Translate the following sentences into Russian. Analyze the structure of the compound nouns.
Translate the following sentences into Russian. Analyze the structure of the compound nouns. 1. She has made me the village laughing-stock. 2. At lunch she looked at my traveling-dress. 3. The function of beauty is joy-making. 4. Only Mr. Witt’s kindness has made any face-saving possible. 5. Before he went to India he was too young to partake of the delightful pleasures of a man-about-town. 6. “Don’t be an old stay-at-home”. 7. “Introduce me, stick-in-the-mud! ” 8. There’s got to be lots of compromise and give-and-take in the first stages. 9. We have decided to give you a tryout at something better than you are doing. 10. Breda was too preoccupied to observe the letdown in her voice. 11. Nick felt very interested in all the goings-on down there. Exercise 5
Make nouns of the verb + adverb type using the composite verbs in brackets. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. После разминки (< to work out) футболисты начали матч. 2. Я рассчитаюсь с тобой (to get even with smb. ) за этот обман (< to take in). 3. В гриме (< to make up one’s face) он был совершенно неузнаваем. 4. Мы не могли двигаться дальше из-за поломки (< to break down) машины. 5. Зимою строительство приостановилось (< to let up). 6. После возвращения домой из отпуска я увидел, что нужно устроить большую уборку (< to scrub up). 7. Чем была вызвана эта задержка (< to set back). 8. Вся эта неразбериха (< to mix up) – следствие всего лишь одной его ошибки (< to slip up). 9. Тщательная тренировка обеспечила команде легкую победу (< to walk over) на соревнованиях.
Exercise 6
Analyze the following idiomatic nouns. Use them in sentences of your own.
bigwig – «шишка»; важная персона; back-slapper – рубаха-парень; greenborn – новичок, молокосос; grab-all – жадный человек; flat-tire – зануда; frog-eater – француз; ir-merchant – пилот; land-bucket – толстяк; never-was – неудачник; outlaw – бандит, грабитель; page-one – известная личность; pig-tail – китаец; rod-boy – бандит; show-off – позер; sex-pot – привлекательная женщина; water-boy – подлиза; underdog – неудачник.
Exercise 7
Make sentences with the following phrases.
To be a piddling good-for-nothing; to give somebody a what-for; to arrive somewhere toward sun-down, to bid somebody a laughing good-bye; merry-go-rounds at the fair; to be awake before sun-up; Tom What’s-his-name; to pick up forget-me-nots; his numerous in-laws (mother-in-law, father-in-law, etc. ); the case of an at-home.
Exercise 8
Parts of the body appear in some colloquial idiomatic adjectives describing various human states and characteristics, e. g. ‘heavy-hearted’ means ‘sad’. For each adjective on the left below find the word or phrase on the right which has the same meaning. a) stout-hearted generous b) tight-fisted brave, resolute c) open-handed dishonest, liable to steal d) hard-headed conceited, self-important e) big-headed hypocritical f) weak-kneed silent, unwilling to speak g) light-fingered mean, not generous h) tight-lipped insensitive to criticism i) two-faced businesslike, unemotional j) starry-eyed cowardly, nervous k) thick-skinned over-romantic
Exercise 9
Rewrite each of the sentences below, forming a compound adjective from the two words in italics and making any other changes if necessary.
E. g. The journey took ten hours. They make these chocolates by hand. Her hat caught everyone’s eye. The doctor was trained in Germany. The memory was both bitter and sweet. Answers: It was a ten-hour journey. These chocolates are hand-made. She wore an eye-catching hat. He’s a German-trained doctor. It was a bitter-sweet memory. a) That thing looks dangerous. b) Mr. Reed is an accountant who was born in London. c) She always dresses very smartly. d) It was painted red like the colour of bricks. e) She had eyes like a cat. f) It was an occasion which was happy and sad at the same time. g) The tower has a shape like a mushroom. h) He was famous all over the world. i) We had to write a composition of 200 words.
a) The meal tasted awful. b) Only planes with a single engine can land here. c) A building of five storeys suddenly collapsed. d) We walked along a corridor which had a red carpet. e) This machine is operated by hand. f) The new director is an economist educated at Oxford. g) He has very broad shoulders.
h) She’s always very satisfied with herself. i) My sister is very conscious of dress.
a) We’ll have a guide who speaks French. b) The walls were as blue as the sky. c) I looked at the sea, which was rather blue but also rather green. d) The ship sailed with a crew of eight men. e) She had fair hair. f) The new machinery, built in America, will arrive next month. g) I heard a voice that sounded strange. h) These tigers eat men. i) He always has a bad temper.
a) The experiment was done with balloons filled with gas. b) My teenage son is mad about football. c) I’m afraid my wife spends very freely. d) He certainly has good intentions. e) They have very bad manners. f) The firm has its base in New York. g) Those cars are a very high price. h) The noise split our ears! i) I need a car with four doors.
Exercise 10
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