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Перечень экзаменационных вопросов по дисциплине «Теоретическая грамматика»

1. Grammar in the systematic conception of language.

2. Language and speech from the point of view of the theory of grammar.

3. The hierarchal relations of lingual units.

4. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in grammar.

5. Grammatical form and grammatical meaning.

6. The morphemic structure of English words.

7. The double nature of a word.

8. Categorial structure of the word.

9. Oppositions in grammar.

10. The problem of parts of speech. Notional and functional parts of speech.

11. Noun as a part of speech.

12. Verb as a part of speech.

13. Adjective as a part of speech.

14. Numeral as a part of speech.

15. Adverb as a part of speech.

16. Pronoun as a part of speech.

17. Functional parts of speech.

18. Word groups as grammatical phenomena.

19. The sentence as a basic unit of syntax.

20. The notion of predication.

21. Communicative types of sentences.

22. The structure of a sentence.

23. Composite sentence as a polypredicative construction. Compound sentences.

24. Complex sentences, their structure and meaning.

25. The features of the text as a linguistic unit.

Содержание экзаменационных вопросов

1. Grammar in the systematic conception of language.

The object of grammar. Grammar as a grammatical system of a language and as a theory of grammatical system. Morphology and syntax – two component parts of grammar.

2. Language and speech from the point of view of the theory of grammar.

Language as an inventory of language units, a system of means of expression. Speech as a manifestation of the system of language in the process of intercourse.

3. The hierarchal relations of lingual units.

The problem of basic language units and language levels. The hierarchal structure of language units as a necessary condition for integrating a system of a language.

4. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in grammar.

The essence of syntagmatic relations of lingual units. The character of paradigmatic relations in grammar. The ways of manifestation of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in grammar.

5. Grammatical form and grammatical meaning.

The definition and the distinguishing of a grammatical category. Grammatical category as a system of expression of a generalized meaning by means of contrasting the corresponding grammatical forms. The essence of a grammatical meaning.

6. The morphemic structure of English words.

The definition of the morpheme. The grammatical or structural meaning of morphemes. Traditional positional-functional classification of morphemes. The morphemic structure of the word.

7. The double nature of a word.

The word as the smallest naming unit. The material aspect of the word (word-forms). The ideal aspect of the word (word meanings).

8. Categorial structure of the word.

Grammatical oppositions as the structural-functional basis of the grammatical category. The grammatical meaning and the categorical meaning. Grammatical categories.

9. Oppositions in grammar.

Grammatical category in the light of the grammatical oppositions. The plurality of the grammatical forms as the basis for establishing the grammatical oppositions. The traditional classification of the grammatical oppositions.

10. The problem of parts of speech. Notional and functional parts of speech.

Parts of speech as the grammatical (lexico-grammatical classes of words). Notional and functional parts of speech. Three criteria of distinguishing parts of speech in modern linguistics.

11. Noun as a part of speech.

Nouns as a material-naming group of words. The noun as the principal naming word of the lexicon. Subclasses of nouns. Grammatical categories of nouns.

12. Verb as a part of speech.

Verbs as the words with the meaning of process. Notional verbs and auxiliary verbs. Finite and non-finite forms of the verb. Subclasses of verbs. Grammatical categories of verbs.

13. Adjective as a part of speech.

Adjective the a word with the meaning of quality. Subclasses of adjectives. Word-formation features of adjectives. The category of degrees of comparison.

14. Numeral as a part of speech.

The numeral as the word of numerical meaning. Cardinal numerals and their functions. Ordinal numerals and their functions.

15. Adverb as a part of speech.

Adverb as the word of a secondary-quality meaning. Subclasses of adverbs. Notional and pronominal adverbs.

16. Pronoun as a part of speech.

The pronoun as the word of a demonstrative-substitutive meaning. Subclasses of pronouns.

17. Functional parts of speech.

The criterion of distinguishing functional words. Modal words as the words of subjective-evaluative meaning. Particles as the words of a limiting-distinguishing meaning. Conjunctions as the words expressing emotions. Articles as the determines of nouns. Structural-functional characteristic of minor classes of words.

18. Word groups as grammatical phenomena.

Word-group (phrase) as a syntactic unit of an integral-nominative meaning. Free and bound phrases. Types of syntactic relations between the components of a phrase.

19. The sentence as a basic unit of syntax.

The sentence as a syntactical unit of a nominative-predicative meaning. The problem of defining the sentence. A simple sentence as a mono-predicative structure.

20. The notion of predication.

The difference between the sentence and the word. Situational event as a referential basis of a sentence. The sentence as a result of speech-making process.

21. Communicative types of sentences.

Actual division as the basis of forming communicative types of sentences. The declarative sentence. The interrogative sentence. The exclamatory sentence.

22. The structure of a sentence.

The member-structure of a simple sentence. Principal members of the sentence. Secondary members of the sentence. Immediate constituents of a sentence. The ways of expressing sentence-members. Unexpended simple sentences and expanded simple sentences.

23. Composite sentence as a polypredicative construction. Compound sentences.

Composite sentence as a reflection of two or more elementary situations. Two main types of connection of clauses in a composite sentence. Compound and complex sentences as realization of two types of clause-connection. Types of linking words in coordinate connection.

24. Complex sentences, their structure and meaning.

The notion of a complex sentence. The functions of principle and subordinate clauses as the means of communication. The means of expressing subordination. Types of subordinate clauses.

25. The features of the text as a linguistic unit.

The text as a product of speech act. The problem of defining the text. Syntactic connections of sentences in the text. The notion of coherence. The notion of cohesion. Prospective, retrospective, conjunctive and correlative types of connecting sentences in texts.


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