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Exercise 5. a) The verbs should mean “to cover with”:. Silver, steel, copper, nickel, enamel, powder, scaffold, ink, parquet, crust, pepper, soot

Exercise 5


Form verbs from the nouns and translate them into Russian:


a) The verbs should mean “to cover with”:

Silver, steel, copper, nickel, enamel, powder, scaffold, ink, parquet, crust, pepper, soot.

b) The verbs should mean “to give birth to”:

Foal, lamb, cub, kid, calf, kitten, pig.

c) The verbs should mean “to put something in the place or thing expressed by the corresponding nouns”:

A bag, a barrel, a box, a cage, a case, coffer, a coffin, a garage, a pocket


d) The verb should mean “to adorn with”:

Diamond, jewel, garland, pleat, flower.


Exercise 6


Make verbs from the following adjectives and translate them into Russian.


1) Transitive verbs with the meaning “to make”:

Dry, empty, even, lame, obscure, wet, bear, clean, complete, correct, corrupt.

2) Intransitive verbs with the meaning “to become”:

Shallow, shy, stale, clear, crimson, mature, foul.




Exercise 7


Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the polysemy of the nouns formed by means of conversion.

1. (a) I’ll go back to my hotel and have a wash. (b) The tenant’s daughters were beating clean the wash.

2. (a) His cases were trivial, a banal run of cut fingers, colds in the head. (b) It’s impossible to suppose that he has any powers greater than the common run of mankind.

3. (a) Only one of these novels had any success, but even that failed to make the stir that: my first one had made. (b) he felt within him a stir of power.

4. (a) And I, feeling a bit peckish after this emotional scene, sat down and had another go at the sausages and bacon. (b) “Ye’ve more go in ye than ever ye had in the old days, Manson, my boy. ”


Exercise 8


Translate from Russian into English. Mind the definite article.


1. В этой области остается еще много неисследованного.

2. Это самое лучшее из того, что мы сейчас имеем.

3. Средства народной медицины существуют испокон веков.

4. Группа альпинистов совершила буквально невероятное.

5. Наука еще не может объяснить всего загадочного в природе, но мы решительно отвергаем мысль о сверхъестественном.


Exercise 9


Make sentences with the following phrases.

From the first – с самого начала; to do smth. on the quiet – делать что-либо втихомолку; of a sudden – неожиданно; on one’s own – по своему почину; of late – за последнее время; on the sly – тайком.


Exercise 10


Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make your own sentences with the nouns denoting colours and derived from adjectives.


1. Bing leaned, back his eyes resting, back his eyes resting on the gray at Yates’s temples.

2. She had hair the colour of ripe corn and eyes of cornflower blue.

3. Old Charlie, as the town called him had a solid, Victorian house which was painted a dark red and trimmed with white.

4. Yellows don’t suit him.

5. It was a glorious morning, late spring or early summer, as you care to take it, when the dainty sheen of grass and leaf is blushing to a deeper green.

6. I sang out of my companion in the car, “What have we got? ” And he said, “ A red ”. I applied the brake fully: I expected a green.

Exercise 11


Translate the following sentences into English using adjectivized Participles.


1. Было лестно (to flatter) слушать такие приятные слова.

2. Сомс был довольно утомлен (to tire) после прогулки.

3. Его считают подающим большие надежды (to promise) художником.

4. Перспектива была увлекательной (to allure).

5. ее насмешливый (to mock) голос все еще звучит у меня в ушах.

6. В январе стояли трескучие (to bite) морозы.

7. Его вступительная (to open) речь была короткой, но содержательной.

Exercise 12


Translate the following sentences into Russian. Point out the meaning of the compound adverbs, which are homonymous with the compound adjectives in the sentences.


1. Stretching to a near-by chair, I took up an old copy of the Bible and turned the pages.

2. Nature lay in a trance that was broken by no sound but the occasional far-off hammering of a wood-pecker.

3. I wished I had the courage to go by service staircase and so by round-about way to the restaurant.

                                     Unit IV.  BLENDING

Exercise 1


Explain what happens in the following words from the point of view of morphology and semantics.


whye – «рженица» (гибрид ржи и пшеницы);

promcert – «концерт на свежем воздухе»;

snark – «животное, напоминающее змею и акулу»;

bigness – «крупнейшие корпорации» (большой бизнес);

roundwich – «бутерброд, круглый по форме»;

spork – «сервировочный предмет, объединяющий ложки и вилки»;

sprummer – «время года, когда весна переходит в лето»;

priviligentsia – «ирон. интеллигенция, пользующаяся привилегиями»;

scort – «юбка - брюки»;

jazzercise – «шутл. заниматься джазом»;

swacket –свитер с пуговицами или куртка, связанная из шерсти.


What other nouns of the kind do you know?


Exercise 2


Certain English words are formed by combining parts of two words, often the first part of one and the last part of another (e. g. 'smog' is a combination of 'smoke' and 'fog') and sometimes the two first parts (e. g. a 'moped' is a 'motorized, pedal-assisted bicycle'). Explain the meanings of the following 'portmanteau' words and then put each in its correct sentence below.


Swatch       brunch       motel        Oxfam


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