Exercise 2. 2. receive. 3. produce. 4. explain. 5. compare. 6. advise. 7. admire. 8. reside. 9. demonstrate. 10. imitate
Exercise 2
Fill each space in the sentences below with the correct derivative of the word in bold print above it. The words in bold print are: A. verbs; B. nouns; C. adjectives.
E. g. decide a) We must come to a _______________ very soon. b) We beat them ____________. We won 7: 0. c) He can never make up his mind. He’s very __________. Answers: a) decision b) decisively c) indecisive
1. pay a) To buy this car I made a monthly ____________ of £ 280 for two years. b) Please make you cheque ____________ to John Watson. c) The person a cheque is made out to is called the _____________.
2. receive a) She works as a _____________ at a hotel in Scotland. b) Ask for a ____________ when you buy something, in case you need to return it. c) I made several suggestions to improve production, but the management was not very ___________ to my ideas. 3. produce a) _______________ of the new sports car has been halted by a strike. b) China is one of the world’s leading _____________ of rice. c) I’m afraid the talks were totally ___________. We didn’t reach agreement on anything.
4. explain a) An _____________ leaflet is given to all purchasers of the machine. b) His disappearance is very strange, in fact quite _______________. c) I think you owe me an ______________ for your behaviour. 5. compare a) This is __________ better than that. In fact, there is really no __________. b) Scientists have made _____________ tests on the new drugs.
6. advise a) Until the situation has settled down, it is _________ to travel to that country. b) The government set up an __________ body on the use of drugs in sport. c) I doubt the ___________ of drinking alcohol while undergoing that medical treatment.
7. admire a) She was a pleasant, attractive girl, always surrounded by ______________. b) I am full of ______________ for what she has achieved. c) I approve of him wholeheartedly. He is an ___________ man. 8. reside a) Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official _____________ in London. b) There’s no industry or entertainment here. It’s a ___________ district. c) All ______________ of the neighbouring houses were warned of the gas leak.
9. demonstrate a) The _______________ marched through the streets chanting slogans. b) Grandfather rarely showed the affection he felt for his family. He was a very ____________ person. c) What you say is ______________ false. Let me show you the facts.
10. imitate a) The bad is made of _______________ leather. b) Small children are very ___________ in their behaviour. They just copy what they see.
c) His acting style is ____________. No one can copy him.
11. argue a) She had an ___________ with her husband last night. b) He’s a very bad-tempered, ____________ chap. He’s always quarrelling. c) She is _____________ the finest pianist in the world. 12. repeat a) He lost his temper and used disgusting, __________ language. b) In this essay you’ve said thing several times. It’s very _____________. c) I hope there will be no _____________ of this shocking behaviour.
13. fail a) She is very efficient, and ________ polite to the customers. b) He considered himself a ____________. He had succeeded in nothing. c) It was difficult to see much in the ___________ light.
14. describe a) The damage caused by the earthquake cannot be imagined. It was ___________. b) The teacher asked them to write a ___________ passage about their home towns. c) The witness was able to give a full ____________ of the wanted man.
15. defend a) I just want to ask you a few ordinary questions, so why don’t you relax? Why are you so _________________? b) The government’s policy on arms is shocking. It is quite ___________. c) We must do all we can for the ___________ of this nation against possible attack.
16. agree a) What an unpleasant, ____________ old woman she is! b) We finally reached __________ on the matter at midnight. c) I liked the place. I found the people, the weather and the food very ___________
17. possess a) In his will he left all his money and ___________ to his wife. b) She was a very ___________ mother. She gave her son very little freedom. c) The actor playing the main part should be the ___________ of a very good voice, good looks and a very strong physique.
18. compel a) Military service is no longer _______________ in Britain. b) Membership of the Students’ Club is entirely voluntary. There is no __________ whatsoever. c) All staff should attend the meeting. Only the most ___________ reasons for absence will be accepted.
19. create a) Ian Fleming, the ____________ of James Bond, died in 1964. b) Although she is very able technically, she isn’t _________ enough for this kind of work. c) The ____________ of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization took place in 1949.
20. destroy a) The control center is deep underground and completely ____________ except by a direct hit from a nuclear missile. b) War plans include the immediate ____________ of all enemy military bases. c) His criticism of my work was entirely _______________. There was nothing useful or constructive in it at all.
21. manage a) Talks between workers and _____________ have broken down and a strike now seems unavoidable. b) The boy was very violent and his parents found him _____________. c) To improve his qualifications he’s taking a course in ___________ skills.
22. believe a) It was an incredible story, quite ______________. b) She is a person of very strong religious _______________.
c) His explanation was obviously false and the judge made no attempt to hide his ______________.
1. beauty a) She is very ____________. b) She’s training to be a _________________. c) They’re going to ____________ the town with more trees and parks. 2. hero a) He received a medal for his ______________. b) They fought ___________ in the war. c) She was described as a _____________.
3. economy a) We’re spending too much. We must _____________. b) This car uses a lot of petrol. It’s terribly ____________. c) The Chancellor (Minister of Finance) is responsible for ____________ affairs.
4. comfort a) In that tense situation I found the good news very ____________. b) I felt rather ______________, so I put a soft cushion behind me. c) She sat in terrible ____________ on the hard chair for over an hour.
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