, wood-cock, black-cock, pheasant and quail. They are juicy and tender dishes. How about dessert? For dessert you can have baked apples, fruit and berry kissels (made from fruit or berry juice and potato flour), compot (made from dried stewed fruit mixed), dessert fruits: aromatic melons from Middle Asia, water-melons from the Volga, juicy grapes, pears, apricots, peaches, tangerines, oranges. And at last Goorievskaya kasha. This dessert dish was made in honour of the victory over Napoleon in the war of 1812. Taste it! These dishes are served at the Russian restaurants "Sadko", "Troyka", "Okolitsa" and at many other fashionable restaurants in our city. Russian cuisine is famous for its Russian pies which were baked in Russia in good old times and remain popular nowadays. They are: kulebiaka (a Russian pie with meat or cabbage filling), rastegay (a pie with special fish filling), open curd tarts (vatrushJa), honey-cakes, twists of bread (krendeli), boubliki (thick ring-shaped rolls), baranki (ring-shaped rolls), sooshki (small ring-shaped crackers), Russian Easter cakes and various fancy-cakes. As for drinks we should recommend fruit and berry beverages: morse, kvas and zbiten (an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices). Welcome to our restaurants! Словарь cuisine [kwi’zi:ŋ] Fr. кухня, кулинарное искусство varied разнообразный granulated раздробленный, превращенный в зерно dollop большая доза, большой кусок flavouring [fleivəriŋ] ароматный, приятный на вкус to contain [kən'tein] содержать content [kontənt] содержание, содержимое (веществ в продукте) protein [prouti:n] белок
lactic acid молочная кислота bacterium [bæk'tiəriəm] (pl. bacteria) бактерия sour milk кисломолочный smelt корюшка and the like и тому подобное frozen apples мочёные яблоки burbot [‘bə:bət] налим special pot-roast фирменное жаркое в
горшочке stuffed cabbage-rolls голубцы suckling (-pig) поросенок buckwheat "kasha" [kα:∫ə] гречневая каша rabbit кролик hare заяц as well as так же, как и to suffer (from) страдать, болеть diabetes [¸daiə'bi:ti:z] диабет to purify [pjuri'fai] очищать partridge куропатка hazel-grouse [heizlgraus] рябчик wood-grouse тетерев-глухарь wood-cock вальдшнеп black-cock глухарь pheasant [feznt] фазан quail перепел baked apples печеные яблоки
Goorievskaya kasha гурьевская каша honour ['onə] честь; in honour в честь nowadays в наши дни filling начинка
ТЕКСТ 2 Ukrainian Cuisine If you happen to come to Ukraine you should taste a real Ukrainian borshch. It is sour-sweet, aromatic, tasty and nourishing. It is served with local fancy-dumplings called pampoushki and ga-loushki. The main thing in cooking borshch is in the following: you should put vegetables in a definite order. And secondly. Borshch will be tastier if beetroot is stewed, carrots and onions - fried. The word "borshch" originates from old-slavonik "brshch" - beetroot which is the main ingredient of this dish. Now borshch is cooked in all regions of our country with local variants. Don't fail to taste chicken cutlets Kiev style and Ukrainian vareniki (cottage cheese or cherry dumplings). A great variety of local buns, cakes and dishes of all kind are recommended to the guests in Ukraine. Словарь nourishing ['nΛri∫iŋ] питательный, сытный local ['loukl] местный dumplings клецки, вареники, пампушки, галушки to originate происходить to fail потерпеть неудачу, не суметь что-л. сделать; don’t fail to taste... не забудьте попробовать..., непременно попробуйте... ingredient [in'gri:diənt] составная часть, ингредиент region край, область variant вариант ТЕКСТ 3 Caucasian Cuisine Caucasian cuisine is rich in various appetizers, soups, hot and cold dishes. A great variety of green vegetables is used in making appetizers. They are: egg-plants, tomatoes, string-beans, cabbage, sauerkraut, cauliflower, beets, potatoes, garlic, brown onions, spinach and also greens, spices, mushrooms, eggs and walnuts. The latter are used in making sauces to dishes of all kind. What appetizers can guests taste? Here are some of them. 1) Egg-plants stuffed with walnuts, garlic, brown.onion, cut small kinza, celery, parsley, dried cinnamon, clove, winy vinegar, cayenne, salt. 2) Baked egg-plants with walnuts and pomegranate. 3) Fried egg-plants and tomato sauce. 4) Salted egg-plants and walnuts. 5) Grilled mushrooms and walnut sauce. 6) Stewed tomatoes and walnuts. 7) String-bean salad. 8) Spinach, garlic and thick sour-cream etc. There are soups to any taste but most popular are spicy soup khartcho, tender chihirtma and thick chanahy. As for meat dishes you can taste meat-boiled, roast, stewed, grilled and on a spit. For example: 1) boiled beef in tomato sauce with greens; 2) roast beef and string-beans with greens; 3)beef fillet stewed in walnut and tomato sauce; 4) pork fillet stewed with quince; 5) boiled mutton in garlic sauce; 6) liver in pomegranate sauce; 7) pilaf. Meat on a spit shashlyk is served everywhere in Georgia. It is suckling, lamb, beef, chicken and even kidneys. The poultry dishes are also very popular in Caucasian cookery: 1) oiled chicken in garlic sauce; 2) roast or boiled chicken in walnut sauce (bazha). The sauce is made from minced walnuts, garlic, cut How about fish and fish dishes? The guests can taste: 1) fried fish in tomato sauce; 2) boiled fish in garlic sauce; 3) satsivy of fish. There are many egg-dishes: 1) cheese-sulguny and eggs;
2) tomatoes and eggs; 3) string-beans and eggs; 4) walnuts, pomegranate and eggs and some others. Let us add a few words about baked items. We all know kha-chapouri - pies with cheese and egg filling. But not everybody knows that khachapouri can be baked with potatoes, kidney-beans or top beets. Then go pies with raisins and walnuts, honey pies and sweet, delicious gozinaky (shelled chopped walnuts boiling with honey). Gozinaky is a traditional New-Year dish. For tea you can have a great variety of jams: apricot, sweet cherries, water-melon, fig, quince and even green tomato jams. Словарь Caucasian [ko:'keiziən] кавказский string-bean фасоль spinach шпинат walnut [wo:lnat] грецкий орех the latter последний (из перечисленных) khartcho харчо chihirtma чихиртма chanahy чанахи quince айва piiaf [pilæfl (pilau, pilaw [pi'lau]) пилав, плов top beets ботва свеклы gozinaky козинаки fig инжир, винная ягода to pour [рo:] лить, поливать chakhohbily чахохбили satsivy сациви khachapouri хачапури kidney-bean тропическая американская фасоль
Дополнительный материал Culinary Characteristics Fresh Cabbage Shchee (for four litres) Beef or pork - one kilo with bone Fresh cabbage - one kilo Brown onions - 150 grams Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces or one spoonful of tomato paste Root celery - one piece Root parsley - one piece Bay leaf - two pieces Some dill and spring onions Salt (to taste) Water - four litres The meat is boiled till it's half ready (for an hour or two). Then you put schredded fresh cabbage. Sliced brown onions, carrots, tomatoes, root celery and parsley are fried for twenty - twenty-five minutes in the frying-pan and put in the saucepan. Bay leaf is put at the end of cooking and should be taken away after shchee is ready. Shchee is served with sour cream, cut small spring onions and dill. Cooking-time - about three hours. Sauerkraut Shchee Sauerkraut is washed and stewed for an hour in the frying-pan. You can use butter or some fat. Meat is boiled in the saucepan. After an hour sauerkraut is simmered with meat. If you like you can put a potato or two ten minutes before putting the sauerkraut. Otherwise the potato(es) will taste badly. Fried vegetables: brown onions, tomatoes or tomato paste, carrots and greens: celery, parsley and bay leaf are put in the saucepan. Everything is simmered for half an hour. Sauerkraut shchee is served with thick sour cream, cut dill and parsley. Cooking-time is about three hours. Sauerkraut shchee is an old Russian dish. Ukrainian Borshch It can be cooked from beef, pork or poultry - chicken, goose, rabbit or hare. Meat or poultry - 1 kg Beetroot -1 piece (medium size) Sweet pepper -1-2 pieces Cabbage - 500 gr Potatoes - 2 pieces Tomatoes - 3 - 4 pieces Brown onions - 1 piece Root parsley-2 pieces Lard-40 gr Lemon acid - at the tip of the knife Bay leaf, some pepper, salt to taste. The meat or poultry is boiled till it's half-ready. Sliced beetroot is stewed in the stew-pan with the fat from the broth till it's half-ready. Shredded carrots, brown onions and root parsley are slightly fried in the frying-pan (separately from the beetroot). Beetroot should be stewed, carrots and onions fried. The broth is set with shredded cabbage and potatoes and simmered for ten - fifteen minutes. Tomatoes are peeled, sliced and fried for ten minutes separately. Stewed beetroot, fried carrots, onions, root parsley, tomatoes^ spices, citric acid, sliced sweet pepper and pounded lard are put in the saucepan and simmered for ten-fifteen minutes. Some housewives put a handful of kidney-beans with meat at the beginning of cooking. In this case you should put only one potato. You can boil it whole and mash at the end of cooking. Ukrainian borshch is served with thick sour cream, greens and dumplings (galushki or pampushki). Okroshka (four - five portions) Kvas - 1 litre New cucumber(s) - 1 of medium size Spring onions - 100 gr Hard-boiled eggs - 2 Boiled beef- 100 gr or boiled sausage/sausages Lean ham - 50 gr Spring onions and cucumber(s) are washed and sliced. So is boiled beef and ham. Hard-boiled eggs are cut large. All this is put in the kvas, salted to taste. It's better to have kvas sour. If it's sweet you can put a slice of lemon or citric acid at the tip of the knife. In home-made cooking a potato (boiled and cut) is added. Before serving okroshka it's recommended to keep it in a cool place or refrigerator for two hours. Okroshka is served with thick sour cream, cut parsley and dill. If it's too thick you should add some more kvas.
Chahohbily of Chicken Chicken - 1 kg Brown onions - 4 bulbs Butter - 2 - 3 spoonfuls Tomatoes - 800 gr Kinza - 3 - 5 twigs Black pepper, salt to taste The salty chicken is cut and roasted in a sauce-pot. Shredded onions, fresh sliced tomatoes, pepper, cut greens - kinza, parsley, dill are stewed with the chicken. You can add a bay leaf and some allspice at the end of cooking. Ghahohbily is garnished with greens. Cooking-time is an hour. Chicken "Tabaka" Chicken "Tabaka" is roasted under press for an hour. Before roasting the chicken is greased with the prepared mass of pounded garlic (2-3 cloves), ground pepper, cut greens and salt. Chicken "Tabaka" is served on a large plate and garnished with chipped potatoes, marinated onions, tomatoes or cucumbers, raw or pickled. Tomato or pomegranate sauce is served separately. Cooking-time is an hour. Satsivy of Poultry Chicken-800 gr (or: turkey; duck; goose) Butter-400 gr The sauce: (Satsivy) flour-25 gr butter - 40 gr kinza - some twigs khmeli-suneli - a pinch ground clove, ground saffron, cinnamon, cayenne, vinegar, salt to taste two egg yolks shelled walnuts-250 gr brown onions - 120 gr The prepared poultry is boiled whole till it's half ready. Then the poultry is greased with butter or fat and roasted in the oven. While roasting you should pour it with satsivy sauce and turn it over to get the poultry rosy from all sides. The satsivy sauce is made from the sliced brown onions slightly fried in the frying-pan, the flour diluted with some clear soup, pounded garlic, some vinegar, khmeli-suneli, clove, cinnamon and chopped greens. The poultry is put in this sauce and simmered for ten minutes. The shelled walnuts are chopped with some cayenne, yolk and saffron. The saffron in diluted in the clear soup (one pinch for 25-30 grams of clear soup). All this is added to the poultry but after that satsivy must not be boiled. The dish is sprinkled with nut oil and served cooled. Словарь
culinary [kΛlnəri] кулинарный piece [pi;s] кусок; штука bay leaf лавровый лист to shred шинковать slice ломоть, ломтик to slice резать ломтиками frying-pan сковорода saucepan кастрюля to simmer кипеть на медленном огне stew-pan низкая кастрюля; сотейник a pinch щепотка peel кожура to peel чистить (апельсин и т.д.) citric [sitrik] acid лимонная кислота to pound толочь handful горсть, пригоршня to cut large резать крупно to cut small резать мелко
refrigerator холодильник bulb головка (лука и т.п.) twig веточка to garnish украшать (только о блюдах) to grease [gri:z] смазывать clove [klouv] головка (чеснока и т.п.) to chip жарить (картофель) стружкой raw [ro:] сырой saffron [sæfrən] шафран yolk [jouk] желток white белок to shell чистить (орехи) от скорлупы to boil whole варить целиком oven [‘Λvən] духовка to turn over переворачивать slightly слегка to dilute развести (бульоном, водой) to chop мелко нарезать to sprinkle сбрызнуть
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