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Olive Snail and Gilbert -Улитка Оливия и Гилберт

Tipperary — Типерери (провинция в Ирландии)

Cage – клетка

At the bottom -в глубине

cornflakes with milk and sugar — кукурузные хлопья (корнфлекс) с молоком и сахаром (обычный завтрак английских ребят)

swallow- глотать

choke. - задохнуться

he ate so fast that he swallowed some down the wrong way — он ел так поспешно, что поперх­нулся

cough -кашлять

got very worried — очень забеспокоилась

she struggled bravely on, determined to help him — она храбро двигалась вперед, полная решимости помочь ему

dusk- сумерки (здесь: к вечеру)

pat- хлопать, похлопывать, гладить

What a relief it was — Какое наступило облегчение

went to tea with each other — ходили друг к другу пить чай

Если тебе понравился этот рассказ, в приложении ты можешь прочесть еще один, о том, как наша знакомая улитка Оливия соревновалась с кузнечиком по имени Сэнди

Have a Snack and don't Quarrel! —

Перекусите и не ссорьтесь!

WORD — Слово

Глагол to have — иметь, обладать (чем-либо).

У английского классика герой мучился вопросом: быть или не быть? Американский писатель Эрнест Хемингуэй (Ernest Hemingway) в одном из своих романов задавал не менее важный вопрос: То have or not to have? — Иметь или не иметь?

Англичане пользуются этим глаголом очень часто. По-русски мы говорим:

У Алисы есть кошка, у стола три ножки, у них машина синего цвета.

По-английски эти предложения прозвучат так:

Alice has a cat; the table has three legs; they have a blue car.


I have a dog. You have a cat. He (she) has a fox.

We have horses. You have cows. They have rabbits.

Вопрос: Have you a dog? — У вас (у тебя) есть собака? Ответ: Yes, I have. — Да, есть.

Еще вопрос: Has he a horse? — У него есть лошадь? Ответ: No, he has not (hasn't). — Нет.

NOTE — Обрати внимание

В современном английском такие вопросы часто конструи­руются с помощью вспомогательного do / does:

Have you a dog? = Do you have a dog?

Has he a sister or a brother? = Does he have a sister or a brother?

They have no friends in Moscow. = They don't have friends in Moscow.

He hasn't a penny. = He doesn't have a penny.

В разговоре англичанин просто-таки сыплет этими have и has. Послушай, сколько их прозвучит в короткой заметке на тему о еде.

Mr. Robinson has breakfast at eight in the morning. — Мистер Робинсон завтракает...

For breakfast he usually has an egg, toast and butter and a cup tea. — Он обычно съедает...

He has lunch at about 12 o'clock. — Обедает...

They have a break for tea at his bank. — У них есть перерыв на...

Then he has supper at home. — Ужинает...

Most English people have a cup of tea now and again between breakfast, lunch and supper. — Большинство англичан выпивают время от времени чашку чая между завтраком, обедом и ужином.

The Robinsons have some guests tonight. — Сегодня у Робин­сонов гости.

Mrs. Robinson invites them to have a snack. — Миссис Робин­сон приглашает гостей перекусить.

"Have some cheese sandwiches," she says. — Угощайтесь, бери­те бутерброды с сыром, — предлагает она. "Have some more tea." — Выпейте еще чаю.

NOTE — Обрати внимание

Очень употребляемое have имеет более разговорную форму! have got.

I have a dog = I have got a dog = I've got a dog. — У меня собака.

She has got a cat = She's got a cat. — У нее кошка.

Чего только не бывает в Английском королевстве! Например, два железнодорожных вокзала в Лондоне, рядом друг с другом расположенные, постоянно спорят и ссорят­ся: у кого чего больше, кто из них лучше? Эту историю сочинил Дональд Биссет.



Proper names (Имена собственные): St. Pancras -Сент-Панкрас (вокзал); King's Cross— Кингс-Кросс (другой вокзал); Euston Station — Юстон (еще один Лондонский вокзал!).

Two London railway stations live next door to each other. One is called St. Pancras and the other King's Cross. They are always quarrelling as to which is the better station.

St. Pancras: I have diesel-engines as well as steam-engines.

King's Cross: So have I!

St. Pancras: And I've got a cafeteria.

King's Cross: So have I!

St. Pancras: Is it open on Sundays?

King's Cross: Yes, open on Sundays!

St. Pancras: Humph!

King's Cross: Well, I've got ten platforms and you've only got seven.

St. Pancras: I'm twice as tall as you are. And your clock is slow.

The clock of King's Cross is furious. It ticks away as fast as id can to catch up. It ticks so fast that soon the clock of St. Pancras is far behind, and it ticks as fast as it can, too. They both get faster and,] faster. And now the trains must go faster, too, so as not to be late.

Quicker and quicker go the clocks and faster and faster go the trains. At last they have no time even to set down their passengers, but start back again as soon as they enter the station.

Next door to (each other) — по соседству (друг с другом)

To call— звать; называть; кричать

To quarrel— ссориться

A diesel-engine— тепловоз

A steam-engine— паровоз

Twice — дважды

Twice as tall as you — в два раза выше тебя

To be furious— быть в негодовании

To tick away — тикать вовсю

to catch up — догнать, нагнать (время)

Even— даже

to set down — высадить (пассажиров)

To start back — отправляться обратно

As soon as — как только

To enter (the station) — прибывать (на вокзал)

The passengers are furious and wave their umbrellas out of the windows.

"Hi, stop!" they cry.

"No!" say the engines. "We cannot stop or we shall be late. Can't you see the time!"

By now the clocks are going so fast that almost as soon as people finish their morning cup of tea, it is evening again.

The sun is very surprised.

"I must be going too slow!" it thinks.

So it hurries up and now it rises and then sets almost at once. I The children all over London get up and go to bed, and then get up again, and they run to school, and before they have time to say twice two is four, it's time to run home again.

Finally the Lord Mayor of London says to the Queen, "Your Majesty, I think we must go and give a medal to Euston Station, and then the other two will be so jealous that they will stop quarreling."

"That's a good idea!" says the Queen.

So she sets out from Buckingham Palace with the Lord Mayor and the Horse Guards, and in front of her walks the Prime Minister ' carrying a gold medal on a red velvet cushion.

When they get to King's Cross, the two stations stop quarrelling and stare at the procession.

"Do you see what I see, St. Pancras?" asks King's Cross.

"I do indeed!" says St. Pancras. "A medal to Euston Station, just] because it's got fifteen platforms. It's not fair. Why, you're a better station than Euston!"

"And so are you, St. Pancras," says King's Cross.

St. Pancras is surprised, but it thinks it will be nice to be friends after all the quarrelling, so it says, "Let's be friends."

"Yes, let's!" says King's Cross.

So they become friends and stop quarrelling, and their clocks stop going too fast and their trains do not hurry any more. Everyone is very pleased.

"You are clever, Lord Mayor!" says the Queen.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" says the Lord Mayor.


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