Exercise 3. Form adjectives in –ly denoting recurrence. Ежедневный, ежечасный, ежемесячный, ночной, трехмесячный, квартальный, ежегодный
Exercise 3
Form adjectives in –ly denoting recurrence. Model: Двухнедельный - fortnightly.
Ежедневный, ежечасный, ежемесячный, ночной, трехмесячный, квартальный, ежегодный.
Exercise 4
Form adjectives in –ic (-al) from the following nouns. Translate the words into Russian. Alphabet, atmosphere, botany, cholera, geology, hero, history, hyperbole, ideology, melody, metal, ocean, patriot, sympathy, volcano, zoology.
Exercise 5
Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define to what proper names the adjectival suffix –an was added.
1. The outward relations between James and his son were marked by a lack of sentiment peculiarly Forsytean. 2. The thought passed through Bertha that his strength must be quite herculean. 3. The light gleamed upon oaken panelling, upon the silken pile of the Persian rug. 4. Everyone agreed that it was indeed a Lucullan banguet. 5. It was a fine old building in the Elizabethan style. Exercise 6 Form adjectives in –(i)an from the following geographical names. Translate both words into Russian.
a) -an: Europe, America, Corsica, Africa, the Crimea, Chicago, Russia; b) –ian: Athens, Paris, Australia, Canada, Iran, Italy, Austria.
Exercise 7
А. Form adjectives from the given in brackets verbs and fill in the blanks with them. Use th e suffixes: -able, -ible, -ed, -ing, -ive.
1. Mr. Quickwater has a great many__________ qualities. (admire) 2. There was an __________ story in the paper this morning. (amuse) 3. I have extra French lessons with a _____________ schoolmaster. (retire) 4. He made himself ____________ by handing round the coffee cups. (use) 5. Deaths caused by reckless driving are _____________. (avoid) 6. He felt very ___________ towards her and loved her dearly. (protect) 7. The coat was __________ in shades of blue and green. (pattern) 8. She slept on a __________ bed with rough, prickly sheets. (collapse) 9. ___________ paper tissues are more hygienic than handkerchiefs. (dispose) 10. The photos made him look quite ___________. (attract)
B. Form adjectives from the given in brackets nouns and fill in the blanks with them. Use the suffixes: -able, -al, -ary, -ful, -ic, -ish, -ive, -like, -ly, -ous, -y.
1. The time seemed to stretch out in a ___________ manner. (dream) 2. There is the danger of an _________ explosion that could be caused by a gas leak. (accident) 3. She thought how __________ he’d been and was not angry any more. (fool) 4. The newspapers printed a shocking and ____________ story. (shame) 5. The sky was _________ and light rain was falling. (cloud) 6. The hotel was large and _________. (comfort)
7. Judy was very ____________ about my work. (compliment) 8. Most tinned fruits contain __________ amounts of sugar. (excess) 9. She is such a ____________ sweet-tempered child that everyone just naturally loves her. (friend) 10. There were two letters from Michael, warm, __________, and full of information. (humour)
Exercise 8
Translate the following sentences into English making use of –ish-, -like-, -less-, -full- adjectives.
1. Чудаковатый доктор, казалось, никого не замечал. 2. В выражении его лица было что-то детское. 3. «Ну, как тебе Хью понравился? » - «Толстоватый и глуповатый парень, к тому же и жадноватый». 4. У него была легкая, как у индейца, походка. 5. На несколько минут в комнате воцарилась мертвая тишина. 6. Его неподвижное лицо напоминало маску. 7. Несмотря на холодную погоду, он был без пальто и шляпы. 8. Таким образом, Джейн Эйр оказалась без друзей и без крова. 9. Вы прочли книгу Картера «Сыновья без отцов»? 10. Сомс, явившись в суд, занял положенное ему по праву место. 11. Мальчик рос искренним и правдивым.
Adverbial Suffixes Exercise 1
Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define from what stems the following –ly-adverbs were formed. 1. I sat idly at the door of his straw hut. 2. He closed his eyes meditatively. 3. Miss Lottie was frankly glad to see us, and outspokenly disappointed that we would not take a seat. 4. He realize that Yates must be frightfully tired. 5. Again Andrew sat woodenly at his desk, alone, desolate. 6. He stared glassily at the thin face of Madame Poulet. 7. Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantly, like a cat, and he awoke eagerly, glad that the five hours of unconsciousness were gone. 8. Pitty was not overly fond of her.
Exercise 2
Translate the following sentences into Russian. State to what words the suffix –ward(s) was added. State the part of speech the stem-word belongs to.
1. The telephone rang, and so disordered was the nervous system that I shot ceilingwards at the sound. 2. Dobbin walked off moodily westward, greatly perturbed as to the past and the future. 3. « God, what a fine night, and how bright the moon is! » George said, with a puff of his cigar, which went soaring up skyward. 4. They surged onward like a riotous crowd in narrow streets. 5. She jerked Prissy to her feet and sent her kitchenwards with a shove.
Exercise 3
Translate from Russian into English using – ward - adverbs.
1. Голод гнал (speed) меня домой. 2. Несмотря на сильный ветер, туристы продолжали идти вперед (< on).
3. Группа вертолетов прошла в западном направлении. 4. Я взглянул вверх и увидал на дереве белку. 5. Космическая ракета ушла в направлении к солнцу.
Exercise4 Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define the meaning of the suffix in the italicized adverbs.
1. The healthy appetite of nineteen-year-old girl now was increased fourfold by the hard and unremitting labour she had never known before. 2. Likewise her feminine eye took in the clothes he wore, the cheap and unaesthetic cut, the wrinkling of the coat across the shoulders.
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