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Перечень экзаменационных вопросов по дисциплине «Стилистика»

1. Stylistics as an inseparable part of general linguistics. Stylistics and other linguistic disciplines.

2. The problem of language norm and stylistic deviations from it.

3. The notion of the expressive means and stylistic devices of a language.

4. The written variety of language and its stylistic features.

5. The spoken variety of language and its stylistic features.

6. Phono – graphical expressive means and stylistic devices.

7. Lexical expressive means and stylistic devices: super-neutral words (special literary vocabulary) archaisms, bookish words, foreign words.

8. Lexical expressive means and stylistic devices: sub – neutral words (special colloquial vocabulary): colloquial words, jargon words, slang, vulgar words, nonce-words.

9. Syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices based upon absence of logically indispensable elements (ellipsis, unfinished sentences, nominative sentences, asyndeton, zeugma.

10. Syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices based upon the excessive use of speech elements (repetition, anadiplosis, prolepsis, polysindeton).

11. Syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices consisting in an unusual arrangement of linguistic elements (stylistic inversion, parallelism, chiasmus, anaphora, epiphora).

12. Syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices based upon interaction of syntactical forms.

13. Stylistic semasiology: expressive means based upon the transference of meaning: figures of replacement (hyperbole, understatement, litotes, metonymy, synecdoche, periphrasis, metaphor, personification, allusion, antonomasia, irony).

14. Stylistic semasiology: expressive means based upon the transference of meaning: figures of co – occurrence (simile, synonymic repetition, climax, anti-climax).

15. Stylistic semasiology: expressive means based upon the transference of meaning: figures of contrast (antithesis, oxymoron, irony).

16. The role of various expressive means and stylistic devices in functional – stylistic varieties of the text.

17. Stylistic differentiation of the word stock of modern English and stylistic use of various layers of lexicon.

18. Stylistic characteristics of synonymic ways of expression and the rules of their usage in accord with the conditions and purposes of communication.

19. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: belles – letters style; language of emotive prose.

20. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: newspaper – publicistic style.

21. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: scientific prose style and its variants.

22. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: the style of official documents and its variants.

23. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: business communications.

24. The text as an object of linguostylistic analysis.

25. The ways and steps of text analysis (belles – letters style).


Содержание экзаменационных вопросов

1. Stylistics as an inseparable part of general linguistics.

The object and the content of stylistics. Stylistics and other linguistic disciplines.

2. The problem of language norm and stylistic deviations from it.

National literary English Language. Written and oral speech and their norms.

3. The notion of the expressive means and stylistic devices of a language.

The definition of the expressive means of a language. The definition of stylistic devices. Emotional evaluative, expressive and stylistic components of meaning.

4. The written variety of language and its stylistic features.

The explanatory character of a written variety. Syntactical and lexical peculiarities of written variety of language.

5. The spoken variety of language and its stylistic features.

The factor of an interlocutor. The dialogical character of the spoken variety of language. Phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactical peculiarities of the spoken variety.

6. Phono-graphical expressive means and stylistic devices.

Onomatopoeia. Alliteration. Graphon. Rhyme. Rhytm. The features of territorial and social dialects.

7. Lexical expressive means and stylistic devices.

Denotational and connotational meanings. Super-neutral words (special literary vocabulary). Archaisms. Bookish words. Foreign words.

8. Lexical expressive means and stylistic devices.

Deviation from the literary norm. Sub – neutral words (special colloquial vocabulary). Colloquial words, Jargon words. Slang. Vulgar words. Nonce-words.

9. Syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices based upon absence of logically indispensable elements.

Ellipsis. Unfinished sentences. Nominative sentences. Asyndeton. Zeugma.

10. Syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices based upon the excessive use of speech elements.

Repetition. Anadiplosis. Prolepsis. Polysindeton.

11. Syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices consisting in an unusual arrangement of linguistic elements.

Stylistic inversion. Parallelism. Chiasmus. Anaphora. Epiphora.

12. Syntactic expressive means and stylistic devices based upon interaction of syntactical forms.

Types of syntactic connection viewed stylistically. Detachment. Subordination and coordination. Parenthetic words, phrases and sentences.

13. Stylistic semasiology: expressive means based upon the transference of meaning.

Figures of replacement: hyperbole, understatement, litotes, metonymy, synecdoche, periphrasis, metaphor, personification, allusion, antonomasia, irony.

14. Stylistic semasiology: expressive means based upon the transference of meaning.

Figures of co – occurrence: simile, synonymic repetition, climax, anti-climax.

15. Stylistic semasiology: expressive means based upon the transference of meaning.

Figures of contrast (antithesis, oxymoron, irony).

16. The role of various expressive means and stylistic devices in functional – stylistic varieties of the text.

The notion of a functional style. Dominating stylistic factors of the main functional styles: belles-lettres style, publicistic style, newspaper style, the style of official documents.

17. Stylistic differentiation of the word stock of modern English and stylistic use of various layers of lexicon.

Stylistics and word-meaning. The structure of lexical meaning. Neutral, bookish and spoken varieties.

18. Stylistic characteristics of synonymic ways of expression and the rules of their usage in accord with the conditions and purposes of communication.

The problem of stylistic synonymy. Stylistic specificity of language units and synonymic ways of their expression.

19. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization.

Belles – letters style. The language of emotive prose.

20. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: newspaper – publicistic style.

The types of newspaper texts. Structural-semantic peculiarities of newspaper texts.

21. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: scientific prose style and its variants.

General characteristic of a scientific prose style. Common demands to scientific texts. Types of scientific texts and their linguistic peculiarities.

22. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: the style of official documents and its variants.

A general characteristic of the style under consideration. Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of the style of official documents.

23. The system of styles of modern English and its inner organization: business communications.

A general characteristic of the style under consideration. Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of the business communication style.

24. The text as an object of linguostylistic analysis.

The definition of the text. The denotative sphere of a text. The semantic sphere of a text. The genre-stylistic peculiarities of a text.

25. The ways and steps of text analysis (belles – letters style).

The author. The genre of the text. The problem raised. The composition. Characters. Linguostylistic peculiarities.


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